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Everything posted by Valiente

  1. Hey man. Thanks for the reply and yeah, I already found that answer just forgot to update because this forums won't allow copied links to be posted I believe. Thanks again guys.
  2. @jaBote What do you mean by "compile in pre-renewal"? Do I have to edit something before compiling in order to configure it that way? Thanks for the quick responses.
  3. Based sa nakasaad sa topic? How? Solved!
  4. Can I simply disable it here? Sorry, but I am just starting out with Hercules.
  5. Uhh. So where is the download link?
  6. I think the problem in your client is your dataluafiles514lua filesquestquest_function.lub copy the dataluafiles514lua filesquest2013quest_function.lua in dataluafiles514lua filesquest and make sure to change it to .lub That file doesn't even exist in my lubfiles.
  7. Looking forward to it.
  8. Let me try this out, hold on man! EDIT: Good job man!
  9. Yeah, it doesn't work with pre-renewal either. :/
  10. Ugh.. I have been spending too much time on this. No dice! Anyone?
  11. Please no, a lot of people still enjoy playing pre-renewal servers.
  12. No, just the attack part, just commented them out. Still trying to figure out how to modify the code.
  13. I got it working now (viewing of items, but still no atk/matk. lol), the problem is the tables. For some reason, I am getting the same error even though I am using pre-renewal configurations, which uses the old field tables.
  14. Flux skips the installation process when I delete the schemas inside these folders: FLUX_ROOT/data/schemas/charmapdb/ and FLUX_ROOT/data/schemas/logindb/ Should I really delete these schemas? I believe they are necessary for the installation. It doesn't work.
  15. I just did that, now it skips the installation process.
  16. I have activated the debugmode and error reporting to show the errors about why my item database is not showing any items at all. This is the error that I am receiving: MySQL error (SQLSTATE: 42S22, ERROR: 1054): Unknown column 'attack' in 'field list' Do any of you guys have any idea what's causing this? I have tried reinstalling flux cp many many times and I have also tried using a different version. I am trying to create a pre-renewal server. Thank you for any help you guys may offer.
  17. I have done that more than 10x already. Any other solutions that you can recommend?
  18. I did that, but only the monster database is showing results.
  19. //My optioninfo.lua inside SaveData folderCmdOnOffList = { ["/battlemode"] = 0, ["/notrade"] = 0, ["/noshift"] = 0, ["/noctrl"] = 1, ["/skillfail"] = 1, ["/notalkmsg"] = 0, ["/notalkmsg2"] = 0, ["/showname"] = 1, ["/fog"] = 1, ["/aura"] = 1, ["/window"] = 0, ["/miss"] = 1, ["/q1"] = 0, ["/q2"] = 0, ["/effect"] = 1, ["/bgm"] = 1, ["/sound"] = 1, ["/loginout"] = 1, ["/shopping"] = 1, ["/stateinfo"] = 1, ["/snap"] = 0, ["/itemsnap"] = 0, ["/skillsnap"] = 1, ["/hoai"] = 0, ["/merai"] = 0, ["/camera"] = 0, ["/btg"] = 1, ["/lightmap"] = 1}OptionInfoList = { Window_XPos = -1, Window_YPos = -1, Trilinear = 0, Bgm_Volume = 100, Effect_Volume = 100, AutoOpen1to1Window = 1, AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend = 1, PlaySound_Open1to1Window = 1, Simplicity_SkillList = 0, Show_SkillDescript = 0, ChangeChatMode = 1, LockMouse = 0, ChannelCopID = 0, Outdoor_ViewLatitude = -45, Outdoor_ViewDistance = 400, Indoor_ViewLatitude = -45, Indoor_ViewDistance = 300, SkinName = "<Basic Skin>", MouseExclusive = 1, WIDTH=800, HEIGHT=600, BITPERPIXEL=16} My data folder:
  20. How do I make the items/mobs appear? This what I see: Items Search... No items found. Go back.
  21. Thanks man. I appreciate it.
  22. I tried that, I got the same error. I even tried using yours.
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