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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. where did you downloaded this fluxcp? and about the second error it states that it requires a greater version of mysql to run
  2. 2. in your msgstringtable.txt
  3. abre um ticket no suporte da sua hospedagem pedindo pra atualizarem o OS, ou pesquise na internet como fazer isso de acordo com o painel que seu vps usa
  4. provavelmente a imagem antiga ainda está no cache do navegador, limpe seu cache e tente novamente (ou mude o nome da imagem no arquivo bg.jpg e no código html para um nome diferente, assim não terá como ele mostrar outra)
  5. { Id: 20307 AegisName: "C_Beginner_Cap" Name: "Costume Beginner Cap" Type: 5 Loc: 4096 View: 1348 Script: <" if(BaseLevel<100) { bonus bHit,30-(3*(BaseLevel/10)); bonus bMaxHP,1000-(100*(BaseLevel/10)); bonus bMaxSP,200-(20*(BaseLevel/10)); bonus bVariableCastrate,-10+(BaseLevel/10); bonus bHealPower,150-(10*(BaseLevel/10)); bonus bHealPower2,10*(BaseLevel/10); bonus bAddItemHealRate,10*(BaseLevel/10); } "> }
  6. I found it in my old archives, maybe you can use this http://pastebin.com/VQdTWCLN
  7. Added It (market.c) appeared error on last git version of hercules, please fixed A.S.A.P, thanks.. 1>------ Build started: Project: market, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1> market.c 1>..\src\plugins\market.c(155): error C2039: 'chatID' : is not a member of 'map_session_data' 1> D:\Ro Dev\PandoraRo\Hercules - PandoraRo\src\map/pc.h(157) : see declaration of 'map_session_data' 1>..\src\plugins\market.c(329): error C2039: 'chatID' : is not a member of 'map_session_data' 1> D:\Ro Dev\PandoraRo\Hercules - PandoraRo\src\map/pc.h(157) : see declaration of 'map_session_data' ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 36 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/commit/4b5839d267f8b35f6fec966fc318e4db2cff6a4c , Updated Will update it thanks <3 you are my hero
  8. @@Haru great news! by the way I have a small request for you, mind updating this? actually only the "Using Visual Studio" part thanks, I would do but I don't really know what I'm doing lol
  9. Script: <" setlook LOOK_HAIR,25; ">
  10. first import rAthena-main-upgrade.sql and rAthena-logs-upgrade.sql
  11. execute the following files into your mysql db (phpmyadmin or whatsoever): rAthena-main-upgrade.sql rAthena-logs-upgrade.sql and 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-02-14--16-15.sql' : -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-02-15--18-06.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-05--01-05.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-06--00-00.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-03-09--01-56.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-04-16--01-24.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-09--21-38.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-10--16-36.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-27--16-47.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-30--19-53.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-30--21-12.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-10-31--07-49.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-11-09--00-03.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-11-15--00-06.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-11-15--19-57.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-11-16--07-49.sql' [sql]: -- 'sql-files/upgrades/2013-11-18--08-23.sql'
  12. please use pastebin.com or something like that
  13. @@Dastgir mind fixing it to latest herc version and adding to the rep since lady annie is no longer active?
  14. evilpuncker

    Para DATA

    é dificil responder pois essa data é feita de acordo com o kRO se eu não me engano, minha dica é vc testar por si próprio e obter a resposta
  15. you can use SDE to convert anything to SQL easily http://herc.ws/board/files/file/161-server-database-editor/
  16. talvez nas suas lua files
  17. you can't use them anymore, the emulator dropped them
  18. poderia postar aqui quais as queries sql q o seu sistema vip usa?
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