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Posts posted by leloush

  1. i heard about this before..



    is it possible to make pk in a same map but in a specific x y coor. lets say 4x4 in the main town ? if someone enter or step by someone he will be in a pk state and will become vulnerable to the attacks by someone also in the same 4x4 coordinate?




    thanks in advance

  2. My first maintown :lol: 


    my lights are in a bad positioning ( hoping to learn more when it comes to lighting ) anyone can teach me or willing to teach me will be much appreciated.




    i just turn the night on just to fit with the lights over there..








  3. The basic set would work


    Global Light like:

    1.0, 1.0, 1.0

    45 degrees,


    Shadows like:

    0.7, 0.7, 0.7

    Intensity: 0.35 ~ 0.5

    thanks olrox...



    last question if u dont mind..


    how to make a map with a night and day? i tried to turn on the night via commands IG in the custom map but nothings happen..


    this is my last question hope u dont mind  :D

  4. oh. nvm :P  thank you very much for solving my little problem.. and thanks to borfs editor and syouji's guide too...





    btw olrox, what would you recommend when it comes to global lighting like in a open field? i got no luck on doing this..  :rolleyes:

  5. thank you olrox, ill try it now.




    Put water level at -100, raise the terrain and models up to the new level, and last, resave with browedit rev 558


    @edit.. Olrox can i have a link for 558 rev of browedit? i cant find one by searching in google.. even in rathena..






    @edit solved by saving by 586. cant find 558.. hmm. thank you so much olrox... borfs must know about this bug? at 620... i think

  6. i just used global height edit about 30..below the ground and put some walls on it,, my water lvl is 5


    and yet this is the result ingame, how to get rid of this?



    thanks in advanced.. :D


  7. item_db2.conf


    how to update an item.. i mean i add 1 item and i just tried to copy one of existing structure and change the id view, item id, etc etc.. 


    @reloaditemdb does not work.. still the item is not exist..



    p.s this is my 1st time using item_db2.conf... im not so familiar on this that's why i wanna ask :D 


    thanks in advanced





    use mapflag noskill




    prontera mapflag noskill
    for more mapflag info visit here.

    how about 


    prontera ( skill disable ) storm gust       ( is this possible? )

    yes, this is possible.

    go to db/re(pre-re)/map_zone_db.conf

    search for : name: "Towns"

    under it you will see : disabled_skills: {

    add storm gust in there.

    ah i see boss. thank you



    so it will be like this

    ( if i want to add new line )



    name: "prontera"
    disabled_skills: {

  9. you can use  mapannounce after warp player to the  mining map


    mapannounce "guild_vs2", "wellcome ".+rid2name( $@warpwaitingpc[0] )+"....blah blah blah...", 0;

    good am madam.. i just tried to put this here


    ( this is the line inside after the waiting room.. so i think i need to put it here.. but it ddnt work. so im wondering on how to deal with this

    after being warped by the waiting room outside. )


    guild_vs2,34,67,0 script Extreme Raid[Lever] 1907,{
        message strcharinfo(0), "Pulling the lever...";
        progressbar "green", .progress2;
    specialeffect 234;
    set .Spawn,rand(100,100); // How many Monster should spawn?
    set .Map$,.Maps$[rand(getarraysize(.Maps$))];
    nothing special about the (welcome/introducer)announcer.. but for me it will make sense .. and will make a good story line for this event. that's why i really want to have an announcer before the event start..



    For example :


    The success chance of item 984 ws setted to  80%, actually the range of  if(rand(1, .@range) != .success[.@target * 2])


     was total  5 elements(1~5) ,  the if condition go rand 5 elements  not equal to 1 elements judged to failure change.


    So the failure change is 4/5 and success chance is 1/5  not  satisfying our setting 80%  success chance


    Hope you can understand my broken Eng :P

    yes i did.  :P btw thanks



    but what if i want to add a prize.. where should i put it


    For example :


    The success chance of item 984 ws setted to  80%, actually the range of  if(rand(1, .@range) != .success[.@target * 2])


     was total  5 elements(1~5) ,  the if condition go rand 5 elements  not equal to 1 elements judged to failure change.


    So the failure change is 4/5 and success chance is 1/5  not  satisfying our setting 80%  success chance


    Hope you can understand my broken Eng :P

    yes i did.  :P btw thanks



    but what if i want to add a prize.. where should i put it

     Do you mean add new mining reward ?



    // Minerals
    setarray .mineral[0], 1010, 1011, 984, 985, 501; // Phracon, Emveretarcon, Oridecon, Elunium
    setarray .amount[0], 5,   3, 1, 1, 1; // Amount to mine
    // Success rate: (x / y)% chance
    setarray .success[0], 1, 5, // 1/5 (20%)
    1, 2, // 1/2 (50%)
    4, 5, // 4/5 (80%)
    1, 50,  // 1/50 (2%)
      3,  5;  // 3/5 (60%)


    thank you so much angel.  :thx:




    but lastly.. if u dont mind.. can u give me an idea of this script.. i want to put an announce to the map after being warped by the npc from outside.


    example.. ( already in the destination map .. and the npc inside will ( welcome him/her ) )


     mellina,63,60,6 script sample 406,{
    waitingroom "waiting room",3,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnStart",2;
    warpwaitingpc "guild_vs2",50,50;
    announce  "The raid team of "+ rid2name( $@warpwaitingpc[0] ) +" was teleported to the Raid Dungeon!",bc_blue|bc_all;
    enablenpc "insidenpc";
    after warped to guild_vs2
    announce to map (guild_vs2)  welcome this is sample script... etc etc..

    thank you in advanced  :meow:

  11. hello guys.. need some help on this


    mellina,63,60,6 script sample 406,{
    waitingroom "waiting room",3,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnStart",2;
    warpwaitingpc "guild_vs2",50,50;
    announce  "The raid team of "+ rid2name( $@warpwaitingpc[0] ) +" was teleported to the Raid Dungeon!",bc_blue|bc_all;
    enablenpc "insidenpc";
    after warped to guild_vs2
    announce to map (guild_vs2)  welcome this is sample script... etc etc..


    thanks in advance..


    prontera,150,150,0	script	Sample	100,{	OnInit:		while (1) {			emotion e_kis;			sleep 500;		}		end;}

    thanks pats.


    i have 1 more prob. if u dont mind


    this is the problem.. 


    i want my script to be restarted after the event has completely done.


    this is a raid.. i want this to be happen on my script if possible


    restart the event after killing all mobs in the map or after the participant warped out

  13. For example :


    The success chance of item 984 ws setted to  80%, actually the range of  if(rand(1, .@range) != .success[.@target * 2])


     was total  5 elements(1~5) ,  the if condition go rand 5 elements  not equal to 1 elements judged to failure change.


    So the failure change is 4/5 and success chance is 1/5  not  satisfying our setting 80%  success chance


    Hope you can understand my broken Eng :P

    yes i did.  :P btw thanks



    but what if i want to add a prize.. where should i put it

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