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Posts posted by Ragno

  1. One way I can suggest is to register the players who have enter to the map of the game in an array, then every 60 seconds do a checkidle one by one on all of them and expulse those who has more than 60 seconds on idle mode.


    Another way is using OnNPCKillEvent to bring the same checkidle in every member of the party and expulse those who has more than 60 seconds away. We did something similar in this way in an event some months ago, but we did not expulse them, instead we sit them, trying to prevent the autofollow practice.


    In the same moment when a player is expulsed by the script, the same script can set a variable or a questlog mark to manage the 60 minutes of cool down to prevent him from re-entering.

  2. Here is the script changed. However, please be careful with this, because any member of the guild can claim the rewards, even those who doesn't participated in woe, making this a farmeable and exploitable npc, because this only requires to be part of the guild who owns the castle


    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Guild Prize Giveaway
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= AnnieRuru / Mysterious
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.5
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= rAthena SVN
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Rewards guild masters of castle owners after each
    //= War of Emperium session.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= v1.0 - Intitial Re-release [Mysterious]
    //= v1.1 - Language structures [Mysterious]
    //= v1.2 - Added divisions [Mysterious]
    //= v1.3 - Added proper information [Mysterious]
    //= v1.4 - Optimized! [Euphy]
    //= v1.5 - Little bit of cleaning [Mysterious]
    prontera,149,188,5	script	Castle Rewards	924,{
    	mes "[Castle Rewards]";
    	if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { mes "WoE is currently still in progress."; close; }
    	mes "Please select a castle:";
    	for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1)
    		set .@menu$, .@menu$+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+":";
    	set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1;
    	mes "[Castle Rewards]";
    	if (getcastledata(.Castles$[.@i],1) != getcharid(2)) { mes "You aren't the owner of this castle."; close; }
    	// if (getguildmasterid(getcharid(2)) != getcharid(0)) { mes "Only the guild master can claim the reward."; close; }
    	if (woe_prize_claimed < $woe_prize_check) set castle_claimed,0;
    	if (castle_claimed&(1<<.@i)) { mes "You've already claimed this castle's reward!"; close; }
    	mes "Here's your reward for conquering "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+".";
    	set castle_claimed, castle_claimed | (1<<.@i);
    	set woe_prize_claimed,$woe_prize_check;
    	getitem 14232,100;
    	getitem 14004,100;
    	getitem 25000,100; 
    	getitem 7776,5;
    	getitem 25000,20;
    	getitem 12100,20;
    	getitem 12202,20;
    	getitem 12203,20;
    	getitem 12204,20;
    	getitem 12205,20;
    	getitem 12206,20;
    	getitem 12207,20;
    	getitem 12740,10;
    	getitem 25001,10;
    	set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 100;
    	//set $castle_claimed, 0;
    	set $woe_prize_check,$woe_prize_check+1;
    	setarray .Castles$[0],



  3. Você precisa editar o mapa com ferramentas como BrowEdit. No entanto, também é possível alterar o nome do arquivo usado para izlude.gnd solo editando o arquivo usando um editor de texto, como o Notepad ++.
    No exemplo, eu rebatizado de arquivos:
    "prt_µµ½Ã" -> "izl_µµ½Ã"
    "prt_ÃÊ¿ø" -> "izl_ÃÊ¿ø"
    Espero que seja útil.

    Aproveitando sobre o assunto, você poderia comentar um pouco mais traduções de brAthena?


    Traduzido usando Google Translator.


    I want to share the mineffect resources for Ai4rei's RagEffect plugin that we did in AtlantisRO:


    attachicon.gifmineffect resources for RagEffect Plugin.rar


    Just download Ai4rei's RagEffect plugin to get rageffect.asi file, since I only provide the id2rageffect.txt. The str files are modified versions based in a grf for reduction effects using the ROSTRviewer to make the editions.


    I hope you get usefull this version and thanks to Ai4rei for make so amazing plugin.


    Please feel free to do any suggestion to improve this mineffect version.


    Is this how you add on to/edit the rageffect.asi to add more mineffects?


    Yes, just edit id2rageffect.txt provided by Ai4rei's Amazing RagEffect plugin to add or edit more effects or mineffects. You can use ROSTRviewer to create or edit .str files (skill effects files).


    I think it can even add effects for new skills, but I have not tested it to that point.

  5. Eso sucede por el formato de codificación en que estás guardando el archivo de texto. Por ejemplo, el Bloc de Notas de Windows crea los archivos de texto en formato UTF-8 y el emulador no lee los caracteres especiales bajo ese formato, pero se soluciona guardando en formato ANSI.


    Si usas Notepad++ puedes convertir el archivo fácilmente usando la opción que viene en el menú Codificación > Convertir a ANSI. Intenta hacer el test y veamos si eso resuelve el problema.

  6. That's the official one, but even the official map has not been update to fit the normal Prontera's map because some buildings doesn't match in both versions.


    In example:




    I don't know if there is other buildings in the same status, I just notice this one because that building is used in the server where I come from.


    I just see for the resources and it uses a lot of new objects, it may add a lot of charge to the client, but the new map looks so cool :)


    I tried to test it but client crashes while loading the map. Would it be needed a recently client or maybe i'm using a wrong data?



    >uh i tried to use it,

    but my client always crash

    Maybe it requires a more recent client that's able to handle the new, revamped, style. Are you using 2014 clients?



    No, i'm using 2013-08-07aRagexe client. I read the last comments in the thread from iRO Wiki forums talking about using a new DX9 engine, but unimplemented from latest clients. I don't know about those newer functions, but I really would want to know more about it.

  8. I guess you need to edit src to change how the setlook settings works when equip/unequip headgears. However, the suggestion I can give you is to change the script for every headgear to do a check if setlook has been change by the npc who changes it, so, if it has been changed by that npc, set again the changed setlook after have equiped the headgear.

  9. Since you are sending your .bmp image files named in ANSI character format (showing the korean characters), I can guess you have your files named in that way when it needs to be named in unicode character format to read from data folder (it needs to be in ANSI format to be inside the grf files).


    The files need to be named in this way to be used by the client when it is in data folder:





    You can use Tokeiburu's GRF Editor to convert it in a very easy way. You can also use others applications like Unbollox to make those convertions, but it is easier with GRF Editor.

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