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Everything posted by Neo-Mind

  1. your attachment only have item drop sprite&act, item inventory image and item collection image. You also need a sprite which is used when headgear is equipped which is missing from your attachment. If this is an official accessory (by the look of things it does) then you shouldn't need to worry about those files provided your RO folder is updated.
  2. OK i have updated the link in the first post. Interesting idea about the updater will work on that one.
  3. @Shakto I made it with the default framework (4.5) but that might have issues with WinXP. Dot NET4.0 is supported by WinXP SP3 so I will switch to that and recompile.
  4. XP should have .Net 2.0 installed by default let me see if i can compile it for that. Alternatively you could add a .net installer when you provide the client to players EDIT: Nope you need .NET 4.0 - I will try to make an interface in WinForms and see if it works.
  5. yes it requires .NET framework 4 (guess i should have written that down). I initially started using WinForms but the background rendering had some flicker when you tried to resize/move plus some other graphic blunders were coming up so i switched to WPF.
  6. ya actually i have been thinking of combining it with a client patcher. But i need to know how the current patchers work first
  7. I "launch"ed the launcher => http://herc.ws/board/topic/930-rolex/
  8. Ragnarok Online Launcher eXecutable (R.O.L.eX) Info: I started learning C# + .net and I thought why not create a client launcher and "kill 2 birds with 1 stone and here is the result.I chose the name cuz well who doesn't like rolexes Screenshots: Default Look With BG Features: 1) Configurable Window Title & Background (I am also planning to make buttons also configurable in future) 2) Settings button - invokes setup.exe (the file name is configurable within the ini file) 3) Register button - you can specify the website for registration in the ini file 4) Once you press Login Button (or press Enter) the Launcher minimizes to the background and rises back if the Client gets closed (Useful especially when you press cancel button during initial screens) 5) Starts updater before you log in to ensure RO folder is updated (can be turned off from ini file). Filename of the updater as well as Minimum No of days (default is 1) before next update can also be specified. - Credits to Shakto for the idea Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?7l4sq249k3zo4zo EDIT: Second version built for .NET 2.0 using WinForms - aka "Lazy Version" (I still believe its far better to go for .NET 4.0 - you can include the installer for .NET along with your client installer when you provide it to players). Screenshots: Default Look: With BG Image: Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dmhsqa5gp6adiwv/R.O.L.eX_LQ.zip Let me know if you have any suggestions or face any issues with either version (Flicker appearing in the LQ version cannot be avoided). EDIT 2: Planned Updates: 1) Skinnable Buttons & Customizable Button Locations. 2) Editable Names for Buttons + Labels. 3) Inbuilt Official & Private GRF Patcher. EDIT 3: Discontinued Further Updates since many are too lazy to get .NET 4 or their OS don't support it.
  9. @Vali checking for 0 isn't working. It looks they didnt code the client to send any errorcodes. Only time it isn't zero is when i kill the client through task manager. Anyways ill just code the launcher to return back whenever client gets closed.
  10. @M45T3R I think he was talking about the launcher not the client itself @Vali thanks for the info. I will add the code to my launcher.
  11. Well to answer your questions 1) About the patcher - I was thinking of creating a patcher using Yommy's Diffgen in the background such that you only need to supply the client and everything else will be generated automatically and applied (like you said). 2) About auto-closing : There is only 1 problem we are not using old login screen anymore we are using launchers. One possible mechanism would be for the launcher to start the client then go to background and if the client gets closed off the launcher returns to normal so you can just press login again.
  12. thx yommy thats what was missing . now i feel like =.= Anyways for body palette it looks like Nullify function required a slight mod => function Nullify($exe, $offset, $stage){ $byte = $exe->read($offset,1); if ($byte >= "x50" && $byte <= "x57") $exe->replace($offset, array(0=>"x90")); else { echo "Failed at Part ".$stage; return false; } return true;}
  13. Ok i figured out that the ($exe == true) part becomes true even when $exe is RObin object (which it shouldn't) Wonder why it is ok for the other patches .... Any idea how to prevent that?
  14. lol why do i always forget to return true!!!! EDIT: but still what about the shared head palette there there is a simple string replace but the function is getting called only once for me so its not running the code below new xPatch:|
  15. try using V as a format string to pack Why is it not generating diff file for me .
  16. i think there is an encoding issue because the ascii strings have been treated as UTF8. $offset = $exe->str("¸Ó¸®¸Ó¸®%s%s_%d.pal","raw"); has gotten converted to $offset = $exe->str("¸Ó¸®¸Ó¸®%s%s_%d.pal","raw"); similarly for other strings can you comment this one and use the alternate search pattern i have provided using hex values. that should fix the error But the diffgen is still not generating any changes for them which is weird. :| EDIT: Oops looks like the encoding issue was my fault . Apparently notepad++ put the file as UTF8 encoded heh.
  17. ok this is funny. To find out which npc is causing the issue i commented every thing in scripts.conf and the server was able to start. then i uncommented section by section and finally found that nothing needed to be removed .... server is working again
  18. 2-3x .. that is just sad
  19. interesting rathena is back and the first thing i do is provide the wrong password three times --- locked out for an hour derp . save all the stuff you want in case it goes back to maintenance mode again
  20. you have enabled Read Msgstringtable.txt diff right? What did you change them to
  21. did you test them out in a client ? If its ok then go ahead. I am at office right now, need to get home first before i can test them.
  22. its not a missing file issue. your shadowtable.lua has some error in line 15. it is referring to a nil value as the key to a table.
  23. oh i thought the condition automatically takes it as true if it contains any normal value other than false. OK i will change that. @Enko Pros ------ 1) Easier to make changes compared to WeeDiff (Higher level of abstraction and we don't need to take care of any memory management) 2) Easy to adapt to any mods in client (like what happened with themida unpacking). Cons (Well not exactly cons but still) ------- 1) If you want to generate diffs then you need to have php installed (not required for patcher). 2) All the code is open which means you can't have any hidden code for your own patch.
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