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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. its a limitation of 32 bit signed integer actually. 2147483647 is the actual limit.

    but i guess client also limits it to nearest round off value? (by round off i mean in terms of zeny not decimal round off). 

    But i wonder why they used different limit of 2100000000 for bank though.

  2. doesnt TP already avoid NPCs when searching for free cells?

    I mean i have never teleported to an NPC's location yet but I have teleported onto Warp Portals before , both in official (although that was some time back and occurred like very few times - probably because i did not teleport much then?) and private servers.

  3. When you open the client instead of selecting the server push cancel the client is not closed, I think something is missing in Restore Login Window

    you dont say? :P J/K yea i have noticed. currently im checking why the dc in service select is not showing up (instead of crashing the client ...  its weird)

  4. Was I the only one, back in the past, who simply modify the DES encryption table used in the executable ? Easy, no files to add, no extra work by the client.

    Easily bypass if you know where to search, but it was better than molebox at the time and no one though about looking at the DES encryption.

    maybe people only saw the bold part :D

  5. @Ossi: i would say drop this shit. this guy took 200$ for this tool and dissapeared after just some years of development. you dont even get a daim for your work where this guy got so much money for.


    I decided to support InternalGuard from now on. its still in childhood but the tool have a big potential, im pretty sure with the right help Kaju will create something better then ten harmony.


    Completely agreed with this. 

  6. i just checked in both RE & main for that date . I don't see any error in NEMO. did u do git pull to the latest?

    version should be 2.1 and also the title now reflects the last committed date (2014-02-18  04:04:43 GMT+0530 is what you should be seeing)

  7. @themon

    just add the strings to TranslateClient.txt (remember it needs to be full string - no partial matching is done right now).

    format is simple


    M: <message string to show in FailedTranslations.txt> <= no specific pattern. WYSIWYG

    F: <search pattern>

    R: <replace pattern>


    both patterns can be either in

    hex format with single spaces in between like => B3 BB BA F1 B0 D4 C0 


    an ASCII string enclosed in single quotes like => 'Message'


    only lines beginning with M:,  F: and R: are used for the patch rest all are ignored so u can add comments with whatever characters you want.

    FYI these specifications are also written in that file :)

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