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Everything posted by mrlongshen

  1. @Ridley What the sleep2 75? can you explain it..
  2. Yup, You need to turn off av. I'm using Microsoft Security Essential also detect. huhu
  3. Hi, can someone post a simple item script for usable item. A usable item like fly wing, but item never finish. A usable item like butterfly, but item never finish. So player can used unlimited times. Thanks.
  4. Ok I will post screenshot later. It's working fine for me. Can you post a screenshot of your settings?
  5. } if (@rebirth_type==1){rebirth_no += 1;} else{master_rebirth += 1; rebirth_no = rebirth_no - .MasterRebirth; } switch(.ResetJob){ case 1: if (!Upper){ jobchange Job_Novice; break; } case 3: jobchange Job_Novice_High; break; case 2: jobchange Job_Novice; break; default: break; } Line 193 to 205 how to change into last job by player ? With level base 175 and job level 120
  6. I try to open using grf editor. but cant.. why @ridley ?
  7. Oh I see, let me test change if, if cant, can you help me?
  8. Based on dastgir script, how to modified, when rebirth its not reset the level and job to 1, for level back to 175, and for job back to 120. how to modified it? this is the script... /* CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rebirth_system` ( `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NULL', `rebirth_no` mediumint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `master_rebirth` mediumint(6) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; --------------------------------------------------------- -- By Dastgir ----- -- Version 1.5 ----- --------------------------------------------------------- */ florian,141,172,5 script Rebirth 4_M_LGTGRAND,{ function deleteItem; // Deletes Required Items function CheckItemNeed; // Shows the Required Items function getItemReward; // Gives the Reward mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes strcharinfo(0)+", How may I help you?"; switch( select( "^777777~ Ranking:~ Rebirth:~ Information:~ Reset Stat:~ Cancel"+((getgmlevel()>=.GMLevel)?":~ Reset Ranking":"")+"^000000" ) ) { case 1: next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "Rankings:"; query_sql "SELECT `name`,`rebirth_no`,`master_rebirth` FROM `rebirth_system` ORDER BY `master_rebirth` DESC, `rebirth_no` DESC LIMIT "+.list,@name$,@rebirth_no,@master_rebirth; if(getarraysize(@name$)==0){mes "^F20808 No Records Found ^000000"; close;} mes "Format:"; mes "^0814F2[Character Name]^000000 - ^B308F2[Rebirths]^000000 - ^B303F2[Master_Rebirth]^000000"; for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(@name$); .@i++){ mes (.@i+1) +".) ^0814F2["+ @name$[.@i] +"]^000000 - ^B308F2["+ @rebirth_no[.@i] +"]^000000 - ^B303F2["+ @master_rebirth[.@i] +"]^000000"; } deletearray @name$[0],.list; deletearray @rebirth_no[0],.list; deletearray @master_rebirth[0],.list; close; case 2: next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; if (.MasterRebirth>0 && rebirth_no >= .MasterRebirth){ mes "You can Do Master Rebirth too."; mes "Master rebirth allows you to earn some more powerful items."; mes "On doing Master Rebirth, you will lose "+ .MasterRebirth +" Rebirths"; if (.MaxRebirth[1]){ mes "You can do "+ .MaxRebirth[1] +" Master Rebirths Only"; } @rebirth_type = select("Do Standard Rebirth:Do Master Rebirth"); next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; }else{ @rebirth_type = 1; } if ((@rebirth_type==1 && .MaxRebirth[0] > 0 && rebirth_no >= .MaxRebirth[0]) || (@rebirth_type==2 && .MaxRebirth[1] > 0 && master_rebirth >= .MaxRebirth[1]) ){ mes "You have Reached the Maximum Number of "+ ( (@rebirth_type==2)?"Master":"" ) +" Rebirths("+ ( (@rebirth_type==2)?master_rebirth:rebirth_no ) +")"; close; } .@eac = eaclass(); .@can_rebirth = false; for (.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.add_jobs); .@i++){ if (Class==.add_jobs[.@i]){ .@can_rebirth = true; break; } } if (!.@can_rebirth){ .@can_rebirth = true; setarray .@jobcheck[0],EAJL_2,EAJL_2_1,EAJL_2_2,EAJL_UPPER,EAJL_BABY,EAJL_THIRD; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@jobcheck); .@i++) if ((.job_rebirth&.@jobcheck[.@i])){ if (!(.@eac&.@jobcheck[.@i])){ if ((.@i == 1 || .@i == 2) && .@pass == true) continue; .@can_rebirth = false; break; } if (.@i == 0) .@pass = true; } } if( NextJobExp || NextBaseExp ) { mes "You must be Max BaselLevel/Joblevel to Rebirth."; close; }else if( !.@can_rebirth ){ if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_BABY) .@job$ = "Baby "; if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_THIRD) .@job$ = .@job$+"Third"; else if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_2_1 || .job_rebirth&EAJL_2_2) .@job$ = .@job$+"Second"; else if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER) .@job$ = .@job$+"1-1"; mes "You need to be "+ ((.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER)?"Trans":"") +" "+ .@job$ +" Job"; close; } mes "Items need :"; CheckItemNeed(@rebirth_type); next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; deleteItem(@rebirth_type); break; case 3: next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; switch(.reset_opt){ case 1: case 2: mes "Your BaseLevel,JobLevel"+ ((.reset_opt==1)?",Skills,StatPoints And Status":" And SkillPoints") +" will be Reset."; break; case 3: case 4: mes "You will be Changed to "+ ((.reset_opt==3)?"Base":"Job") +"Level 1 with JobLevel and Skills/Status Unaffected"; break; } if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_BABY) .@job$ = "Baby "; if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_THIRD) .@job$ = .@job$+"Third"; else if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_2_1 || .job_rebirth&EAJL_2_2) .@job$ = .@job$+"Second"; else if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER) .@job$ = .@job$+"1-1"; mes "You Should be "+ ((.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER)?"Trans":"") +" "+ .@job$ +" Job to be able to Rebirth."; if (.job_rebirth&EAJL_UPPER) .@trans = 1; if (.StatusN){ mes "You Get "+ .StatusN +" Extra Status point for every Rebirth"; } if (.ResetJob==2 || (.ResetJob==1 && !.@trans) || .@can_rebirth){ mes "You will become Novice Upon rebirth"; } else if ((.ResetJob==1 && .@trans) || (.ResetJob==3)){ mes "You will become High Novice Upon rebirth"; } else{ mes "Your Job will not change upon rebirth"; } next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "For Rebirth, you may need some items."; CheckItemNeed(1,1); if (.MasterRebirth > 0){ next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "Upon Reaching "+ .MasterRebirth +" Rebirths, you can do Master Rebirth"; if (.MaxRebirth[1]){ mes "You can do "+ .MaxRebirth[1] +" Master Rebirths Only"; } if (.StatusM){ mes "You Get "+ ((.StatusM)-(.StatusN * .MasterRebirth)) +" Extra Status point than Normal Rebirth for every Master Rebirth"; } mes "Master Rebirth Allows you to earn some powerful items."; next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "For Master Rebirth, you may need some items."; CheckItemNeed(2,1); } close; case 4: mes "[Reset Stats]"; mes "Reset Stats: "+ .ResetStat +"z"; mes "Continue?"; if (select("~ Yes, Reset Stat", "No, I don't want to reset") == 2) close; next; mes "[Reset Stats]"; if (Zeny < .ResetStat) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } Zeny -= .ResetStat; resetstatus; StatusPoint = StatusPoint + (.StatusM * master_rebirth) + (.StatusN * rebirth_no); mes "There you go!"; close; case 5: next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "Bye."; close; case 6: next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "Are you sure you want to reset Ranking?"; mes "Once done, Action cannot be reverted."; if (select("Yes, Reset the Ranking:No, Let me think again.")==2){ next; mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "Thank you for using my service."; close; } next; query_sql "TRUNCATE TABLE `rebirth_system`"; query_sql "DELETE FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='rebirth_no' OR `key`='master_rebirth'"; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` from `char` where `online`=1", .@account_id; for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.@account_id); .@i++){ if (attachrid(.@account_id[.@i])){ if (rebirth_no){ rebirth_no = 0; } if (master_rebirth){ master_rebirth = 0; } } } deletearray .@account_id[0],getarraysize(.@account_id); mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "Ranker Reset."; close; } if (@rebirth_type==1){rebirth_no += 1;} else{master_rebirth += 1; rebirth_no = rebirth_no - .MasterRebirth; } switch(.ResetJob){ case 1: if (!Upper){ jobchange Job_Novice; break; } case 3: jobchange Job_Novice_High; break; case 2: jobchange Job_Novice; break; default: break; } resetlvl(.reset_opt); if (.reset_ss&1){resetstatus;} if (.reset_ss&2){resetskill;} query_sql "INSERT INTO `rebirth_system` (`char_id`,`name`,`rebirth_no`,`master_rebirth`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',"+rebirth_no+","+master_rebirth+") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `rebirth_no`="+rebirth_no+", `master_rebirth`="+master_rebirth+" "; getItemReward(@rebirth_type); if (.StatusN || .StatusM){ StatusPoint = StatusPoint + (.StatusM * master_rebirth) + (.StatusN * rebirth_no); } mes "^11E6D0[Rebirth System]^000000"; mes "You have taken Rebirth."; if (@rebirth_type==1){ announce "[ Rebirth system ] : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" rebirth for the "+ rebirth_no +" time !", 0; }else{ announce "[ Rebirth system ] : "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has done Master rebirth for "+ master_rebirth +" time !", 0; } close; function deleteItem { for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 3 ){ if ( !( getarg(0)&(.item_req[.@i+2]) ) ){continue;} delitem .item_req[.@i], ( .item_req[ .@i+1 ] ); } return; } function CheckItemNeed { if ( Weight > 20000 ) { mes "You must reduce your weight to 2000 to do Rebirth."; close; } .@error = 0; for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_item; .@i += 3 ){ if ( !( getarg(0)&(.item_req[.@i+2]) ) ){continue;} if ( countitem( .item_req[.@i] ) < .item_req[ .@i+1 ] ) { mes "You Require [^ff0000"+countitem( .item_req[.@i] )+" / "+ .item_req[.@i+1] +"^000000] ^112FD9"+getitemname( .item_req[.@i] )+"^000000"; .@error = 1; }else{ mes "You Require [^00ff00"+countitem( .item_req[.@i] )+" / "+ .item_req[.@i+1] +"^000000] ^112FD9"+getitemname( .item_req[.@i] )+"^000000"; } } if (.@error && !getarg(1,0)){close;} return; } function getItemReward { for (.@i=0 ; .@i < .size_reward; .@i += 4 ){ if ( !( getarg(0)&( .reward[.@i+3] ) ) ) {continue;} if (rand(1,10000) <= .reward[.@i+2]){ mes "You Got "+.reward[.@i+1]+" "+getitemname(.reward[.@i])+" "; getitem .reward[.@i], .reward[ .@i+1 ]; } } next; return; } OnInit: // item required <item ID>, <number> , <1=NormalRebirth,2=MasterRebirth,3=ForBorthRebirths> setarray .item_req, 674, 1, 1; .size_item = getarraysize( .item_req ); // rewards <item ID>, <quantity>,<chance(10000=100%)>,<1=NormalRebirth,2=MasterRebirth,3=PriceForBothRebirths> // recalculates the chance and gives the next reward if chance is met. setarray .reward, 674, 2, 10000, 1; .size_reward = getarraysize( .reward ); //Do not Change This .list = 10; //Show Top x in Ranking /* EAJL_2_1: 2-1 Class EAJL_2_2: 2-2 Class EAJL_2: All Second Class EAJL_UPPER: All Trans Class EAJL_BABY: All Baby Class EAJL_THIRD: All Third Class Full List: EAJL_2_1|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 2-1 Class EAJL_2_2|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 2-2 Class EAJL_2|EAJL_UPPER: Trans Second Class EAJL_BABY|EAJL_2: All Second Baby Class (Same for 2_1/2_2/Upper as mentioned above) EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_1: 3-1 Class EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_2: 3-2 Class EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_1|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 3-1 Class EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_2|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 3-2 Class EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2|EAJL_UPPER: Trans 3rd Class EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2_1|EAJL_UPPER|EAJL_BABY: Baby Trans 3-1 Class ... You can have any Combination of classes ... */ .job_rebirth = EAJL_THIRD|EAJL_2|EAJL_UPPER; setarray .add_jobs[0],Job_Gunslinger, // Additional Jobs, who can rebirth Job_Soul_Linker, Job_Star_Gladiator, Job_Taekwon; .ResetStat = 10000; // Zeny needed for Resetting Stat .reset_opt = 2; // (1=Reset Base and JobLevel to 1(0 skill points and all stats to 1),2=Reset Base and JobLevel to 1(SkillPoint=0, While Skills and stats are not affected),3=Reset BaseLevel to 1, 4=Reset Job Level to 1) .reset_ss = 0; // (1=Reset Status, 2=Reset Skills, 3 = Reset Status and Skills). setarray .MaxRebirth[0],175,0; // Maximum Number of Normal Rebirth/Master Rebirth.(0=Unlimited) .ResetJob = 0; // 0=Don't Change Job, Just Reset Level,1=Reset Job to Novice/Novice_High depending upon the job, 2=Force Reset to Novice, 3=Force Reset to Novice_High .MasterRebirth = 0; // Number of rebirths require to do Master Rebirth. (0 to disable) .StatusN = 300; // Status Point to Give at Every Normal Rebirth. .StatusM = (.StatusN * .MasterRebirth) + 200; // Status Point to Give at Every Master Rebirth. (Don't Change initial part) .GMLevel = 99; // Minimum GM Level to Reset the Ranking. query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rebirth_system` ( `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NULL', `rebirth_no` mediumint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `master_rebirth` mediumint(6) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM"; end; }
  9. Wah you come back ? Have you fix it ?
  10. u are wrong person.. it's jupeto, im not develope this addons, give jupeto credit Do you have server ? wanna try the fluxcp with fluxbb hehehe
  11. Cool guide. I agree with you, there is just text and console line.
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