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Posts posted by evilpuncker

  1. this will be really really useful, specially to make players feel more rewarded by an event! thanks annie


    hope it can support offline players soon 😁


    btw wouldn't it make more sense to have this as a function instead of an npc? (just a thought 😜)

  2. yes just edit your misc.conf accordingly:


    // Manner/karma system configuration. Specifies how does negative manner
    // (red no chat bubble) affects players (add as needed):
    //  0: No penalties.
    //  1: Disables chatting (includes whispers, party/guild msgs, etc)
    //  2: Disables skill usage
    //  4: Disables commands usage
    //  8: Disables item usage/picking/dropping
    // 16: Disables room creation (chatrooms and vending shops)
    manner_system: 31


  3. okay I was so happy to "finally" have found a nice client to work with (2020-02-06aRagexe) but then I found out that guild emblems doesn't work... is there a way to make they work by configuring the externalsettings_kr_sak.lub file? or even some php script that we could host?

  4. 51 minutes ago, AnnieRuru said:

    so WHY are you looking at case LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR: ??

    idk, I was just guessing 😁


    but yes I thought it would not matter but I also changed to this:


    			case LOOK_BODY2:
    				if (sd != NULL && (sd->sc.option&OPTION_COSTUME) != OPTION_NOTHING)
    					val = 0;
    				vd->cloth_color = 0;
    				vd->body_style = val;

    but guess what



    what am I doing wrong? 😓

    (what I want in case it wasn't clear: when changing body style -> reset cloth color to zero)

  5. I was messing with palette and noticed that the costume ones have different palettes path and since I'm using the shared palette diff, it doesn't support it. So I remembered that we have the:


    wedding_ignorepalette etc etc settings, but we don't have one for body styles (costumes), I even tried to edit the clif_changelook function but no success (I always try to solve things before creating a topic 😁) , here is what I did:


    				if (val && sd != NULL) {
    					if ((sd->sc.option & OPTION_WEDDING) != 0 && battle_config.wedding_ignorepalette == true)
    						val = 0;
    					if ((sd->sc.option & OPTION_XMAS) != 0 && battle_config.xmas_ignorepalette == true)
    						val = 0;
    					if ((sd->sc.option & OPTION_SUMMER) != 0 && battle_config.summer_ignorepalette == true)
    						val = 0;
    					if ((sd->sc.option & OPTION_HANBOK) != 0 && battle_config.hanbok_ignorepalette == true)
    						val = 0;
    					if ((sd->sc.option & OPTION_OKTOBERFEST) != 0 && battle_config.oktoberfest_ignorepalette == true)
    						val = 0;
    					if ((sd->sc.option & OPTION_SUMMER2) != 0 && battle_config.summer2_ignorepalette == true)
    						val = 0;
    					if (vd->body_style != 0) // this is what I added, but still gravity error
    						val = 0;
    				vd->body_style = 0; // yes I even tried to reset body style to zero when changing colors but it still give palette error
    				vd->cloth_color = val;


    How do I get an error:

    - get any 3rd class

    - change cloth color to anything (I'm using the 500+ something pack that has been around for years)

    - change body style to anything higher than 0 (either by @bodystyle command or stylist npc)

    - palette error and gravity


    How do I get an error (number 2):

    - get any 3rd class

    - change body style to anything higher than 0 (either by @bodystyle command or stylist npc)

    - change cloth color to anything (I'm using the 500+ something pack that has been around for years)

    - palette error and gravity


    (I'm avoiding to use the Ignore missing palette diff because reasons)

  6. 7 minutes ago, Hadeszeus said:

    Having the same issue. I spent most of my day finding the solution :D
    It's either Nemo doesn't support 2020 client or I just don't know how to use it LOL...


    Learning again is fun.


    why do it says client loaded 20180904? there is something wrong there 😁 

  7. 42 minutes ago, AnnieRuru said:

    this isn't a percentage type calculation, but a flag on/off


    I mean this feature that they removed:



    I wanted to know if its possible to edit the code to something like this:


    (pseudo code)

    if ((id = itemdb->search(it->nameid)) != NULL && id->flag.drop_announce (or drop_rate lower/equal than X%)) {
    	clif->item_drop_announce(mvp_sd, it->nameid, md->name);



    and about the other luk issue, its really hard to track since @monsterinfo doesn't display drop rates based on current player values, but flat values (I think)

  8. This one.


    First issue (most likely a question):

    we have this code:

    			if (src) {
    				//Drops affected by luk as a fixed increase [Valaris]
    				if (battle_config.drops_by_luk)
    					drop_rate += status_get_luk(src)*battle_config.drops_by_luk/100;
    				//Drops affected by luk as a % increase [Skotlex]
    				if (battle_config.drops_by_luk2)
    					drop_rate += (int)(0.5+drop_rate*status_get_luk(src)*battle_config.drops_by_luk2/10000.);


    lets say my server max stat is 600, what value should I use so at 600 LUCK, I get +10% drop


    Second issue:

    Since they removed the old battle conf that we could set a drop announce for items with X% drop chance, without any replacement (okay we have the DropAnnounce, but its a pain to add that on every item entry), the question is: what should I change on this code in order to make it announce items with drop chance "equal or lower than X%"?


    			// Official Drop Announce [Jedzkie]
    			if (mvp_sd != NULL) {
    				if ((id = itemdb->search(it->nameid)) != NULL && id->flag.drop_announce) {
    					clif->item_drop_announce(mvp_sd, it->nameid, md->name);


  9. On 3/27/2019 at 12:38 AM, AnnieRuru said:

    the cards can be done by retrieve the card ID from `item_db` SQL table, its not that hard to do


    btw, this is simple stuffs ....
    PS: when testing, I turned on autoloot and using custom identifier script


    sorry for the necropost, but just a small doubt, does the source already check if item is refineable (flag.no_refine) somewhere else or should we add the check too? (asking this because there are items that shouldn't be refineable and I didn't see a check)

  10. 32 minutes ago, AnnieRuru said:

    once expire ... how ? can't redeem again even for other player ?

    isn't this feels stupid ... the code only used once ... if the GM advertise the code, everyone sees the code, but the code only use once .... =/

    this is to make the item more "special", if everybody can have it its not fun or even balanced :P



    32 minutes ago, AnnieRuru said:

    you mean something like
    the first 500 players who redeem this code will get freebies !!

    yes, the 500 is optional, you can chose between used amount or unlimited

  11. 2 hours ago, AnnieRuru said:

    this one ... I don't understand though


    for example:

    type 1: GM generate code "abc123" and every player in the server can redeem it once per account as long as it is not expired (i.e. you make a post in a social media and need to give only one code and everyone can use it once until it expires)

    type 2: GM generate code "abc123" and only the first player that use it will be successful, once he use it the code will expire (i.e. you make a post in a social media and give 5 codes from type 2 and only the 5 person who use it will be able to redeem the item) *okay this need a little trick, I've edited my previous post with the solution*

  12. A few suggestions in case someone is going to make this script in the future:


    - redeem log viewer

    - 2 types of codes: one that can be used multiple times by different accounts, and one that can be used just once only by one account

    - add expiration date to codes, with default date to expire (i.e. 1 month) or undefined (infinite)

    - add announce (yes/no) when player redeem code

    - add delay to use npc (good to prevent multiple code uses and prevent spam/give chance to slower players)

    - better code generation (maybe even saving them on .txt file) being able to chose from random letters and numbers, to anything you want (i.e. mycode2020)

    - rewrite everything to getitembound as @AnnieRuru said

    - something like this:

    -> talk to npc

    -> chose code style (random generated or user input)

    -> chose code amount (amount of uses that it can be used)

    -> chose code type (by account or unique use)

    -> (if unique use: we need to add a "group" to the codes, for example: we generate a group of 5 unique codes, they all belong to a group (something to make them unique), so a player can only use one of the 5 codes from THAT group (we need this to make sure that a player alone doesn't use all the codes at once and others player don't have a chance) and the other 4 codes can still be used by other players)

    -> chose code reward (itemID - amount)

    - no more ideas


  13. On 9/29/2020 at 9:51 AM, AnnieRuru said:

    if(Class==Job_Novice || Class==Job_Novice_High) { mes "[ ^C6A518Linker^000000 ]"; mes "Sorry, not available to novice."; close; }

    	if(Class==Job_Novice || Class==Job_Novice_High) {
    		mes "[ ^C6A518Linker^000000 ]";		
    		mes "Sorry, not available to novice.";

    what what ??

    Rebirth Spirit CAN be use on Novice High

    I just tested a soul linker can use Rebirth Spirit on a Level 40 Rebirth Novice, all stats adds +29


    it should be

    if (Class == Job_Novice || Class == Job_Baby) {

    if (Class == Job_Novice || Class == Job_Baby) {



    sorry, it has been way TOO LONG since I left RO 😁 I forgot about everything

  14. So today I was playing with some mobs/items that had coma effect but noticed that there is no way to handle/use it (bAddEff, bResEff, bAddEffOnSkill etc) like the other effects (Eff_Stun, Eff_Curse, Eff_Silence etc), so I'd like to ask how hard would it be to have it added to source as a plugin? any help is appreciated

  15. Hello everyone, I was thinking about doing the good and old race system (the one with palettes from a lot of years ago) in my server with the brand new clan system, that is perfect (look at this beauty and imagine the possibilities 😍) BUT,  there is a big problem, a player can't be at a clan and a guild at the same time, and I don't really think they will like it since they like to be part of a guild and fight in WoE. if it is possible to "force" players to join a clan (and have all the benefits of the db/clans.conf setting file) while not prohibiting it to be in a guild


    okay, my request is kinda simpler than the above, is it possible to run only the Buff part from the clans.conf by something like sc_start SC_CLAN_INFO, 1 (and it will run the Buff script from clan id 1 on the invoking character?



    I've used @AnnieRuru charms plugin for this before, but wanted to do it as a status to be more appealing visually 🙃

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