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Lamex last won the day on March 25 2016

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About Lamex

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  1. If you mean how interior maps linked to exterior then open any warp files at ur herc folder for example: npc\warps\cities\alberta.txt Observe it and recreate.
  2. Why did you leave road borders at their places when you have sideways? It looks super ugly.
  3. All the pervious posts kinda lame. Here is the real question. Do you get a badass tatoo while in jail?
  4. 2015-05-13a. u mean i will Find Doram in this Client??? Nope.
  5. It's not supported by hercules yet. One which supported is 2015-05-13a.
  6. yep cuz youre using 2015 client.
  7. If you using any of 2015 clients then, as i know, Nemo have some issues with it. So try to use 2014 clients.
  8. Well... it seems wiki post is lil bit outdated (alot). Try this one. http://herc.ws/board/topic/9273-guide-how-to-add-custom-jobs/ And about your question:
  9. http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_jobs
  10. It was "3rd class eAthena mod", if i'm right
  11. For correct patching use this: http://herc.ws/board/files/file/138-grf-editor/ It seems thor patcher tools have some issues. @@canditw
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