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Everything posted by Mhalicot

  1. Why dont you modify Quest NPC and replace all the required item into TCG?
  2. are you using luafiles514? maybe it is out of date or something.. try to download new one.. http://herc.ws/board/topic/398-client-translation-project/
  3. Update mo kaya yung hercules mo.. sakin gumagana naman ng maayos.. With GTB: Without GTB:
  4. I think It will be hard for Novice -> Acolyte to change job for that requirements, assuming you are starting a server and no one have a Job yet. Because Holy water Drop by Merman and FB and impossible for novice to kill does monster.
  5. inside data.grf you will see all of the effect there.. extract and do some modification and add to yourRO.grf..
  6. haha in a different way.. I am releasing plugins in download..
  7. pnta ka db/const.txt hanapin mo dun yung mga skills, then gayahin mo langyung format jan sa healer.txt
  8. Mhalicot


    Welcome to the Community
  9. haha.. you can easily modify that and rebuild..
  10. try to replace if (checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1)) { mes "[ Divine ]"; mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed."; close; } to if (readparam(Weight) > 121 && checkweight(628, 20, 969, 1, 7019, 1)){ mes "Sorry, but you're too heavy to proceed."; close;} this will check the weight and also the items.
  11. File Name: [AtCommand] afk File Submitter: Mhalicot File Submitted: 24 Oct 2013 File Category: Plugins HPM @afk complete package. Compatible with Windows System Only if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only afk.c Instruction. 1. Download and extract files using any application that can extract it. 2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/ 2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add afk 3. Open Hercles/afk/afk.vcxproj and recompile. 4.Your done. you can now try your plugins Note: It is compiled already, so don't bother to recompile it. use recompile if you modify the script. If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment. for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here (Tested on Hercules rev. e9d695) Credit: Original file by Rebel and converted by Me Click here to download this file
  12. Version Version 4.1


    HPM @afk complete package. Compatible with Windows System Only if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only afk.c Instruction. 1. Download and extract files using any application that can extract it. 2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/ 2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add afk 3. Open Hercles/afk/afk.vcxproj and recompile. 4.Your done. you can now try your plugins Note: It is compiled already, so don't bother to recompile it. use recompile if you modify the script. If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment. for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here (Tested on Hercules rev. e9d695) Credit: Original file by Rebel and converted by Me
  13. I think you are getting error because of getarraysize read this.. doc/script_command.txt The party members will (apparently) be found regardless of whether they are online or offline. Note that the names come in no particular order.Be sure to use $@partymembercount to go through this array, and not 'getarraysize', because it is not cleared between runs of 'getpartymember'.If someone with 7 party members invokes this script, the array would have 7 elements. But if another person calls up the NPC, and he has a party of 5, the server will not clear the array for you, overwriting the values instead. So in addition to returning the 5 member names, the 6th and 7th elements from the last call remain, and you will get 5+2 members, of which the last 2 don't belong to the new guy's party. $@partymembercount will always contain the correct number, (5) unlike 'getarraysize()' which will return 7 in this case. try to revised your script and use getpartymember <party id>{,<type>}; instead I'm not sure in this but give it a try
  14. Hi, Assuming you are using Renewal. go to src/config/renewal.h search for this /// renewal drop rate algorithms/// (disable by commenting the line)////// leave this line to enable renewal item drop rate algorithms/// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied/// based on the http://irowiki.org/wiki/Drop_System#Level_Factor table#define RENEWAL_DROP in this feature.. monster level gap affects the percentage of drops. then if its in comment like //#define RENEWAL_DROP meaning it is disabled, Enable it to make it work like what you mentioned, but leave it in comment if you dont want. ----------- and you can also try to use this feature if you want to based increase droprate based on luk conf/battle/drops.conf // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on an absolute basis.// Setting to 100 means each luk adds 0.01% chance to find items// (regardless of item's base drop rate).drops_by_luk: 0// Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on a relative basis.// Setting to 100 means each luk adds 1% chance to find items// (So at 100 luk, everything will have double chance of dropping).drops_by_luk2: 0
  15. I don't think so but I am using VS 2012 and it shows warning .. maybe try to upgrade/update your vs
  16. LOL didn't notice that? I don't see any of your files uploaded in plugins either.. BTW. mine is based on what Karazu provide Sorry Typo-error
  17. File Name: @identifyall File Submitter: sevenzz23 File Submitted: 23 Oct 2013 File Category: Plugins HPM @iall complete package. Compatible with Windows System Only if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only identifyall.c Instruction. 1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it. 2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/ 2.1 then read "read me!.txt" or edit conf/plugins.conf and add identifyall 3. Your done. you can now try your plugins If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment. for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here Click here to download this file
  18. Mhalicot


    Version 1.0


    HPM @iall complete package. Compatible with Windows System Only if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only identifyall.c Instruction. 1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it. 2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/ 2.1 then read "read me!.txt" or edit conf/plugins.conf and add identifyall 3. Your done. you can now try your plugins If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment. for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
  19. it think its something like this if(MaxWeight - Weight < 3500) {mes "You are heavy, please remove your extra weight.";close;}
  20. wrong section.. please move your post here or go to Filipino Community
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