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  1. 1 point

    How to limit random event

    //Add a call function in item // callfunc "Boxx"; function script Boxx { //Item ID //== setarray .@ItemID[0],1108,2104,5011,2301,2404; setarray .@itemRF[0], 10, 10, 10, 7, 10; //check if you still have an item with a refine lower than 10 //== for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@ItemID); set .@i,.@i+1) if((getd("eqi_"+.@ItemID[.@i])-1) < .@itemRF[.@i]) setarray .@equips[getarraysize(.@equips)],.@ItemID[.@i]; //All max refined //== if(!getarraysize(.@equips)){ dispbottom "Bye bye."; end; } set .@idx,rand(getarraysize(.@equips)); set .@slot,getiteminfo(.@equips[.@idx],ITEMINFO_LOC); switch(.@slot) { case 2: set .@slot,EQI_HAND_R; break; case 16: set .@slot,EQI_ARMOR; break; case 32: set .@slot,EQI_HAND_L; break; case 64: set .@slot,EQI_SHOES; break; case 256: set .@slot,EQI_HEAD_TOP; break; } if(getd("eqi_"+.@equips[.@idx])) { if(!countitem(.@equips[.@idx])){ dispbottom "Item not found "+getitemname(.@equips[.@idx])+"!"; end; } if(getequipid(.@slot) != .@equips[.@idx]) equip .@equips[.@idx]; successrefitem .@slot; setd "eqi_"+.@equips[.@idx],getd("eqi_"+.@equips[.@idx])+1; } else { setd "eqi_"+.@equips[.@idx],1; getitem .@equips[.@idx],1; } end; } I haven't tested it, check if it will work as you wanted.
  2. 1 point

    Special effect on all players at map

    when you want to give all effect when someone getitem from npc just use getunits to get all char ID on map do you want and then give all them specialeffect See on Script_command.txt and search function getunits
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