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Posts posted by Lamex

  1. hey guys! 



    Noob dev trying to find out how to link Map to inside map. Can someone walk me through this please?


    Also is anyone fluent in editing Maps? Could someone help me out with noob tutorial of map editing?


    If you mean how interior maps linked to exterior then open any warp files at ur herc folder for example: npc\warps\cities\alberta.txt

    Observe it and recreate.

  2. I've looked quite all emulator forum and no I found as I replaced one class to another type so I found a custom class very good but I can not add I've put the file .act and .spr inside folder data Data\sprite\Àΰ£Á·\¸öÅë\¿©  and Data\sprite\Àΰ£Á·\¸öÅë\³² and nothing happens where else should I change? Thank you.


    I need a tutorial on how to add custom class or if there's a guide already available.



  3. I've tried the using the setting in thor patch which says Single File and select my itemInfo.lua and then put it under Other/System.


    So I deleted the existing ItemInfo.lua in my Systems folder and tried patching a new one in it, but it doesn't seem to appear. However, I can see that thor is actually downloading it but doesn't patch it. this is funny because my other patches into .grf is fine. I just can't seem to get this to work


    Any Ideas on this.


    For correct patching use this: http://herc.ws/board/files/file/138-grf-editor/

    It seems thor patcher tools have some issues. @@canditw




  4. Hello gays, i have a problem with the packet data using the version of 10/26/2015 exe, exe version entered in mmo.h and added packages packet.h


    parse_char: Received unknown packet 0xa39 from ip "xxx"! Disconnecting


    It's not supported by hercules yet.

  5. I got a code from Stolao's "Daily login reward 1.59" for this sample.


    //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== 
    //= Daily Prize, OnPCLoginEvent
    //===== By: ================================================== 
    //= Stolao
    //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
    //= 1.59
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rAthena SVN
    //===== Description: ========================================= 
    //= A reward system for players who play more frequently
    //===== Comments: ============================================
    //= Maybe Make .MinWait an array mins,days,weeks,months,years;
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= For Older See Forums
    //= 1.51 Changed set .@g formula and move lower into script
    //= 1.52 Replace all disbottom -> message
    //= 1.53 Changed Format to Include minuets instead of just hours
    //= 1.54 Made Time till next rewards display dynamic
    //= 1.55 Changed a forgotten  .PointType$ -> getd(.@TT[1])
    //= 1.56 changed .@XT -> .@XT$
    //= 1.57 Added Atoi where nessisary
    //= 1.58 Fixed a swapped .@x and .@x+1
    //= 1.59 Serveral Edit Undocumented to fix
    //===== Contact Info: ========================================
    //= [Stolao] 
    //= Email: [email protected]
    -	script	LOGIN	-1,{
    	sleep2 1000 + .Rest * 60000;
    	set .@i, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24 * 60) + (gettime(8) * 24 * 60) + (gettime(3) * 60) +gettime(2);
    	if(.@i >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait)){
    		if(.@i < #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait){	set #DRewardCon, #DRewardCon + 1;
    		} else {	set #DRewardCon, 1;	}
    		set .@g, (#DRewardCon > getarraysize(.Rewards$)) ? (getarraysize(.Rewards$)-1) : #DRewardCon;
    		for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.@XT$); set .@x,.@x + 1){
    			set .@TT[.@x], atoi(.@XT$[.@x]);
    		if(.Mode & 1 && .@TT[4]){	//[Note]: I need to figure out a checkweight for all items tired atm lol, for now ill leave it missing
    			for(set .@x,4; .@x < getarraysize(.@TT); set .@x,.@x + 2){	getitem  .@TT[.@x], .@TT[.@x+1];	message strcharinfo(0),"Recived "+  .@TT[.@x+1] +" "+ getitemname(.@TT[.@x]);	}
    		if(.Mode & 2){
    			if(.@TT[0]){	set zeny,zeny + .@TT[0];	message strcharinfo(0),"Recived "+ .@TT[0] +"z";	}
    			if(.@TT[1]){	setd getd(.Points$[0]),getd(.Points$[0]) + .@TT[1];	message strcharinfo(0),"Recived "+ .@TT[1] +" "+.Points$[1];	}
    		if(.Mode & 4 && (.@TT[3] || .@TT[4])) getexp .@TT[3], .@TT[4];
    		if(.Mode & 8){
    			for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.BuffInfo); set .@x,.@x + 4){
    				if(#DRewardCon % .BuffInfo[.@x + 1] == 0)
    					sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x + 2] * 60000, .BuffInfo[.@x + 3];
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You have collected your daily reward, for "+#DRewardCon+" day"+((#DRewardCon > 1)?"s":"")+" in a row.";
    		//===============Display of pic's with day highlighted.=======================
    		cutin .Pic$[.@g],4;
    		set #LastDailyReward, .@i;
    	} else {
    		set .@days,(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)/60/24;
    		set .@hours,((#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)/60)%24;
    		set .@mins,(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait - .@i)%60;
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You have "+ ((.@days) ? .@days +":Days " : "") +""+ ((.@hours) ? .@hours +":Hours " : "") +""+ ((.@mins) ? .@mins +":Minutes " : "") +"till your next reward";
    	//Basic Settings
    	//   1: Item | 2: Points | 4: Exp  
    	//   8: Gain Buffs Every X Consecutive Days logged in
    	// (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi)
    	set .Mode,1;
    	//To Enable @ Command '@loginreward' unslash next lines
    	// * Needs extra commands for typos
    	bindatcmd("relog"	,"LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd",0,99);
    	//Minimum Minuets Between Collecting Daily Reward
    	//   Day: 22*60 - 24*60
    	//   Week: 10080
    	set .MinWait,1;
    	//Minuets Before Lose Consecutive Daily Reward
    	//   Day: 48*60 - 50*60
    	//   Week: 20160
    	set .MaxWait,3000;
    	//Number of mins after logging before collecting prize
    	set .Rest,0;
    	//Point Type
    	//   [0] Points earned
    	//   [1] Point name in mes
    	setarray .Points$,"#KAFRAPOINTS","K-Points";
    	// Consecutive Days Buff
    	// Each buff contains 4 variables (32 Total Max)
    	// <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 1
    	// <Type>,<Days>,<Duration>,<Rate>, // Buff 2
    	//   ...;
    	//  Example: 188,7,45,3
    	//    -Every 7th consecutive day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins
    	//  Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example
    	//     -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt
    	//  Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28....
    	//  Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins
    	//  Rate is buff strength, in this example player gains 3 Str
    	setarray .BuffInfo	,260,2,360,1	// Life Insurance for 360 Mins Every 2nd Day
    				,198,3,120,10	// +10% Hp for 120 Mins Every 3th Day
    				,196,5,120,25	// +25 Flee for 120 Mins Every 5th Day
    				,257,7,240,50;	// +50% Exp for 240 Mins Every 7th Day
    	// Daily Prize items (max 128 days):
    	//   "<Zeny>|<Points>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<amount-1>|<itemID-2>|<amount-2>...etc", // Day 1
    	//   "<Zeny>|<Points>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<amount-1>|<itemID-2>|<amount-2>...etc"  // Day 2
    	//   ...;
    	// Total length of any days string must be 255 or shorter
    	// * If players login longer than the last set
    	//   day, they will keep getting the last prize.
    	setarray .Rewards$,
    		"100",					// Day 1: 100 Zeny
    		"0|0|0|0|501|5",			// Day 2: 5 Red Potion
    		"0|0|0|0|503|5|506|5";			// Day 3: 5 White Potion + 5 Green Potion	
    	setarray .Pic$,
    	"tutorial01", //pic with day1 highlighted
    	"tutorial02", //pic with day2 highlighted
    	"tutorial03"; //pic with day3 highlighted


    So that's what i added:


    1) Way to setup pictures.

    setarray .Pic$,
    	"tutorial01", //pic with day1 highlighted
    	"tutorial02", //pic with day2 highlighted
    	"tutorial03"; //pic with day3 highlighted

    2) Way to show em up.

    //===============Display of pic's with day highlighted.=======================
    		cutin .Pic$[.@g],4;


    Like i said its kinda easy. 


    P.S. Script skips one day due 1.59 version bug. So you might want to get a 1.5D and change it if you want to use it at ur server and I set 1min timer to get a reward for testing purposes.

  6. It's just a picture. So you need 31 pics + a method to track current state of character you want. For example char1 login 3rd day in row getting variable days = 3 and shows picture with 3rd day highlighted. Thats not hard at all, you probably can get any daily rewards npc and make changes in it.

  7. Fixed code in my post above ^_^


    [Warning]: pc_bonus: unknown type 0 13 !
    [Warning]: pc_bonus: unknown type 0 25 !
    [Warning]: pc_bonus: unknown type 0 27 !
    [Warning]: pc_bonus: unknown type 0 29 !
    [Warning]: pc_bonus: unknown type 0 32 !

    Getting this spam on mastery lvl up.

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