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Everything posted by mybitch

  1. Try to download other version of the dll file. Maybe because you have an outdated version for the client or a very updated. Which is which.
  2. Mmm, can I request a script that will choose every weekend map of the week or mob of the week? wherein the map/mob that will be chosen will give double exp from friday evening till sunday.. Ty!
  3. the light orange background when you reply..
  4. No not the page. the background of the reply. The light orange thing.
  5. The other forum is down and can't view it live and there's a guide there. Hope someone could share it here. Thanks!
  6. Whenever I try to inspect its element.. it says.. element.style {background: #color} trying to find element.style but can't seem to find it. I can't read the reply because of the background.
  7. Example.. Even share exp. how to get rid of 15 level cap? I want it that even level 1 and 99 can use even share so that it'll enable leech mode.. Thanks!
  8. Attached is the patch for @maintenance. Can someone apply it to be usable here in Hercules? Ty! @maintenance.patch
  9. so the total hit will be (duration1 left/1000) Oh it worked. Just get rid of -1 after 2 zeroes on the skill_cast_db but the problem is the yellow damage doesn't shows up hehehe. Only the damage dealt per monster..
  10. It works but the damage doesn't show. For example the maximum damage showing doesn't stack only shows 900 where 900 is the damage per mobs.. but the total damage dealt by the mob is more than it.. How to show stacked damage on the claymore trap? IND, is it possible to reproduce the same damage shown in the video at 2:14 seconds onwards?
  11. The other request was solved. The monster now is moving backwards instead of moving sidewards hehe! Isn't this code applicable to episode 8? hehe.
  12. not AC_SHOWER but HT_CLAYMORETRAP .. I'll just change AC_SHOWER to HT_CLAYMORE TRAP? Also where should I replace this? skill.c?
  13. in skill.cfind switch(skill_id) {//direction case MG_FIREWALL: case PR_SANCTUARY: case SC_TRIANGLESHOT: case LG_OVERBRAND: case SR_KNUCKLEARROW: case GN_WALLOFTHORN: case EL_FIRE_MANTLE: dir = unit_getdir(bl);// backwards break; // This ensures the storm randomly pushes instead of exactly a cell backwards per official mechanics. case WZ_STORMGUST: dir = rand()%8; break; case WL_CRIMSONROCK: dir = map_calc_dir(bl,skill_area_temp[4],skill_area_temp[5]); break; }change to switch(skill_id) {//direction case MG_FIREWALL: case PR_SANCTUARY: case SC_TRIANGLESHOT: case LG_OVERBRAND: case SR_KNUCKLEARROW: case GN_WALLOFTHORN: case EL_FIRE_MANTLE: case AC_SHOWER: dir = unit_getdir(bl);// backwards break; // This ensures the storm randomly pushes instead of exactly a cell backwards per official mechanics. case WZ_STORMGUST: dir = rand()%8; break; case WL_CRIMSONROCK: dir = map_calc_dir(bl,skill_area_temp[4],skill_area_temp[5]); break; } ty!
  14. Thanks about this but the video, the claymore trap works as.. if x mobs steps on the claymore trap.. the damage is dependent on the x mobs who steps on it.. for example.. 2 mobs steps on the claymore trap.. the damage will be twice the normal for all mobs.. as if.. if 1 mob steps on it.. isn't it splashes the damage? therefore the damage stacks on how many mobs steps on it.. Mmmm.. 1 mob = 1 splash = damage all.. 2 mob = 1 splash = damage all.. should be.. 1 mob = 1 splash = damage all 2 mob = 2 splash = damage of 2 splash all like this.. how to do it? Also, after the mobs steps on the claymore there is that yellow count on the screen..
  15. Additional Info.. Claymore Trap and Blast Mine do 1 Hit per mob that runs over it at the same time. If 20 mobs run over it it does his base damage * 20 Hits.
  16. It shows the multiple hits of claymore trap. I've tried to edit the skill_db to 123,3,6,2,3,2,2,5,9,no,0,0x80,0,misc,0, HT_CLAYMORETRAP,Claymore Trap Where list_num is 9 to do 9 hits but the damage only increases. It doesn't show how many times it hits the monster..
  17. all traps can be blown using arrow shower except ankle snare and electric shocker.. and define in skill.c case BL_SKILL: su = (struct skill_unit *)target; if( su && su->group && su->group->unit_id == UNT_ANKLESNARE ) return 0; // ankle snare cannot be knocked back break; Yes I know. It can't be but how to enable it for them to be knocked back? for example if using ankle snare and electric shocker arrow shower will cause them knock back.. Should I do this? //case BL_SKILL: //su = (struct skill_unit *)target; //if( su && su->group && su->group->unit_id == UNT_ANKLESNARE ) //return 0; // ankle snare cannot be knocked back //break; No, please do this: case BL_SKILL: su = (struct skill_unit *)target;// if( su && su->group && su->group->unit_id == UNT_ANKLESNARE )// return 0; // ankle snare cannot be knocked back break; Thank you! How to do the second one? How to split mobs using arrow shower? for example.. mobbed them into one line you could use arrow shower and they all get push back the cells without splitting to the all sides..
  18. all traps can be blown using arrow shower except ankle snare and electric shocker.. and define in skill.c case BL_SKILL: su = (struct skill_unit *)target; if( su && su->group && su->group->unit_id == UNT_ANKLESNARE ) return 0; // ankle snare cannot be knocked back break; Yes I know. It can't be but how to enable it for them to be knocked back? for example if using ankle snare and electric shocker arrow shower will cause them knock back.. Should I do this? //case BL_SKILL: //su = (struct skill_unit *)target; //if( su && su->group && su->group->unit_id == UNT_ANKLESNARE ) //return 0; // ankle snare cannot be knocked back //break;
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