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Everything posted by rokimoki

  1. Drop the info man, this is not CIA.
  2. Lol some one has his contact? We were friends in the scripting community he even dedicated a happy birthday to me: https://youtu.be/0fHKyqzfdy8 I was trying to contact him for years. I hope he is well.
  3. Hi, it's possible to do if you have mvp logs activated. And of course item log for any kind of card. (but I think this is not enabled by default, so you may lost all tracking from time behind). As you can see in this table is stored any MVP killed and tells which mvp was killed and what exp, item was rewarded and which map and who. This is not useful at all because if the guy sells the card, the track is "lost", but you can ask SQL to char, bank, inventory, etc... to see where is a card, but then you leave the track of who got or where it was adquired. What you want is, when a card is dropped get unique ID, and save who got it and where, I think this needs SRC editing and SQL modification in order to make an optimized script. But, this is the help I can give you, maybe if some one read this and wanna help further or tell a better solution is ok. EDIT: For now you can do these to examine your DB. SQL for inventory: SELECT t2.name_english, t3.name FROM inventory t1 INNER JOIN item_db t2 INNER JOIN `char` t3 ON t1.nameid = t2.id AND t1.char_id = t3.char_id WHERE t1.nameid IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card1 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card2 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card3 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card'); SQL for bank: Storage saves only account id SELECT t2.name_english, t1.account_id, t3.userid FROM `storage` t1 INNER JOIN item_db t2 INNER JOIN `login` t3 ON t1.nameid = t2.id AND t1.account_id = t3.account_id WHERE t1.nameid IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card1 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card2 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card3 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card'); And you can keep looking for guild storage, etc.
  4. Hi, I want to know if is possible to set up a server with renewall features (stats, exp, and everything) but just locked to an episode, for example Revo-Classic. I am asking because the new euRO server is gonna be OBT soon, but I just want to make a server for my guild for testing purposes, and it's my first time playing a revo-classic like server. I found this and that, but wow one with rAthena and other with Hercules. Any further recomendation? Thanks!
  5. Where is the Package Claim at Prontera? The package claim is a system which I did not coded, so this version send the item to a character from your account, maybe I have to edit the speeching script... Are you able to make the script? thanks in advanced! Actually no, because it's not my script (the package claim), you will receive the item to the selected char before deleting current character. PD: I edited the text in the github
  6. Where is the Package Claim at Prontera? The package claim is a system which I did not coded, so this version send the item to a character from your account, maybe I have to edit the speeching script...
  7. Script Type: Quest Script Name: Bloody Branch Quest Made for: Elaria Woon Reloaded Made by: Rokimoki Latest version: Bloody Branch Quest Ragnarok version: Any version Note: This script was made for Elaria Woon Reloaded, since they are going to close I will upload two scripts I made for them. Description: This is a quest that gives a Bloody Branch, this can be configured, even the item as the quantity that gives. The special thing in this quest is that the NPC will appear randomly in any previously configured map. When appear the NPC will ask for X items, you give the items and you get the reward, simple, but the NPC will only work for 10 uses every time the NPC spawns. Configuration: Search for: // ============== NPC CONFIGURATION ============== Then you will see the configuration instructions, I think it's pretty clear, the hard part is the npc duplicate, if you set or change new maps in .mapListBB$[0] then you must do the same in npc duplicate. For example: I add my custom map "lolmap-01" in the array, setarray(.mapListBB$[0], "prontera", "payon", "geffen", "lolmap-01" // new map added, last map DON'T HAVE coma ); then I add this line as npc duplicate: lolmap-01,100,100,4 duplicate(Bloody Guy) Bloody Guy::bblolmap-01 4_M_ROKI And that's it. Reward Configuration: Search for: // here starts the reward section Then, you will see the getitem, you can add more getitem, edit the item id and quantity etc... even add cash points... Enjoy. BloodyBranchQuest.txt
  8. Script Type: Quest Script Name: Soul Reborn Made for: Elaria Woon Reloaded Made by: Rokimoki Latest version: SoulReborn.txt Ragnarok version: Pre-Renewall - SQL Server Note: This script was made for Elaria Woon Reloaded, since they are going to close I will upload two scripts I made for them. Description: You must be an advanced class 99/70 to Soul Reborn, this mean your character will be deleted from your account. In order to have a reward you need another character in your account to send the reward to his/her inventory. The reward, at this point, must be an etc item or usable item, because the sql query to insert the reward in the `inventory` table is prepared to be like that, of course you can change it to give anything you want. Enjoy. SoulReborn.txt
  9. Easy to add with a new SQL table, if you want I can help you with that.
  10. You can add NOW() in the sql syntax and will put a datetime with the current server time... As far I know, timestamp is for linux epoch time purpouses, but you can use a datetime and use NOW() when update or insert
  11. nice xD I don't even know how to use it, but thanks (ofc I open it with photoshop)
  12. Sorry, there is a problem We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2D161/2
  13. this looks so cool, I am a disaster in graphic designing xD
  14. I'm good to work with designers, but scripts I still have a lot to learn! I have many ideas, but lack knowledge to apply them! I will follow your advice, and do some tests with cuttins, i have some ideas in my mind! PS: About sql query (t_event_points), I was a long time without working with ragnarok scripts and sql I'm learning that period in college, before that I never needed to work with sql, always had a variable like #points, but when I tried to create a ranking I saw it would be a better option learn how to work with sQL, and you helped me a lot! xP tyvm I understand, back in time I did my ranking with #vars and a sort method I did, but sql is easier and more powerful, and machines (servers) today are very powerful too and cheap.
  15. The easiest way is to make a cutin with 'click in menu to receive' and another with 'received', and of course a menu that says 'receive'. I know that is not what you want but... that's the best I can tell so far. Another best option to make a big cutin with all rewards and remarked with the which one correspond today if you are available to get it, and click in the menu 'receive reward'. PS: If you are good enough to make this script why wouldn't you make the simple sql query to know the "top 10" of t_event_points? xd EDIT: *cutin("<filename>", <position>) This command will display a picture, usually an NPC illustration, also called cutin, for the currently attached client. The position parameter determines the placement of the illustration and takes following values: 0 - bottom left corner 1 - bottom middle 2 - bottom right corner 3 - middle of screen in a movable window with an empty title bar 4 - middle of screen without the window header, but still movable The picture is read from data\texture\유저인터페이스\illust, from both the GRF archive and data folder, and is required to be a bitmap. The file extension .bmp can be omitted. Magenta color (#ff00ff) is considered transparent. There is no limit placed on the size of the illustrations by the client, although loading of large pictures (about 700x700 and larger) causes the client to freeze shortly (lag). Typically the size is about 320x480. New illustrations can be added by just putting the new file into the location above. The client is able to display only one cutin at the same time and each new one will cause the old one to disappear. To delete the currently displayed illustration without displaying a new one, an empty file name and position 255 must be used. // Displays the Comodo Kafra illustration in lower right corner. cutin("kafra_07", 2); // Typical way to end a script, which displayed an illustration during a // dialog with a player. mes("See you."); close2(); cutin("", 255); end;
  16. I don't think it's possible, you need src edit and make a commands that return the % that hercules has allocated in memory (should be there if not in any file), or maybe calculated when receiving hits or something... But need src edit.
  17. You can create not permanent monster (once is killed it will not spawn again) by script code, but you specify at least an array of maps, and an array of ids (if more than 1 mob you want to spawn). This is very easy to do but they are not permanent. In the other hand you can spawn permanent monsters but it must be like they have in hercules monster spawn db, you can see this original script from hercules git for an example. I don't know if there is a value that will tell to spawn all maps, and I don't think so. edit: you have a map index file, you can do a simple java program to parse it and append the ",<x>,<y>,<xs>,<ys>%TAB%monster%TAB%<monster name>%TAB%<mob id>,<amount>,<delay1>,<delay2>,<event>{,<mob size>,<mob ai>}" string (configured in the way you want). And then remove the maps you don't want. (or before appending)
  18. You have scripting tags like OnNPCKillEvent, or custom tags with npcnames OnWhatever, and you can trigger to those events.
  19. Do you mean like having an event mob in all map excluding towns in a single line of code?
  20. do you use a test server? as far I know, your sql DB the `id` field is not the table `id`, is the `character_id` from the player, anyway, should be a `primary_key` to avoid duplicates, but as far I see in the script, you have `ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE`, so this is better if you use `primary_key`, if you don't have one this gives error so, if that worked before change anything, I think you already had a `primary_key` defined (which was not represented in the sql schematic, that's why Shatotech told you to do that). I recommend you to do the `id` auto_increment primary key, and have a `char_id`, `event_points` and `total_event_points`, don't duplicate data as `name` that you can get by a sql query, but you can have a `name` column too. Of course this require other script modification so I don't recommend if you don't want to change. Anyway, I saw here that you had the primary key already. So, ignore everything before (your scripts are perfect, but read the post). Change my sql and replace by: SELECT `name`, `t_event_points` FROM `event_rank` ORDER BY `t_event_points` DESC LIMIT 10; PS: You should use a test server first.
  21. That's right. // ------------------------------------------------ // Event points ranking [SQL Version] v1.0 // ------------------------------------------------ // Developed by Rokimoki for ZelosAvalon.ç // URL: http://herc.ws/board/topic/13501-event-ranking/ // ------------------------------------------------ prontera,165,168,3 script EventPoint Rank#EventPoint::EventPointR 2_BULLETIN_BOARD,{ mes "[^FF0000Event Points Rank^000000]"; cleararray .@players$[0], "", 10; // defining 10 positions cleararray .@event_point[0], 0, 10; query_sql("SELECT `name`, `t_event_points` FROM `event_rank` DESC LIMIT 10;", .@players$, .@event_point); for (.@i = 0; .@i < 10; .@i++) { if (strcmp(.@players$[.@i], "") == 0) break; // if some is empty, stop printing mes (.@i + 1) + ".- ^0000FF" + .@players$[.@i] + "^000000 - ^FF0000" + .@event_point[.@i] + "^000000 Pts."; } close; } // End Script
  22. It's possible, I will help you as soon as possible, but anyway, I recommend you to puy just top10 and in your website show the whole rank. - Message: You had a total of X points, you can use Y points. - Menu: [show rank] [Exit] - Show rank [TOP 10]
  23. So 'alias' total_event_points... anyway this must be in request forum. As far I understand you, you want just a NPC that list the TOP10 (or whatever) users who has the higher t_event_points value, right?
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