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Posts posted by bWolfie

  1. you should apply .patch files manually, that is edit contents one by one and add so you can review everything.
    because auto-merge does not work if the code it needs to replace is not the same.
    and also the new code may be actualyl old code and outdated

  2. well sure but thats not RO related. you need to go to a linux forum and ask about remote ssh access, shell scripts and stuff. i doubt anyone here can answer your question about it. because what it seems you need is automated script performing SQL funcitons.

  3. Some update @Hit` you should make sure instead of commenting that line, make it:

    if (bl->type != BL_PC && flag&STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS)

    You need to make sure it's only BL_PC it's not registering for, since I've noticed some monsters can slide all over a map if you comment this.

  4. I'm looking at ACMD(mobinfo) and I want to be able to get the actual mob ID.

    I'm using the 'db/mob_avail.txt' file to create more monsters of an ID. My problem is monster->vd.class is showing the sprite ID, instead of the actual ID.

    Example, in mob_avail.txt I have the following entry. When using monster->vd.class, it returns 1109 for both entries (when using @mobinfo Deviruchi)


    I want to get the actual ID as I wish to exclude certain entries from showing in the @mobinfo search.

    Thank you.

  5. Suggestion: you guys should consider using XenForo's business model. I think it would be great for something like this.

    • You pay a one time fee to obtain a license. So long as you hold this license, you can:
      ○ Download the software.
      ○ Download upgrades.
      ○ Use the support boards.
      ○ Download additional resources.
    • In order to retain above privileges, you need to purchase extensions (or in your case, maintain your subscription).

    The software itself would be downloaded in a ZIP/RAR archive. Most of the files can be edited inside it.
    Allowing CSS editing functionality as a part of the CP software itself would be a great addition, so users stay out of the source files. This also gives great maneuverability for appearances, allowing greater customization.

    With this model, the software itself doesn't expire, rather, the license to use it does. Users would be able to continue using the software after its expiration date, but they would be barred from updates/upgrades, support, etc. Tracking each license should also provide a means of tracking who is sharing the software, perhaps allowing you to remotely null an illegal installation.

    The support board itself [I assume you would create one] would be both Community and Staff operated. Regular subscription users can also answer support questions and be involved.

  6. Hello,

    I'm trying to make a plugin which will automatically store an item by type. I'm testing at the moment with IT_ETC but I can't get it to work.

    How to correctly check item type?

    struct item_data* id;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++)
    	id = 0;
    	if (sd->status.inventory[i].amount)
    		id = itemdb_type(sd->status.inventory[i].nameid);
    		if (id && id->type == IT_ETC)
    			storage->add(sd, i, sd->status.inventory[i].amount);


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