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Everything posted by banhelba2019

  1. Yeah hercules is pretty friendly with adding these things... only wish i knew how to get custom skill effects working better lol
  2. go to your skill.c switch (skill_id) { case BS_DAGGER: case BS_SWORD: case BS_TWOHANDSWORD: case BS_AXE: case BS_MACE: case BS_KNUCKLE: case BS_SPEAR: case BS_PLUS: flag = battle_config.produce_item_name_input&0x1; break; case AM_PHARMACY: case AM_TWILIGHT1: case AM_TWILIGHT2: case AM_TWILIGHT3: flag = battle_config.produce_item_name_input&0x2; break; case AL_HOLYWATER: /** * Arch Bishop **/ case AB_ANCILLA: flag = battle_config.produce_item_name_input&0x8; break; case ASC_CDP: flag = battle_config.produce_item_name_input&0x10; break; default: flag = battle_config.produce_item_name_input&0x80; break; } find this and probably somewhere here, i havnt test out adding it to my own items but i did remove names off of one of my creation lists so i know its this
  3. You mean how long the song effect stays after you leave the bards range? go to your DB Pre or re Skill_db : Find bragi { Id: 321 Name: "BA_POEMBRAGI" Description: "Magic Strings" MaxLevel: 10 Hit: "BDT_SKILL" SkillType: { Self: true } SkillInfo: { Song: true } AttackType: "Misc" DamageType: { NoDamage: true } SkillData1: 180000 SkillData2: 20000 CoolDown: 0 Requirements: { SPCost: { Lv1: 40 Lv2: 45 Lv3: 50 Lv4: 55 Lv5: 60 Lv6: 65 Lv7: 70 Lv8: 75 Lv9: 80 Lv10: 85 } WeaponTypes: { Instruments: true Whips: true } } Unit: { Id: 0xa9 Layout: 3 Interval: 3000 Target: "All" Flag: { UF_NOMOB: true UF_SONG: true UF_DUALMODE: true } } }, soo bragi effect is 20 seconds? Change SkillData2: 20000 > 50000 save and reload server, dont need to compile for this ....... I dont remeember the last time i used bragi though so it could be something else for duration outside the clown's range! so if its in src you looking for sorry!
  4. im using 2014-02-05b on the Hercules server version or whatever from about 6 months ago
  5. i had this problem when i was trying to pick which client to use and how to diff edit it with nemo or whatever. Im using client 2014-02-05b and it works good... i went through many clients and many didnt work at all
  6. how about you reverse the steps you took to get there and do it properly LOL . . . sorry hahah
  7. just going over my skills and i had to change grandcross a bit cause it kept repeating and did like 20 hits on a fresh install of server, i look at thunderbolt and it does hits every 1000 internal or whatever..... pretty sure this wasnt vanilla or maybe i made some changes somewhere but i dont think i would have made 2 mistakes in a row? anyone else have their skill that use unit 0x86 like this? or did i just do something
  8. go to your skill.c look for case TK_HIGHJUMP: { int x,y, dir = unit->getdir(src); //Fails on noteleport maps, except for GvG and BG maps [Skotlex] if( map->list[src->m].flag.noteleport && !(map->list[src->m].flag.battleground || map_flag_gvg2(src->m)) ) { x = src->x; y = src->y; } else { x = src->x + dirx[dir]*skill_lv*2; y = src->y + diry[dir]*skill_lv*2; } clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,TK_HIGHJUMP,skill_lv,1); if (!map->count_oncell(src->m, x, y, BL_PC | BL_NPC | BL_MOB, 0) && map->getcell(src->m, src, x, y, CELL_CHKREACH)) { clif->slide(src,x,y); unit->movepos(src, x, y, 1, 0); } } break; You can probably erase this entire section: or maybe just erase the flag.battleground then recompile Not sure exactly and not gonna test it myself but its one of these
  9. skill_info.lub or whatever in your grf/data/skillinfoz for client side levels , and as for third job skills those as far as i know always get throw into etc or third tab ive posted alot regarding this subject that may help
  10. edit : I thought @summon type mobs would work like how you say but if not heres another thing : i added a custom mob ai for having monsters that will be aggressive towards monsters and other players battle.c case BL_MOB: { const struct mob_data *md = BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, s_bl); if( !((map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag) && map->list[m].flag.gvg_castle) && md->guardian_data && (md->guardian_data->g || md->guardian_data->castle->guild_id) ) return 0; // Disable guardians/emperium owned by Guilds on non-woe times. if (md->special_state.ai == AI_PAHSSVIE) { //Normal mobs const struct mob_data *target_md = BL_CCAST(BL_MOB, target); if ((target_md != NULL && t_bl->type == BL_PC && target_md->special_state.ai != AI_ZANZOU && target_md->special_state.ai != AI_ATTACK) || (t_bl->type == BL_MOB && BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, t_bl)->special_state.ai == AI_NONE)) state |= BCT_NEUTRAL; //Normal mobs with no ai are friends. else state |= BCT_ENEMY; //However, all else are enemies. } else { if (t_bl->type == BL_MOB && BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, t_bl)->special_state.ai == AI_NONE) state |= BCT_ENEMY; //Natural enemy for AI mobs are normal mobs. } AI_PAHSSIVE using this you can easily achieve what you want, cant help with you with cleaning up the code or whatever but if you look you will see. Im trying to make an AI that has monsters that are aggressive to monsters and are neutral to players that attack when attacked . . . probably just play around a lil more
  11. Right, but i couldnt figure out what was wrong, turns out it was my Sprite. In act editor if you ever get dumb errors where your client crashes OR my example above; GO TO ACT EDITOR >FILE >SAVE ADVANCED Holy shit that is HANDY . I just left everything in my ro/datafolder but im positive this is how its done, prolly the exact same thing for skills Thanks for the reply.
  12. all my custom stuff has a vial toss for skills or their previous things, and my custom items dont show anything when dragging but i can still drop and interact... I followed some hat guide and my hat shows on the cursor but i cant just backtrack and do it for my other items or skills... maybe ill get it if i take my time but maybe one of you can tell me where i find this crap.... thanks..
  13. You have it right idk whats wrong but heres all my Swordy stuff jobtreeview.lub from GRF [JOBID.JT_SWORDMAN] = { [1] = SKID.SM_SWORD, [3] = SKID.SM_BASH, [4] = SKID.SM_PROVOKE, [6] = SKID.SM_AUTOBERSERK, [8] = SKID.SM_TWOHAND, [10] = SKID.SM_MAGNUM, [11] = SKID.SM_ENDURE, [15] = SKID.KN_SPEARMASTERY, [17] = SKID.KN_CHARGEATK }, Ive added spearmastery and made chargeatk into a skill + removed a few things Then this is my Skill_Tree.Conf from my prere DB Swordsman: { inherit: ( "Novice" ); skills: { SM_SWORD: 30 SM_TWOHAND: 30 SM_BASH: 30 SM_PROVOKE: 30 SM_MAGNUM: { MaxLevel: 30 SM_BASH: 5 } SM_ENDURE: { MaxLevel: 30 SM_PROVOKE: 5 } KN_SPEARMASTERY: 30 SM_AUTOBERSERK: 1 KN_CHARGEATK: 30 } } If you wanna remove the requirements you need to go into skillinfo in the same folder as jobtreeview.lub If its still not working, make sure your grf order is right
  14. You should read the second half of my post and not just the edit, seriously i said that command was horrendous LMAO
  15. So my edit may be more useful for you but if you go to your custom skill, in the skill.ca and add this line : SRC is for self and BL is target, 149 is effect number and area can be left as 0, bash is effect 1 but i dont have anything handy to test how ugly it is cause its a pretty horrendous command. cause when you miss with this , you still apply the effects.... ugly af and misleading but whatever not like bash ever misses LOL im gonna leave this here though, but honestly pal if your going that for and wanna go the extra couple Kilometres do this, make sm_bash go to level 20 then im sure you could figure out a way to make skilllvls 11-20 deal a custom amount of damage different from the 1-10 levels... that way you can keep them different like for example doing skillration+= 100*skillvl - MINUS (skilllvl * 5) Something along these lines yeah that part is internal but heres what you can do , i do this for third job skills cause if you add 3rd job to trans class it adds 3rd tab SOOO... in skill c jump to down here case WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM_MELEE: case WM_GREAT_ECHO: case GN_SLINGITEM_RANGEMELEEATK: case KO_SETSUDAN: case GC_DARKCROW: case LG_OVERBRAND_BRANDISH: case LG_OVERBRAND: skill->attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,tick,flag); break; int skill_castend_damage_id(struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag); case KN_SWAVE: skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,RK_SONICWAVE,skill_lv,tick,flag); break; int skill_castend_damage_id(struct block_list* src, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag); case KN_BLOODSPEAR: skill_attack(BF_WEAPON,src,src,bl,RK_HUNDREDSPEAR,skill_lv,tick,flag); break; so add this underneath where i said, and if its magic skill do it with bf_magic or whatever it is.... You might not need the int skill_castend_damage since thats just identifying or whatever, i didnt delete them probably was confused or already achieved my desired results, not gonna matter unless you use those factors and we arent.... LOL sorry so now my new custom skills KN_BLOODSPEAR and KN_SWAVE are duplicates hundred spear and sonic wave from RK except for a few things it seems , looks like i take the formulas for battle.c are the same, but since you just wanna make a skill like bash with less sp cost and such... you can easily do that... theres probably a way to fix this but as for me, im not there yet, so i dont have a complete answer for you
  16. where is the place where the actual weapon aspd base ? like 2h sword is slower then 1h.... i am also looking for the job level bonus stat you get please i remember seeing it before but now i cant find it :'(
  17. you need to go to you vcproj folder , im using vcproj-14... you will see something called plugin.sample, make a copy of that in the same folder, and rename the copy mapcache.... go into your visual studio and right click on your hercules solution and add existing, go to the mapcache u just made and then you will now see it, ok right click hercules solution and rebuild... should have 0 error if i remember, then go WIN+R cmd , go "cd desktop\hercules" then do "map-server.exe - -help" 2 dash no space hard to see then do "map-server.exe - -map (mapname)" 2 dash no brackets or perenteses
  18. i just did ctrl alt delete and then esc , fixed it zzz lol
  19. only happened when i started hercules emulator but nividia geforce gtx 745
  20. no they arent if i tweak them back to low and high its horrible everything looks pretty good except for a few things, the outlines of some jobs are really ugly black and the emoticons arent showing it isnt my light maps either :|
  21. textures seem really low quality, i can barely see emoticons... im using client 140205b.... only client i could get to work....resolution doesnt change anything... please halp
  22. I havnt seen a quick switch to enable 8.0 only content but if you know everything.... just set your limits
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