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Christian [epicRO]

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Christian [epicRO] last won the day on April 9 2020

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About Christian [epicRO]

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  • Birthday 04/25/1986

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    Germany, Hamburg
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  1. [SQL]: DB error - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'unique_id' at row 1 So you don't have gepard and uniqueid$ Transfer. Just remove `unique_id` from table and change the insert statement. set .@nb, query_sql("INSERT INTO `event_russian_roulette` (`char_id`, `account_id`, `name`) VALUES ('"+getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR)+"', '"+getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT)+"', '"+strcharinfo(0)+"');", .@ausgabe$);

    Hello, I want to create a pre-renewal server, but I do not know which client I use.

    1. Christian [epicRO]

      Christian [epicRO]

      Client Side Work is a hard work.

      You'll find some good Clients on rA. They are compatible to herc.ws.


  3. This plugin is working fine. Is there any way to set the WEIGHT of costume items to 0? Something like sd->weight -= sd->inventory_data[index]->weight; Thx for reply.
  4. Attaching is no needed. Try this one instead: getitem(604, 1, .@accountid); 604 = Some Item ID
  5. Could you please explain me the " queue iterator script commands" a bit further please? Any good alternative exept a event sql file?
  6. Just try to replace "rodex_sendmail" with attachrid(.@accountid); Zeny = Zeny + $RRZENYPOT; announce "Event Manager: This is your reward. You've won "+$RRZENYPOT+" zeny. Gz.",bc_self,0x00FF00; detachrid();
  7. If you want to make Arrows and Bullets Auto-Equip after they have been restocked: if (.@qu){ .@ru = restkid; ++ if (getiteminfo(.@ru, ITEMINFO_TYPE) == 10) autoequip(.@ru, 1); restock_item(.@ru,.@qu,.@fr); if (.@fr == 1) .@from$ = "Storage"; if (.@fr == 2) .@from$ = "Guild Storage"; sleep2 500; if (countitem(.@ru) == 0) { announce "Trying to restock "+.@qu+"x "+.@ru+" from "+.@from$+". Failed. Amount does not fit.",bc_self,0xFF8F01; } ++ if (getiteminfo(.@ru, ITEMINFO_TYPE) == 10) autoequip(.@ru, 0); restkid = 0; }
  8. It will check if the last of selected item was consumed and do ::OnRestock NPC Event to restock the items to the selected amount. Works very well and without any ms of lag. Thanks to @Dastgir Fixed and corrected. Works fine on current branch. How to enable: Move "restock.c" to "src/plugins" and open "Makefile" with editor. add "restock" to line "MYPLUGINS = " Move "atcommand_restock.txt" to "npc/custom" and add "npc/custom/atcommand_restock.txt" to your "scripts_custom. conf" for autostart.Open file "conf/plugins.conf" and add " "restock", " to enable this plugin after you'll restart the map serve Do "make all" on console. To enable all changes. Enjoy @restock and @restock2 If you want to disable @restock on Castles/WoE just configure your atcommand_restock.txt and do a mapcheck on "OnRestock:" like getmapxy(.@playermap$, .@playerx, .@playery, UNITTYPE_PC); if (getmapflag(.@playermap$, "mf_gvg_castle") == 1) { dispbottom "Atcommand disabled on this map."; end; } restock.c atcommand_restock.txt SQL Table: CREATE TABLE `restock` ( `charid` INT(10) NOT NULL, `restockid` INT(6) NOT NULL, `restkq` INT(5) NOT NULL, `restkf` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ) COLLATE='latin1_swedish_ci' ENGINE=MyISAM ;
  9. Dear Dastgir, I am using Version "1.5" of your plugin but for normal players the aura doesn't take effect as it should. With GM (not Admin in clifinfo.xml) as Arc Bishop: "@aura 586 0 0" Standard Aura is invisible, Lighthalzen Aura appears With Non-GM: "@aura 586 0 0" Standard Aura does'nt disappear, Lighthalzen Aura appears Using NPC to check the Variables: GM and Non-GM: USERAURA1 = 586 USERAURA2 = 0 USERAURA3 = 0 Edit: It does not depends on GM or Non-GM it depends on Job-Class. With my GM I was Arc Bishop. Also I've tried to edit client.conf and do @reloadbattleconf without any effect. max_lv: 99 aura_lv: 150 Could you help me please? Thank you. Should I have to hex the client to disable LVL 99 Aura?
  10. Christian [epicRO]


    Dear Dastgir, I am using Version "1.5" of your plugin but for normal players the aura doesn't take effect as it should. With GM (not Admin in clifinfo.xml): "@aura 586 0 0" Standard Aura is invisible, Lighthalzen Aura appears With Non-GM: "@aura 586 0 0" Standard Aura does'nt disappear, Lighthalzen Aura appears Using NPC to check the Variables: GM and Non-GM: USERAURA1 = 586 USERAURA2 = 0 USERAURA3 = 0 Edit: It does not depends on GM or Non-GM it depends on Job-Class. With my GM I was Arc Bishop. Also I've tried to edit client.conf and do @reloadbattleconf without any effect. max_lv: 99 aura_lv: 150 Could you help me please? Thank you.
  11. Works well. Thank you very much. Now the penny has droped. //===== Hercules Plugin ====================================== //= rodex-bank-npc //===== By: ================================================== //= Christian / epicRO //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Hercules 2016-12-18 //===== Description: ========================================= //= disables usage of rodex and bank deposit while npc dialog //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= spcial thanks to 4114/herc.ws for your time and info //============================================================ #include "common/hercules.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "common/utils.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "plugins/HPMHooking.h" #include "common/HPMDataCheck.h" HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = { "rodex-bank-npc", // Plugin name SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with? "1.0", // Plugin version HPM_VERSION, // HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated) }; void clif_DisableActing_pre(int *fdPtr, struct map_session_data **sdPtr){ int fd = *fdPtr; struct map_session_data *sd = *sdPtr; if ((pc_cant_act2(sd)) || (sd->state.vending) || (sd->npc_id) || (pc_istrading(sd)) || (sd->chat_id != 0)) { clif->messagecolor_self(fd, 0xFF0000, "This action is disabled while acting."); ShowError("[Plugin %s] : player %s tried to send mail/zeny while acting.\n", pinfo.name,sd->status.name); hookStop(); return; } } HPExport void plugin_init(void) { addHookPre(clif, pBankDeposit, clif_DisableActing_pre); addHookPre(clif, pRodexSendMail, clif_DisableActing_pre); } HPExport void server_online(void) { ShowInfo("'%s' Plugin by Christian/epicRO. Version '%s'\n", pinfo.name, pinfo.version); }
  12. At first: Thank you for your time. Time is the most good we humans have and is non-reproducable. I tried out with my own "rodex-bank-npc.c" in src/plugins/ and edited the Makefile.in as well. After "make plugins" in console I am getting the following errors: CC rodex-bank-npc.c In file included from rodex-bank-npc.c:30:0: ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:49:3: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘(’ token (void)((HPMHOOK_pre_ ## ifname ## _ ## funcname)0 == (hook)), \ ^ rodex-bank-npc.c:57:2: note: in expansion of macro ‘addHookPre’ addHookPre(clif, clif_parse_BankDeposit, clif_parse_BankDeposit_pre); ^ ../plugins/HPMHooking.h:50:3: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘HPMi’ HPMi->hooking->AddHook(HOOK_TYPE_PRE, #ifname "->" #funcname, (hook), HPMi->pid) \ ^ rodex-bank-npc.c:57:2: note: in expansion of macro ‘addHookPre’ addHookPre(clif, clif_parse_BankDeposit, clif_parse_BankDeposit_pre); ^ rodex-bank-npc.c:58:1: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘}’ token } ^ Makefile:105: recipe for target '../../plugins/rodex-bank-npc.so' failed This is my file: //===== Hercules Plugin ====================================== //= rodex-bank-npc //===== By: ================================================== //= Christian / epicRO //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Hercules 2016-12-18 //===== Description: ========================================= //= disables usage of rodex and bank deposit while npc dialog //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= spcial thanks to 4114/herc.ws for your time and info //============================================================ #include "common/hercules.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "common/utils.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "plugins/HPMHooking.h" #include "common/HPMDataCheck.h" HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = { "rodex-bank-npc", // Plugin name SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with? "1.0", // Plugin version HPM_VERSION, // HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated) }; void clif_parse_BankDeposit_pre(int *fdPtr, struct map_session_data **sdPtr){ int fd = *fdPtr; struct map_session_data *sd = *sdPtr; if ((pc_cant_act2(sd)) || (sd->state.vending) || (sd->npc_id) || (pc_istrading(sd)) || (sd->chat_id != 0)) { clif->messagecolor_self(fd, 0xFF0000, "You are not able to deposit while acting."); hookStop(); return; } } HPExport void plugin_init(void) addHookPre(clif, clif_parse_BankDeposit, clif_parse_BankDeposit_pre); } HPExport void server_online(void) { ShowInfo("'%s' Plugin by Christian/epicRO. Version '%s'\n", pinfo.name, pinfo.version); }
  13. Hey cebols, just use a simple for-loop to create your menu. L_CUSTOMHELMS: set .@minid, 2001; set .@maxid, 2100; set .@diff, .@maxid - .@minid; set .@helm_menu$, ""; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@diff; set .@i, .@i +1 ) { set .@helmnr, .@helmnr + 1; set .@helm_menu$, .@helm_menu$+" Helm ["+.@helmnr+"]:"; } set .selected, select(.@helm_menu$) -1; set CUST_LOOK_HEAD_TOP, getlook(LOOK_HEAD_TOP); set .@viewid, .@minid + .selected - 1; mes "You've selected Helm "+.selected+". You can see the style the next 5 seconds."; close2; set CUST_PREVIEWVIEW, 1; setlook(LOOK_HEAD_TOP, .@viewid); sleep2 5000; setlook(LOOK_HEAD_TOP, CUST_LOOK_HEAD_TOP); set CUST_PREVIEWVIEW, 0; end; // To prevent Logout to bypass the "preview" OnPCLoginEvent: if (CUST_PREVIEWVIEW == 1) { setlook(LOOK_HEAD_TOP, CUST_LOOK_HEAD_TOP); set CUST_PREVIEWVIEW, 0; } end;
  14. @plugin Am I right that I have to copy the whole functions to add them into a plugin and tell the plugin.c that the server should ignore the standard function if - what kind of conditions - ? Is there some better guide for plugins instead of this one? http://herc.ws/wiki/Hercules_Plugin_Manager @bugtracker Issue will be placed in some minutes.
  15. Yup. Worked well. RoDex send the item. It's the problem. You can send while you are in npc dialog. For some reasons the herc Puchuchartan is not written well. So within the npc is missing a check. Generally special on this npc its a scripting mistake. Because delitem is after getitem. This is why the server always displayed "Could not delete item xy from char xy."
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