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  1. 1 point
    Hello everyone, I present to you a modified tip box which has been completely translated to English. Tested on: 2018-04-04c RagexeRE and worked like a charm. In your System folder in Client side, replace your tipbox.lub with my translated tipbox i have attached below: tipbox.lub Then, Patch your client with whatever settings you want and then open the patched client in hexeditor ( I used XV132 for this) IMPORTANT NOTE : Make sure you hex a "patched" client. DO NOT do it on an unpatched client or else NEMO will show errors for random "recommended patches" that you select while patching it. Find the following and replace with hex for english translation : for checkbox: BD C3 C0 DB C7 D2 20 B6 A7 20 BF AD B1 E2 English translation: 53 61 76 65 20 54 69 70 3F 20 20 20 20 20 for close button : B4 DD B1 E2 English translation : 44 6F 6E 65 (korean translation of close has only 4 strings so I had to replace it with "Done" to match the string size -_-) OR go to your NEMO folder/patches/TranslateClient.txt and add this at the end of it then patch your clients: (Thanks to @Asheraf for telling me about this xD) M: Translate Tip box ------------------------------ F: BD C3 C0 DB C7 D2 20 B6 A7 20 BF AD B1 E2 R: 'Save Tip?' F: B4 DD B1 E2 R: 'Done' if you did everything as said, this will be your result : Old tip box: New translated tipbox: -- On a funny Note, I had no clue what the korean translation for the Check box was LOL so I just randomly translated it to "Save tip?" instead cuz it was a logical solution LMAO
  2. 1 point

    Savior Damage Font

    Version 1.0


    SaviorDamageFONT modification I've been trying hard to create content that bring a fresh new look to our old and loved Ragnarok Online. After lot's of failures(like my old font upload '^^) I end up with this design, that was actually based on the game Tree of Savior.( btw a very good game ) It comes with some other little things like a better resolution sprite to the critical hit background, as it was kinda glitchy with the new font. I know it is all experimental and yes, I still love the old pixelated font of RO but feel free to use it in your server, i'm getting used to it and it's giving me a feeling of nostalgia(as seeing something new things on old stuffs) ;D Hope to hear some feedback to improve it as much as I can. cYA link: MEGAlink
  3. 1 point
    =General *cooldown_rate *min_skill_cooldown_limit *no_skill_cooldown +Added these config settings to the skill.conf file. *clif_spdamage +Added seprate function for the ZC_NOTIFY_ACT3 packet. -This packet is mainly used for displaying SP damage and not HP damage. -The ZC_NOTIFY_ACT2 packet is confirmed still used for HP damage. *Fixed a issue where some status's that deal damage and shows it will not show the damage done on the enemy if its a killing blow. *Autocasted skills will no longer trigger a cooldown on renewal era skills. *skill_cooldownfix +Added support for this function. -This function is kinda like skill_delayfix, but for cooldowns. -At the moment its functional enough to allow cooldown time adjustments through -status's but will be updated later to work with equip bonuses. =Skills *LG_BANDING +Fixed a issue where using the skill under certain conditions would crash the server. *WM_METALICSOUND +Fixed a issue where it didn't deal bonus damage on sleeping targets. +Now displays SP damage as blue numbers. *SJ_SUNSTANCE *SJ_LUNARSTANCE *SJ_STARSTANCE *SJ_UNIVERSESTANCE +Switching or disabling stances now removes status's given from skills exclusive -to the previously active stance. *SJ_GRAVITYCONTROL *SJ_BOOKOFDIMENSION *Added full support for these skills. *SJ_NOVAEXPLOSING +Recoded the skill. +Damage is now fully fixed and not reduceable. +Damage is now only blockable with Safety Wall / Millennium Shield / Defense Spehre. +Damage is no longer affected by anger skills on hated targets. +Now gives a penalty after use that blocks skill usage for 2 seconds. *SJ_BOOKOFCREATINGSTAR +Recoded the skill. +Now reduces movement speed and deals damage for as long as the enemy is standing -in the AoE. *SJ_PROMINENCEKICK +Now deals 2 hits. -The first hit is the main damage. The second hit is the 100% fire damage. *SP_SOULDIVISION +Adjusted map check code. *SP_SOULEXPLOSION +Now only usable in PVP type maps. *GN_ILLUSIONDOPING +Fixed a issue where casting the skill didn't require alcohol.
  4. 1 point

    npc_event: player's event queue is full

    1st answer: combine these events in just an NPC since you've got too many OnNPCKilEvent events. Or either: 2nd answer: go to src/map/map.h, line 34 #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 2 Change to any number not to big (you need at least 5 ATM, I'd set it to like 10) and recompile.
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