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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. Update:
    1) Bug with msgstringtable extraction has been fixed. It should theoretically never cause an issue again.
    2) File Inputs now have a optional Editor Window so you can directly make your list files when opening the patcher. Check it out with the patch mentioned below. :)
    3) "Use Custom DLL" patch has been added (no its not the same one as Load Custom DLL from Wee Diff). This one modifies the Import Table itself similar to how LordPE does it.
       All you need is a file with the dll names and functions to import written in a tree style manner (Check the dlls.txt in the Input folder for details)

  2. Update:

      Added "Use Custom Icon" Patch. Now you can specify the icon file directly in the patch instead of modifying later with reshacker tool. The icon file should have a 32x32 8Bpp (256 colors) image inside to replace the original with. Patch will report if the icon file is not usable.

  3. Generally the specification is given as <Base Exp Rate>/<Job Exp Rate>/<Drop rate>. Ofcourse there are exceptions :)


    if you see a server with the specification say 6x/6x/10x, It means Base Exp rate is 6 times that of official, Similarly Job Exp rate is 6 times and Drop rate is 10 times.


    Sometimes you also see 1k/1k/1k  or something of the sort without the x, here also even though the x is omitted it still means the same i.e. 1k = 1000 times the official rate.

  4. No I am not dead...just yet :D. I do check the topic from time to time. Most queries are getting answered by others already - mostly because they are related to the data files rather than the client itself.


    I realize i haven't done much updates here lately. Not much to update anyways (I have not seen a new client since Feb 2014 guess k3dT is also busy).


    Well i have been looking into some of the patch requests mentioned + got busy irl & EndlessRO.


    Hopefully I will be back in full swing by this weekend.

  5. I got this error in 2012 04 10


    Debug Window:


    Restore Login Window: 52 50 8b 0d 5c 29 8e 00 8b 01 8b 50 18 6A 00 6A 00 6A 00 6A 00 68 1D 27 00 00 C7 41 0C 03 00 00 00 FF D2 58 5A 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

    Restore Login Window: 52 50 8b 0d 5c 29 8e 00 8b 01 8b 50 18 6A 00 6A 00 6A 00 6A 00 68 1D 27 00 00 C7 41 0C 03 00 00 00 FF D2 58 5A 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90


    Yea I forgot to remove that debug message. but the patch should work fine. Anyways I have removed it now.

     I added a fix for the crashing in service selection window.

     Also the last patched client filename and output filename is saved and restored on relaunch.





    I'm getting 'Failed in Part 2' message while selecting "Enable GRF (recommended)",

    I'm using 2013-06-05ragexe.


    Please fix.

    check now.



    Hi Sir Nemo my client 2012-07-16 but when I try to patch Multiple  GRF is says Failed in Part 2 please help

    can you check now it might be related to what mleo1 was getting.

  6. I think you are trying to use a packed client from kRO which can't be used for extracting packet keys.





    I tried it like a week ago when I saw your repo and it didn't work.  :)

    Edit: I am getting a "No match found in Length Table for Packet 0x7f57". 

    which client date did u use?


    thats odd I have run this on 2013-08-07a mostly. That packet id itself seems wrong which means there is something wrong with the encryption.

    Is it always showing error for same packet?



    I was wondering if it is possible to get npcs equal dialogues of yommy who worked in the past, I have account on kro and wanted to pick up some npcs.

    maybe but which client do you plan to use for that?. the stock Ragexe would be packed and we need to do stuff in the client like Encryption key & Packet Length extractions.

  7. I have been thinking this for a few months, and i am ready to quit the ro scene.

    It has been an awesome time, gained alot of friends, learned alot of things, and dedicated several years of my life to *athena.

    aww sad to hear it. but hey its your choice what to do  :).


    i hope i have made a difference or even inspired some people in some way.

    Thank you for being an awesome community.

    well saying you made a difference or an inspiration would be an understatement. The community won't be the same without you  :sob:


    Yommy <3


    dont be sad you'll be back one day. WE ALWAYS COME BACK  :meow: .

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