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Posts posted by Kuroyama

  1. image.png.5e268b06849988594dd2d1847982f9e5.png


    Hi herc, this may be super dumb question but does anyone know how to solve this?

    Recently the monsters names are showing after the count/number of monster to be hunt

    But now, its something like this. I don't exactly quite know what happen, so I am here hoping for a help.

    Thank you in advance!

  2. I dunno where to post this concern so Imma post it here.

    As the title says, frost asura. I don't quite get it if this is normal behavior or abnormal.

    Whenever someone is frosted (equipped with Ghostring or Deviling), and you asura them by any chance. The damage will be doubled.

    How to remove that 100% asura chance additional damage on frosted character?


    Searched somewhere and found an same concern:


  3. Hi Herc! Good day.

    Does anyone has a solution for this error for autoattack? I already did a search everywhere but no good answer at all.

    I'm receiving a sprite error when auto attack is on and you enter portal or you warped out... Everything is good and working except this sprite error when warping.


    Missing File :¿ÁÅä¹öÆнºÆ®




    PS: I searched up anywhere, even on recent and updated data files and so but unlucky to find a fix for this.


    Related Concerns/Topics:




  4. 5 hours ago, Daraen said:

    Looked here already, thanks for the reference btw.



    3 hours ago, Kuya Jeo said:

    im kinda confuse on your question.. are you asking to get the map name? because as the title says "bindcmd in certain map"

    then maybe you asking.. "can only use the bindcmd in the certain map"


    I can give you the script but i dont know if this is what you are looking for...


    - script TestNPC FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "test",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTestCmd"; end; OnTestCmd: if(strcharinfo(3) == "new_1-1"){ /* put the content here */ /* this is only an example */ message strcharinfo(0), "You got a "+getitemname(512)+"."; getitem 512,100; end; } else{ message strcharinfo(0), "Sorry but this command can only used in a certain map."; end; } end; }

    -	script	TestNPC	FAKE_NPC,{
    	bindatcmd "test",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTestCmd";
    	if(strcharinfo(3) == "new_1-1"){
    		/* put the content here */
    		/* this is only an example */
    		message strcharinfo(0), "You got a "+getitemname(512)+".";
    		getitem 512,100;
    		message strcharinfo(0), "Sorry but this command can only used in a certain map.";


    This one is what I meant to ask for help, Thank you @Kuya Jeo, didn't know that its just simple "if(strcharinfo(3) == "new_1-1")" will do.

    Thank you so much!

  5. Hi herc, just want to have a little help request.


    if this script code is for mapflag town

    if (!getmapflag(strcharinfo(3), MF_TOWN)) {
    			message strcharinfo(0), "You may only use @sleep in towns.";

    what will be the script to check or getmap for certain map like new_1-1

    that's all. thank you in advance!

  6. Just now, astralprojection said:

    are there any modification on eddga card script? check if it has
    OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_ENDURE; "> 


    Here, it has sc_end. What happening only is when you decard the certain shoes with eddga, after successfully decarding, the endure is still there

  7. So my snipers weapon has been damaged by WS buff (and stripped by stalker), his weapon has been unequipped but he can still use sharpshooting skill

    How to make sharpshooting skill failed when the player has no equipped weapon?

  8. Hi Hercules, can someone help me regarding this concern.

    I would like to make the strip skills by stalker be refreshed by FCP.

    For example:

    player 1 stripped by player 2, player 1 will just cast FCP to himself and the strip skill will gone.

  9. On 12/2/2020 at 7:18 PM, Daraen said:

    It seems to me that you cannot use empty parentheses as your mistake indicates.
    Instead of the first parethesis, the script expects a ";" thus ignoring the rest of your line.

    So try without the parentheses.
    I don't have gepard so can't try your script.

    Hi, I did remove the parenthesis but the problem now is no one can warp in the map now except the first person who entered the map.

  10. On 11/20/2020 at 11:05 AM, AnnieRuru said:

    must be caused by `@killmonster` or something like that

    just tested `@killmonster` or `@killmonster2` will trigger the monster label, so ... shouldn't happen this way

    script `*killmonster` or `*killmonsterall` ??
    then there's the problem .....


    - script Punching Bag FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: .mobid = monster("prontera",158,183, "Punching Bag", BARRICADE, 1, "Punching Bag::OnInit"); setunitdata .mobid, UDT_MAXHP, 2000000000; OnTimer10000: if (getunittype(.mobid) == -1) end; setunitdata .mobid, UDT_HP, 2000000000; initnpctimer; end; }

    -	script	Punching Bag	FAKE_NPC,{
    	.mobid = monster("prontera",158,183, "Punching Bag", BARRICADE, 1, "Punching Bag::OnInit");
    	setunitdata .mobid, UDT_MAXHP, 2000000000;
    	if (getunittype(.mobid) == -1) end;
    	setunitdata .mobid, UDT_HP, 2000000000;

    I thought the *unitexists script command is useless so I never made a pull request for it

    but in this case ... we really need a console warning to tell that barricade is gone so ....


    I also wonder how this barricade can go missing in the first place



    Is this a warm warning ms. @AnnieRuru?

  11. So I use the ./char-server, ./login-server and ./map-server and the server has run successful but whenever

    I exit the putty, the server also close. Unlike using ./athena-start start, even you close the putty, the server will remain running.

    How to make them run even tho the putty is closed? Even the

    gdb ./map-server


    is closing whenever I exit putty.

  12. This script is no dual on the same map using last_unique_id of gepard.

    The problem is, it's having variable error. Need to refine the script, anyone?


    -	script	dual_client	-1,{
    	setarray .@map$[0], "prt_fild08","prt_fild01";	// yours maps no dual
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .@map$ ); .@i++ ) {
    		if ( !getmapflag( .@map$[.@i], mf_loadevent ) ) {
    			setmapflag .@map$[.@i], mf_loadevent;
    	.map_list$ = implode( .@map$, "|" );
    	.@count = query_sql( "select `login`.`last_unique_id`, `char`.`name`, `char`.`char_id` from `login` left join `char` on `char`.`account_id`=`login`.`account_id` where `char`.`online`=1", .@last_uid$, .@name$, .@char_id );
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++ ) {
    		getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0, .@name$[.@i];
    		if ( !compare( .map_list$, .@map$ ) ) continue;
    		.@size = 0;
    		.@variable$ = ".uid_"+ .@last_uid$[.@i] +"$";
    		if ( getd( .@variable$ ) != "" ) {
    			.@size = getarraysize( getd( .@variable$ ) );
    			for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@size; .@j++ ) {
    				getmapxy .@map2$, .@x, .@y, 0, getd( .@variable$ +"["+ .@j +"]" );
    				if ( .@map$ == .@map2$ ) {
    					warpchar "SavePoint",0,0, .@char_id[.@i];
    					message .@name$[.@i], "No dual account on this map.";
    		if ( .@j == .@size ) {
    			setd .@variable$ +"["+ .@size +"]", .@name$[.@i];
    	if ( !compare( .map_list$, strcharinfo(3) ) ) end;
    	.@map$ = strcharinfo(3);
    	.@myname$ = strcharinfo(0);
    	.@variable$ = ".uid_"+ get_unique_id() +"$";
    	.@size = getarraysize( getd( .@variable$ ) );
    	for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@size; .@j++ ) {
    		if ( .@myname$ == getd( .@variable$ +"["+ .@j +"]" ) ) {
    			.@is_in = 1;
    		getmapxy .@map2$, .@x, .@y, 0, getd( .@variable$ +"["+ .@j +"]" );
    		.@compare = compare( .map_list$, .@map2$ );
    		if ( !.@compare ) {
    			.@tmp$ = .@variable$ +"["+ .@j +"]";
    			deletearray getd( .@tmp$ ), 1;
    		else if ( .@map$ == .@map2$ ) {
    			warpchar "SavePoint",0,0, getcharid(0);
    			message .@myname$, "No dual account on this map.";
    	if ( !.@is_in ) {
    		setd .@variable$ +"["+ .@size +"]", .@myname$;


  13. On 11/4/2020 at 1:05 AM, AnnieRuru said:

    needs to do some calculation


    on official repo is OnTimer7200000: means 2 hours

    btw OnTimer28800000: is 8 hours, not 4 hours


    so let's leave it at OnTimer28800000: then

    if you want 2 hours then setnpctimer 28800000 - 2*60*60*1000; startnpctimer;

    if you want 3 hours then setnpctimer 28800000 - 3*60*60*1000; startnpctimer;

    if you want 4 hours then setnpctimer 28800000 - 4*60*60*1000; startnpctimer;


    so it should look like this

    OnTimer36000: OnTimer37000: mapwarp "thana_boss","tha_t12",130,52; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 28800000 - F_Rand(2,3,4)*60*60*1000; startnpctimer; end; OnTimer28800000: $@thana_summon = 0; $@thana_summon2 = 0; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt1::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt2::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt3::OnEnable"; donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt4::OnEnable"; donpcevent "#thanatos_seal::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end;

    	mapwarp "thana_boss","tha_t12",130,52;
    	setnpctimer 28800000 - F_Rand(2,3,4)*60*60*1000;
    	$@thana_summon = 0;
    	$@thana_summon2 = 0;
    	donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt1::OnEnable";
    	donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt2::OnEnable";
    	donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt3::OnEnable";
    	donpcevent "Memory Seal#tt4::OnEnable";
    	donpcevent "#thanatos_seal::OnEnable";

    didn't hard to test ... hopefully you don't say its bug


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    at least I tested with this

    prontera,155,185,5 script kjdsfdsjhf 1_F_MARIA,{ initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 28800000 - F_Rand(1,2,3,4,5)*1000; .start = gettimetick(0); startnpctimer; end; OnTimer28800000: announce "test = "+(gettimetick(0) - .start), bc_all; end; }

    prontera,155,185,5	script	kjdsfdsjhf	1_F_MARIA,{
    	setnpctimer 28800000 - F_Rand(1,2,3,4,5)*1000;
    	.start = gettimetick(0);
    	announce "test = "+(gettimetick(0) - .start), bc_all;



    Just wanna send a feedback ms @AnnieRuru.

    first spawn works, however. After thanatos dies, it won't spawn anymore in the next random time.

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