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Monsieur Panda

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Everything posted by Monsieur Panda

  1. so far, I think RO has a 60 sec delay before updating the db. I won't say it is impossible, but you would need to listen and send packet somehow....
  2. I think you can setup drop rate for each item in the monster db.
  3. Edit: i'll check again later and write a new tutorial
  4. But, what script do you want to use ??
  5. Didn't test but maybe you need to activate day_duration only (not 0)? and let night at 0.
  6. You should provide the answer. It will be good to avoid multiple question about same topic.
  7. So there is no point on having GTB. Better way is to make a new card that nullify magic damage... Not sure tho.
  8. You somehow broke the internet ! - Did you compile your client after your last update ? - Are you sure about your database Login / password ?
  9. Yup, must easier for everything, more safety. And you can't break your server. If you don't know how to do, check my guide at B.6 but don't read after step C. From Step D it follows the old conf system so no need to do it, it won't work.
  10. Why do you want run hercules with root ? You just can't. You don't need.
  11. You need to put log table in the ragnarok database,
  12. ragnarok_log database has been skip for some reason, I'm sure there will be a fix very soon.
  13. Since the last update, I have several problem to connect to the server, which didn't have before. I have different issue. All of this change when I close client and start again. I do not touch server side. - Sometimes I get rejected when login - Sometimes Map server is "not available" - Sometimes the server name change. After login, sometimes Hercules(0) will appear instead of My-server(0) which will result of connexion failure (map not available). But sometimes I am able to connect. Does it have something to do with those warning ? [Warning]: Using a wildcard IP range in the allowed server IPs is NOT RECOMMENDED. [Warning]: Not all IP addresses in /conf/map/map-server.conf configured, auto-detecting... Server side, I have no connexion issue.
  14. To be honest, there is nothing much to show. This is just text and console line. There is no "interface" or something Screenshot would just show command line I already wrote.
  15. /!\ IMPORTANT /!\ STEP I.D.1 to I.D.9 IS OUTDATED SINCE 2016-08-20 ! But don't worry, I'll update as soon as I can.
  16. Because you can't use this client. You need to use 2015-05-03a. Please read my guide. You may also need to forward your port.
  17. To kill all monster you need to add the line atcommand "@killmonster2"; for the item its getitem name_of_item,1;
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