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sketchyphoenix last won the day on April 29 2015

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About sketchyphoenix

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  1. Funny seeing as most of the big content creators on youtube are under some sort of network to prevent things like this. Looks like they won't get off their asses and go to bat for their clients :^) . So, two things can happen: Either they get together and start filing lawsuits or leave YouTube. There's no incentive for YouTube to give content creators any kind of help. They need YouTube for money and hosting exponentially more than YouTube needs them and if they leave then oh well 5 other kids looking to get e-famous will fill their spot. I might come off as cynical but I've been seeing this kind of doom and gloom talked about youtube since as early as '08 and now 8 years later the site is so big that it's just another arm of the media...Really, they're just better off finding another community. If there's anything the internet has taught me over the years is that people don't leave something they're on unless it's down for an excessive amount of time or they just get tired of the bullshit and go somewhere else - Hercules being an example.
  2. All of them but #2 are non-issues. If there was ever any great progress being made, it's being made on a server that doesn't contribute back to the project or being sold.
  3. i wouldn't have made it open source either. basically every server out there is going to make loadsamoney off my work, and no one else can do it. i'd be a gatekeeper as long as i could. he was pretty generous considering the free clients could've been a lot worse than an xray advertisement on login. could've charged a lot more for the paid clients too.
  4. eh, it's a step up from server pops being decided on who paid for the #1 banner at a topsite.
  5. rest in rip eA. i cri everytim ;-;
  6. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  7. there were a lot of changes made from eA -> rA -> hercules. it's safe to say your edits will break quite a bit. a lot of code was removed/changed and your calls to existing functions will at the very least have to conform with the HPM interfaces.
  8. Your server isn't ready unless your cash shop donation system is ready
  9. B-but I need it on npc_data too Maybe blocks in general but I haven't looked that far yet. W-will it happen?
  10. tl;dr git is much more developer/contributor friendly than svn.
  11. You will always have to query the DB for offline characters if you don't have an id->name cache somewhere. edit: Then you'd have to ask yourself why make something like that vs querying the DB?
  12. sketchyphoenix


    Some Times even Herc Devlopers or any other Developers ( rA , brA , 3ceam , eAthena ) can't know how the crash happened and can't do tests since the CoreDump give us general things so this log can help a lot,,, It's not helping anything. Here's why. What you're saying is that wasting processing time and memory (that increases with each player on the server, I might add) to clutter up the entire codebase with potentially large amounts of cache for the off-chance that 1 tiny little entry is going to have anything remotely useful to gather from it. The best part? You can still gather all that player data and not a single bit of it is useful if it turns out somebody just plain wrote buggy code. This is literally how you should not debug a program, ever. Crashes that happen that can't be so easily figured out from crash reports are almost always buggy code. It doesn't matter what skill somebody used, what level they are, what they were doing because all that data is accurate. What's not accurate is how it's being handled. That takes time to localize the problem, studying the flow of execution, identifying the error, correcting it, then testing it.
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