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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    fix error message, it clearly show what wrong. if you want lost all your changes run git reset --hard origin/master If you want save your changes, follow instruction in error message. probably also look into git manual, how to use it better
  2. 1 point
    Christian [epicRO]

    Restock System

    If you want to make Arrows and Bullets Auto-Equip after they have been restocked: if (.@qu){ .@ru = restkid; ++ if (getiteminfo(.@ru, ITEMINFO_TYPE) == 10) autoequip(.@ru, 1); restock_item(.@ru,.@qu,.@fr); if (.@fr == 1) .@from$ = "Storage"; if (.@fr == 2) .@from$ = "Guild Storage"; sleep2 500; if (countitem(.@ru) == 0) { announce "Trying to restock "+.@qu+"x "+.@ru+" from "+.@from$+". Failed. Amount does not fit.",bc_self,0xFF8F01; } ++ if (getiteminfo(.@ru, ITEMINFO_TYPE) == 10) autoequip(.@ru, 0); restkid = 0; }
  3. 1 point
    Christian [epicRO]

    Restock System

    It will check if the last of selected item was consumed and do ::OnRestock NPC Event to restock the items to the selected amount. Works very well and without any ms of lag. Thanks to @Dastgir Fixed and corrected. Works fine on current branch. How to enable: Move "restock.c" to "src/plugins" and open "Makefile" with editor. add "restock" to line "MYPLUGINS = " Move "atcommand_restock.txt" to "npc/custom" and add "npc/custom/atcommand_restock.txt" to your "scripts_custom. conf" for autostart.Open file "conf/plugins.conf" and add " "restock", " to enable this plugin after you'll restart the map serve Do "make all" on console. To enable all changes. Enjoy @restock and @restock2 If you want to disable @restock on Castles/WoE just configure your atcommand_restock.txt and do a mapcheck on "OnRestock:" like getmapxy(.@playermap$, .@playerx, .@playery, UNITTYPE_PC); if (getmapflag(.@playermap$, "mf_gvg_castle") == 1) { dispbottom "Atcommand disabled on this map."; end; } restock.c atcommand_restock.txt SQL Table: CREATE TABLE `restock` ( `charid` INT(10) NOT NULL, `restockid` INT(6) NOT NULL, `restkq` INT(5) NOT NULL, `restkf` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ) COLLATE='latin1_swedish_ci' ENGINE=MyISAM ;
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