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Posts posted by leloush

  1. thank you sir, but i think i will start by 2012 clients,i must learn the basic , i think this topic is for 2013 client? correct me if im wrong, and all the setup is correctly done and settled, im just wondering why it still crashes wait ill post a screenshot




    http://prntscr.com/20u7b8  <<<<< in this case looks good, but when i hit the login button even without password or userid it turns like this



    http://prntscr.com/20u7qq :sob:

  2. if you need any help  feel free to ask :)

    :thx:  thank you !.



    BTW i already have a server with a hercules emulator , smooth and still running and harmony installed, but im not the one who did,

    i just wanna know the other side of ragnarok developing, and this is my focus for now, making my own.. but then i have a trouble with this client.. :heh::gawi:

  3. uhm why is your Server Folder  mixed with your Client folder ?



    you should download this client 2012-04-10 RagexeRE


    it comes with all client files and all Tools what you need


    this Client contains a  YourRO.exe what is prediffed and you can use it for testing


    Download Link




    and be sure to configure your Hercules Server Correct up and Running

    Thank you very much sir. for the time and your big help,




    but i want to learn from 0 to success.

    i mean i want to learn from the very beginning.

    from diffing, etc etc, btw thanks again. appreciated :thx:

  4. when your Client crashes when you enter your Password ,  this mostly happens because of a wrong diffed exe.  


    post a list of your diffs you are using.

    good day mr.ossi0110

    yes it crashes when i enter the password , and even i just hit the enter it crashed also

    im using shindiffpatcher. http://prntscr.com/20thkz




    BTW, sir sorry for this but im newbie one, in terms of client side, so i have no idea about this, :sry:

    list of what i did


    SS #: 2


    SS #: 3




    ps. sorry if i used linked screenshot,

  5. the client close after putting wrong password?or the client close even you put the correct password?




    mr.bgamez23 i have the same problem that you've mentioned(incorrect/correct it crashes)

    any solution about this?



    im using 2012-04-10RagexeRE also 


    thanks in advanced :thx: looking forward for the solution.

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