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Posts posted by PunkBuster

  1. Not sure if this is the correct section. Please move if I am wrong.


    Map server is returning several errors. See the picture I attached to the post.


    What's wrong? Those commands exist, so why is it returning those errors?



    groups: ({	id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */	name: "Player"	level: 0	inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )	commands: {		time:true		date:true		pettalk:true		autoloot:true		alootid:true		mobinfo:true		monsterinfo:true		exp:true		iteminfo:true		whodrops:true		me:true		showexp:true		changegm:true		changeleader:true		main:true		commands:true		noask:true		request:true		homtalk:true		hominfo:true		homstats:true		alootid :true		rates:true		refresh:true		uptime:true		autoloottype:true		whereis:true		me:true	}	permissions: {		/* without this basic permissions regular players could not 		trade or party */		can_trade: true		can_party: true	}},{	id: 1	name: "Beta Tester"	inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */	level: 1	commands: {		warp: true		go:true		item:true		monster:true		heal:true		alive:true		refine:true		blvl:[true,false]		jlvl:[true,false]		jobchange: [true,false]		changesex: [true,false]		jump:true		go:true		jumpto:true		recall:true		tonpc:true		kill:true		repairall:true		delitem:true		allskills:true			}	permissions: {	}},{	id: 40	name: "Sub GM"	inherit: ( "Player" )	level: 40	commands: {		mount:true		newmount:true		save:true		load:true		memo:true		alive:true		mail:true		where:true		return:true		help:true		help2:true		version:true		tonpc:true		go:true		jump:true		storage:true		gstorage:true		who:true		whois:true		identify:true		users:true		monsterignore:true		size:true		hide:true		skilltree:true		itemcheck:true		idsearch:true		recall:true		trade:true		battleignore:true		jumpto:true		who:true		who2:true		who3:true		whomap:true		localbroadcast:true		mute:true		unmute:true		follow:true		disguise:true		undisguise:true		heal:true		option:true		speed:true		effect:true		killmonster2:true		kick:true		unjail:true		jail:true		kill:true		warp:true		whomap2:true		whomap3:true		broadcast:true		cleanmap:true		itemlist:true		cartlist:true	}	log_commands: true	permissions: {		join_chat: true		kick_chat: true		hide_session: true		who_display_aid: true		hack_info: true		any_warp: true		view_hpmeter: true	}},{	id: 50	name: "Event GM Trainee"	inherit: ( "Sub GM" )	level: 50	commands: {		dropall:true		storeall:true		killable:true		spawn:true		monster:true		repairall:true		pvpon:true		pvpoff:true		partyrecall:true		charkillable:true		raisemap:true		misceffect:true		storagelist:true			}	log_commands: true	permissions: {		join_chat: true		kick_chat: true		hide_session: true		who_display_aid: true		hack_info: true		any_warp: true		view_hpmeter: true	}},{	id: 60	name: "Game Master"	inherit: ( "Event GM Trainee" )	level: 60	commands: {		questskill:true		lostskill:true		skillid:true		ban:true		unban:true		reset:true		fakename:true			}	log_commands: true	permissions: {		join_chat: true		kick_chat: true		hide_session: true		who_display_aid: true		hack_info: true		any_warp: true		view_hpmeter: true	}},{	id: 70	name: "Event GM"	inherit: ( "Game Master" )	level: 70	commands: {		monstersmall:true		monsterbig:true		gvgon:true		gvgoff:true		guildrecall:true		gpvpoff:true		gpvpon:true		doommap:true		skillsoff:true		skillson:true		item:true			}	log_commands: true	permissions: {		join_chat: true		kick_chat: true		hide_session: true		who_display_aid: true		hack_info: true		any_warp: true		view_hpmeter: true	}},{	id: 80	name: "High GM"	inherit: ( "Event GM" )	level: 80	commands: {		marry:true		divorce:true		produce:true		item2:true		agitstart:true		agitend:true		guildlvlup:true		hatch:true		makeegg:true		delitem:true		petrename:true		pethungry:true		petfriendly:true		homlvl:true		homevolve:true		makehomunc:true		homhungry:true		homfriendly:true		feelreset:true		blvl:true		jlevel:true		allskill:true		stpoint:true		spoint:true		statsall:true		str:true		agi:true		dex:true		int:true		vit:true		luk:true		skreset:true		streset:true		stats:true		unblock:true		block:true		email:true		zeny:true		cash:true		points:true		refine:true		useskill:true		jobchange:true		job:true			}	log_commands: true	permissions: {		join_chat: true		kick_chat: true		hide_session: true		who_display_aid: true		hack_info: true		any_warp: true		view_hpmeter: true	}},{	id: 99	name: "Admin"	level: 99	inherit: ()	commands: {		/* not necessary due to all_commands: true */	}	log_commands: true	permissions: {		can_trade: true		can_party: true		all_skill: false		all_equipment: false		skill_unconditional: false		use_check: true		use_changemaptype: true		all_commands: true		hchsys_admin: true	}})

    I also can't give @die or @main to my players. I've no idea what I am doing wrong here.

    Sem título.bmp

  2. All of those skills have restrictions on what skills they work with.


    Plagiarism + Preserve:

    Only 1st and 2nd class skills. No Rebirth or 3rd class.



    Any skill except Transcendant skills.


    Shadow Spell:

    Extended and Transcendant skills cannot be auto-casted.


    I'd like to learn how to bypass those limitations so that:


    -Plagiarism can copy Trans skills, but still no 3rd class skills;

    -Reproduce able to copy Trans skills;

    -Shadow Spell able to autocast any skill copied.

  3. I've no experience making plugins, though I believe this command should be very simple to make.


    What I want is a @command that broadcasts a message+play an alarm sound from inside the .GRF.


    Needs to have both global and local map variations, in 3 colors(red, blue, yellow).


    @balarmr (red global)

    @balarmb (blue global)

    @balarmy (yellow global)

    @blalarmr (red local)

    @blalarmb (blue local)

    @blalarmy (yellow local)

  4. weapon_damage_rate




    What exactly includes each of those? Magic is easy enough to guess, but which skills are considered misc? What exactly is weapon_damage_rate?


    Also, does any of the @reload commands can be used to reload this file? Or do I have to restart the server everytime?

  5. When I am with a Falcon, I cannot use Warg Ride. If I get a Falcon while I am Warg Riding, I cannot unmount from it. How to circunvent this issue?


    By the way, when I get a Falcon while riding, it gives me the hunter falcon sprite, not the Ranger one.

  6. Still modying for classes, need help with Rangers this time.


    Is it possible to allow Rangers to use the Warg and the Falcon at the same time? If so, please tell me now.


    Also, I want to know how to bypass the limitation for setting traps beneath players and monsters. I want all Hunter classes to be able to set traps beneath monsters and players without limitations.

  7. I am making a few items that replace the mechanic catalysts. I have some doubts.


    How can I make the MADO skills that require items(such as Acceleration, Flame Launcher, and Suicidal Destruction) use 2 items? I tested using Acceleration. I tried this:


    2262,0,0,20:40:60,0,0,0,99,0,0,mado,0,6146,1,2800,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0	//NC_ACCELERATION#Acceleration#



     I changed it to:


    2262,0,0,20:40:60,0,0,0,99,0,0,mado,0,6146,1,2800:28024,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0	//NC_ACCELERATION#Acceleration#

    The custom item I want to make it work with is 28024. It's supposed to replace the need for an Accelerator. Using it like this didn't work. I can replace

    it completely, however, I want the skill to work with either item. How can I do this?


    My second doubt is: How and where can I fiddle with the FAWs? My server is mod-rate, and I need to buff the FAWs so they'd be useful in actual combat.


    Finally, how can I make it possible to use Blacksmith/Whitesmith skills with the MADO? I want the buffs to be available, but not Cart Termination and the other Damage skills. Thanks in advance.


  8. Still no change. Nothing I change in this file seems to have an effect.




    I found the fix for this issue. I tried to remove the skill_cast_db and it gave me no errors. I realized that it was reading the skill_cast_db from my pre-re folder because I had set for skills to use pre-renewal cast mechanics(despite being a renewal server otherwise).

  9. I am trying to make a server with very little delays and cooldowns. I set delay_rate to 10% in the battle.conf, but I am also giving 3rd jobs skills and some others lower cooldowns manualy.


    For my test, I wanted 100spears to be spammable, but when I changed the values on skill_cast_db inside my dbre folder, nothing changed.


    What I did was:



    //-- RK_HUNDREDSPEAR2004,1000:900:800:700:600:500:400:300:200:100,500,0,0,0,3000,-1 




    //-- RK_HUNDREDSPEAR2004,1000:900:800:700:600:500:400:300:200:100,500,0,0,0,100,-1



    Yet nothing happened. Am I missing something?


    I tried fiddling with some swordsman skills, too. I wanted to give endure 1 second reuse time, but didn't work either. As a test, I attempted to give Provoke a 10 second reuse time, and it didn't work as well.


    What am I doing wrong?

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