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Posts posted by bWolfie

  1. 18 minutes ago, Hit` said:

    Thank you for pointing that out it got rid of the errors and I can finally interact with the NPC. I have one more question tho, do you know how to change the ratio for the consumables? Cause exchanges are 1:1, and what I wanted for example is, 1 War Badge:20 BG Whites and 2 War Badge:20 WoE Whites. I've attached the script for you to see. Again, thank you for helping me out!

    Edit: The script attached works like a cash shop btw. I got the idea on one of the servers I played and theirs work more like a dynamic shop, which I preferred more.


    The sellitem() command doesn't support selling multiples of one item for the price of 1 currency. You would need to create custom items which would turn into 20 BG Whites.

    Example: BG Whites box contains 20 BG Whites and costs 1 war badge.

  2. It seems the maximum amount of traps one character can place is 25. Once the 26th trap is placed, the first trap (I assume it's contained in an array) is removed.
    I want to change the limit, however, I can't find where it is defined. Can anybody point me in the right direction?


  3. You should use OnEquipScript for that. And don't use multiple <""> only one per thing.

    Like dis.

    OnEquipScript: <"
      if (....)
      else if (....)
    OnUnequipScript: <" changebase(Class); ">

  4. I have been trying to figure it out myself idk yet. I wish devs would take notice of this thread, I think it is a big deal and a deal breaker for players trying to play again. Time after time, I have returning players to my server ask me "what is it with this position lag", referring to the fact they can't be between cells on any action, as well as "direction lag" I would call it, in terms of skills and clicking not properly updating your direction until you travel more than half a cell.

  5. Can't confirm if it works, but try this.

    Open src\map\battle.c and find the following code:
    I think the rest of the numbers are self-explanitory :)

    Let me know how you go.

    		switch (skill_id) {
    			case AS_SONICBLOW:
    				if (sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] &&
    					sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ASSASIN)
    					ATK_ADDRATE(map_flag_gvg(src->m)?25:100); //+25% dmg on woe/+100% dmg on nonwoe
    				if(sd && pc->checkskill(sd,AS_SONICACCEL)>0)
    				if(sc && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] &&
    					sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_CRUSADER)


  6. 32 minutes ago, THPO said:

    you can adjust it on skill_db under db folder

    	NumberOfHits: Number of Hits                (int, defaults to 1) (can be grouped by Levels)
    	                                            Note: when positive, damage is increased by hits,
    	                                            negative values just show number of hits without
    	                                            increasing total damage.


    actually the second hit is caused through source. If you have a fresh Hercules, this shouldn't be an issue. The second hit is hard to see, so you should monitor character HP to check if this is actually the case.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Hirist said:

    Try to create a patch via git :D

    Yea I know how to do that, but it's the same thing meko don't want which is editing source.

    I'm trying to find examples of how to turn the above into a plugin, but kinda struggling. I know how to make atcommands and scriptcommands but not stuff like this.

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