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Everything posted by karazu

  1. Hello I have a MAP with around 400 monsters, but some of them stuck in some area, I want them to be replenish every 5 hours. is it possible to make a script that in every 5 hours it will do @killmonster2 in a certain map?
  2. Dunno whats the cause of the BUG, but its fixed now.
  3. The damage is working fine with monsters, but in players it does low damage. my HP at 150K only deals 17K damage to the other player without any armor and reduction items.. EDIT Dragon Breath Fire cannot hit fire property monster Dragon Breath Water cannot hit water property monster I thought u cannot me immune with dragon breath? as it can be reduce by fire armor only right?
  4. Yes I don't want my card remover to destroy the items of the players, because the default card remover has a chance to break the equipment by 10%.. Ok thank you for this..
  5. anyone has this kind of NPC/script?
  6. Just replace default: if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 ) set .@spirit, 494; } if ( .@spirit ) { sc_start4 sc_spirit, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0;<------------------------- REPLACE THIS LINE skilleffect .@spirit, 5; }case 2:mes .@n$;mes "Okay,goodbye!";close;}l_nozeny:
  7. sc_start4 EF_SOULLINK, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0;
  8. sc_spirit, Change this to the new CODE I just forgot what was it thought
  9. Hello can anyone tell me how much is the chance (%) to a player with 130 int getting inflicted with it?
  10. you can try it , but i allways would update the whole server . Thank you! now FIX hehehe
  11. is it ok that I will just update my skill.c? or add this manually? script->set_constant2(skill->db[idx].name,(int)skill_id,0);
  12. Hello I have a Problem with some usable items, I think its because of the new settings in commands. Related Topic: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2776-pc-skill-error/ http://herc.ws/board/topic/2779-fly-wing-and-butterfly-wing-issue/ in my item_db.txt all the items like fly wing has this script: 601,Wing_Of_Fly,Fly Wing,11,60,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ itemskill AL_TELEPORT,1; },{},{} and I cannot use them in game. while if I will use the old script like this: { itemskill "AL_TELEPORT",1; },{},{} its working fine. so If I will use the new item_db.txt what should I update to if I want to make them work?
  13. karazu

    pc_skill error

    Me I am using Angra.
  14. karazu


    Yes in my 1st post. I will use the 1st POST, Thank you very much.
  15. karazu


    Yes - script autobuffs -1,{OnPCLoginEvent: addtimer 60000,"autobuffs::OnBuffs"; end;OnBuffs: sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; addtimer 60000,"autobuffs::OnBuffs"; end;} where to put the map? like for example prontera,izlude Ohh ok so its in all map? wow ok I wll test it..
  16. Hello, me i know the specific ID of those skulls? i don't know if they have same ID since they have different name?
  17. karazu


    Is it possible that in a certain map all the players will get buffs like Agi and Bless every 1 min?
  18. I wil ltry it later. Thank you very much..
  19. will it affect the saved accounts in my server? I dont know how to do it also please give me a guide
  20. after updating the trunk this error came up.. this will show everytime i log in into a character.. error.bmp
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