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Everything posted by rokimoki

  1. Yeah, people should get use to read documentation, but anyway, you have 2 kind of delays... <map name>,<x>,<y>,<xs>,<ys>%TAB%monster%TAB%<monster name>%TAB%<mob id>,<amount>,<delay1>,<delay2>,<event>{,<mob size>,<mob ai>} {,<mob size>,<mob ai>} = optional, can be omitted... So, red and green are a delay range, will take a random range between those values. You can see in ratemyserver this Tao Gunka spawn description: + 1x / 300~310 min
  2. Do you want a NPC to search in that table the TOP 10 and show them sorted desc? And what is the difference between even_points and t_even_points?
  3. rokimoki

    WoE MvP's

    It is possible, but I need your woe files to modify then, also what do you mean with most hitpoints healed? I don't know if that is possible to know only via scripting.
  4. is that json (txt version of herc) to sql insert query? or... ?
  5. Try 1, america, anyway you can type tildes or 18 +-----+------------------------+-------------------+ | int | enum SERVICETYPE | "servicetype" tag | +-----+------------------------+-------------------+ | 0 | SERVICETYPE_KOREA | korea | | 1 | SERVICETYPE_AMERICA | america | | 2 | SERVICETYPE_JAPAN | japan | | 3 | SERVICETYPE_CHINA | china | | 4 | SERVICETYPE_TAIWAN | taiwan | | 5 | SERVICETYPE_THAI | thai | | 6 | SERVICETYPE_INDONESIA | indonesia | | 7 | SERVICETYPE_PHILIPPINE | philippine | | 8 | SERVICETYPE_MALAYSIA | malaysia | | 9 | SERVICETYPE_SINGAPORE | singapore | | 10 | SERVICETYPE_GERMANY | germany | | 11 | SERVICETYPE_INDIA | india | | 12 | SERVICETYPE_BRAZIL | brazil | | 13 | SERVICETYPE_AUSTRALIA | australia | | 14 | SERVICETYPE_RUSSIA | russia | | 15 | SERVICETYPE_VIETNAM | vietnam | | 17 | SERVICETYPE_CHILE | chile | | 18 | SERVICETYPE_FRANCE | france | | 19 | SERVICETYPE_UAE | uae | +-----+------------------------+-------------------+
  6. you have to change the langtype in clientinfo.xml +-----+------------------------+-------------------+ | int | enum SERVICETYPE | "servicetype" tag | +-----+------------------------+-------------------+ | 0 | SERVICETYPE_KOREA | korea | | 1 | SERVICETYPE_AMERICA | america | | 2 | SERVICETYPE_JAPAN | japan | | 3 | SERVICETYPE_CHINA | china | | 4 | SERVICETYPE_TAIWAN | taiwan | | 5 | SERVICETYPE_THAI | thai | | 6 | SERVICETYPE_INDONESIA | indonesia | | 7 | SERVICETYPE_PHILIPPINE | philippine | | 8 | SERVICETYPE_MALAYSIA | malaysia | | 9 | SERVICETYPE_SINGAPORE | singapore | | 10 | SERVICETYPE_GERMANY | germany | | 11 | SERVICETYPE_INDIA | india | | 12 | SERVICETYPE_BRAZIL | brazil | | 13 | SERVICETYPE_AUSTRALIA | australia | | 14 | SERVICETYPE_RUSSIA | russia | | 15 | SERVICETYPE_VIETNAM | vietnam | | 17 | SERVICETYPE_CHILE | chile | | 18 | SERVICETYPE_FRANCE | france | | 19 | SERVICETYPE_UAE | uae | +-----+------------------------+-------------------+
  7. anyway you can see in other official servers and other kind of shops
  8. Anyway using Aegis is illegal. It seems to be easy to translate (script code) but it's too long and much work (language translation too).
  9. Excelent work! Nope, use yum install [packets] instead of apt-get install [packets]
  10. I think he wants to make a command to show how many ms is getting the player to the server... You can make a guide in your forum xD...
  11. Should be easy using this and checking the map: *checkidle({"<Player Name>"}) Returns the time, in seconds, that the specified player has been idle. Name is optional, and defaults to the attached player if omitted. And probabbly mapflag on load maps the map you want to check (when OnLoadMap)... If you don't know anything about scripting I could help you, just define more information if you want.
  12. Well, for rAthena I guess you must put an view_id instead a constant, so put any npc sprite id (numeric) you want, for example: 115 (it's a kind of kafra)
  13. change this line - script donations FAKE_NPC,{ for: prontera,x,y,4 script donations view_constant,{ put x,y coords from prontera and put in view_constant a constanf from here, search for comment__: "NPC sprite IDs", and pick anyone you like, for example 4_F_KAFRA3. And @reloadscript
  14. Hi, I was fully active in eA forums. I will probabbly update those tips soon and I just recycled the script in order to get into this again, of course new scripts will be more clean and optimized than this, anyway there are lot of new script functions and changes. I wanted to do for everyone without changing anything. I prefer sending the job to the db engine instead of coding but... well... it's enough and simple xD. I did the break because I loop 0 to 9 instead of using getarraysize (or whatever) because it didn't work for me, or I did it in a wrong way. Yeah, I forgot lot of things and that's was recycled. That's much better optimization, but was recycled too. Anyway, I don't think that will hurt, but I don't know... maybe you are right. I really appreciate your feedback I will update soon. Thanks.
  15. PvP Rank (needs SQL version) Hello, This is another script I made years ago and I updated for Hercules and made SQL version, just put in your server and @reloadscript in order to implement the waiting room and create the sql table (you don't need to create anything, the script will do for you). Or just reboot the server. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6 What it really does? Warps you to a PvP Map: "pvp_n_1-5". If you kill someone you gain 1 pvp point and will broadcast a map announce. If you die you don't loose anything. If you commit suicide you don't gain/loose anything, but will show a map announce that you commited suicide. Shows the PvP Rank Ladder. Every time you enter the pvp map it will be displayed your current pvp points. How does it work? Join PvP map through prontera warp. Read the pvp ladder through bulletin board in prontera npc. If you want to change the pvp map I think it's pretty easy, just read the script and do it. You can download from GitHub link the attached file is the initial release, use GitHub for the lastest version. pvpRank.txt
  16. I updated with some extra security, the CP created an account if the userid was already there, but it's a bug, you can't create more than one userid. I thought it was a database restriction, but no... xD (github updated)
  17. I want to know if I must remove @go command from src or this will replace the current functionality that @go does in src...
  18. Well... I'm using iz_int.7z because its what herc recognized me. Anyway, thanks a lot you saved me.
  19. CashPoint Manager Hello, This is my first release since years ago. I want to come back scripting if possible. I bring this script I made years ago and I updated for Hercules and translated to English language, is very simple to use. It's gmlvl protected and password protected. What it really does? You can add/delete/watch cash points from a player, it doesn't matter if the player is online or offline. You can select the player account by one of his character name or his login username. The script will notify the player if an admin added/deleted cashpoints, even if he is online or offline. The script will save logs of any transaction, 'log_npc: true' in conf/map/logs.conf file. How does it work? You have to whisp the NPC, (be careful if you have manner.txt because some letters will be replaced for * and will not work). White in the PM Box: npc:donation Then write in Chat Box: yourpassword Press enter and follow script instructions. If you want to modify the gmlvl: Find: if (getgmlevel() < 90) { Edit the number 90 and put your minimum GM level you want to use this script. If you want to modify the password: Find if (strcmp(@whispervar0$,"yourpassword") != 0) { Replace "yourpassword" for your desired password. (Keep quotes) You can download always the lastest version from GitHub link, the attached one its the initial release. Feedback or bug report is appreciated. Thanks. cashpointManager.txt
  20. Hello, thanks for sharing, but I have a question... I downloaded the iz_int(new).7z file and extracted in my GRF and everything kept black but the iz_int.7z file shows the "new" initial zone, so I want to ask the differences between those files.
  21. Hello, thanks for the fast reply. I didn't know that we have a new prontera or updated iz_int, that's amazing. Thanks! PS: I play some times europe ro and it's still old one.
  22. Hello, I followed this guide step by step, I maganed to log in my server but I got this: PS: I have the font size too small I want to put like normal RO or bigger or whatever... I have this client, and the english translation project. (I see items in english so I think I managed to put it right). Thanks in advance. EDIT: I used 2014-02-05b and NEMO's recommended patches.
  23. Yeah, I thought it was weird but... its free you can change if you'll use it xdxdxd PS: OverflowSchool RO doesn't exist
  24. Hi, I did this afternoon in order to create accounts in my server without _M/_F system and I want to share with you. GitHub: https://github.com/rokimoki/LittleCP I am not a designer so maybe you can think it is a little bit awfull, but well... if someone wants to help... PS: It is possible to put whatever you want, just code it or ask, but I will not do another fluxCP (its already done)
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