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About zhaosin

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  1. Who can please PM me, thank all so much !
  2. Thank two sir so much, sorry i can't give vote anymore, today limited (
  3. I already download and put it to RO folder but i don't see which part i can change language sir ? Select 1258, thats for Vietname I don't see ROExt menu sir !
  4. I already download and put it to RO folder but i don't see which part i can change language sir ?
  5. Use opensetup, then change codepage to whatever language you want. I don't understand sir, what opensetup and how to change ??
  6. Please help <langtype>0</langtype> in clientinfo.xml My language is vienamese, i try to use UTF 8 without bom but script not work !
  7. How to get two this number of my client bro ? -> 0, 113e195e6c051bb1cfb12a644bb084c5
  8. This is your diff for 2014-10-22 right sir ?
  9. Can you give a guide how to use md5 hash sir ?
  10. After diff client, i want to protect it ( want everyone have to use it, if not will show error or can't connect ), because if normal, everyone can put their client to my ro folder and run with their client !
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