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Posts posted by Neo-Mind


    im using secure grf client too and it works on 2013-12-23


    I see secure is work fine, i am using a chinese tool , it can  encrypte and liveupdate. make encrypte gpf file write into sdata.grf


    do you how to make liveupdate on SecureGRF? 

    What chinese tool ?  :o

    i dont think SecureGRF has live update feature (since u can't even decrypt it ....)

  2. Bugs:

    on 2013-06-18, 2013-08-07 (only them i was check maby another clients have that too)

    • when someone login in game in account what already online - client closed, but must be logoff to login screen. (closed at who trying login, and who already in game)
    • when you turn off the server (disconect), client closed.



    Do i need to diff exe for increase maximum characters slots at client (2013-06-18/2013-08-07), or i need only to change value in mmo.h?

    did you add the Cancel To Login Window patch ?


    Atleast the disconnection should properly switch you back to Login screen.

  3. All you need to do, is to give your library a .asi, .m3d or .flt extension instead of .dll and it will miraculously get loaded by the client when it starts up and is unloaded once it shuts down.


    When your DLL gets loaded, most of the initialization is already complete and the window is already visible, DirectX is not initialized at that point. So while this might be ideal for a client plug-in, that messes with the window or the client runtime, it's probably less usable for hot-patching of the initialization code.

  4. Interesting i havent posted here in some time.




    i) 2013-12-23c is supported in NEMO. There were some bugs but that has been fixed (let me know if u find more).


    ii) Enable Mail Box patch has been added. It is still in experimental stage - would be great if someone would test it out. Currently the patch only works for 2013 clients since i was told 2012 clients don't have the mailbox issue.


    iii) There seems to be a bug with Disable Multiple Windows when closing the client - stale process remains. This is being looked into (hence i have added an Experimental Tag on it).


    iv) Custom Jobs Patch has been updated. The Lua Files to be used for the patch has changed format a bit - I'll put the details in a separate topic.

  5. @themon i didnt use any specific tools other than HxD hex editor, but i think LordPE can be used to delete the extra data as well (Ai4rei knows more about that).

    my way - find last address used by .reloc section (last section loaded into memory) -> delete everything after that.


    One more thing i have noticed in both new clients the Extra Data start with PCEI as starting bytes.


    @oleokong yes don't use that button - it was meant to link to registration link but gravity has disabled that part.


    In case you want to hide the button just use a 1x1 pixel bmp file with pink color (R=255,G=0,B=255) for

    btn_request.bmp, btn_request_a.bmp, btn_request_b.bmp inside datatextureÀ¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºlogin_interface folder

  6. for the embedded patch specify your data.ini to the patcher. it will hardcode in all the grfs so u don't need the ini file in client area.


    hmm haven't checked the new client yet.will try that

    and is it possible to patch client to read a .txt instead of inserting it to the Ragexe client.


    example like the bifrost quest message. now the client is reading it from msgstring.txt file not like before you need to hexed it to the ragexe client to translate it.


    so you just have to put the things that you need to insert to this .txt file

    and what did you mean by reading from .txt files.. for which cases? Already Translate Client reads from txt file.

  7. Custom Jobs fix is in progress - i have already added a fixed patch to repo but not tested yet. I have actually updated the lua files needed for that one - with slight variations (need to make a proper guide *notes*).


    Custom Shields had bugs?


    Disable Multiple Windows - there is an old bug still lurking around (process still remaining after closing client...i havent gotten around to check that yet...busy IRL too wat to do :D)


    Updated Patch keys and Extend boxes patches.

    Looks like the new client only uses two unique keys (The first one is reused as the second one :rolleyes: - actually second and third are same but we are using reverse order in hercules from what i see  :lol: ) .



    HKLM to HKCU is also broken, just to mention

    I didnt see any errors while selecting the patch. did you update NEMO to latest? 


    if i apply the patch to the exe, the exe just gives a bling message, but doesnt appear.

    if i dont applay the patch, the client starts without problems.

    bling bling!! ok ill check that.




    I update all svn。and use neo's kro exe file。

    There is no error in configrue。 


    But still crush in open

    I used yommy’s msgstringtable.txt


    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)88 Allow space in guild name33 Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended)97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended)8 Custom Window Title9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)15 Disable HShield (Recommended)14 Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen (Recommended)41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)61 Disable Packet Encryption (Recommended)13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended)34 Enable /showname (Recommended)68 Enable 64k Hairstyle77 Enable Custom 3D Bones201 Enable Custom Homunculus90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)75 Enable Flag Emoticons205 Enable Monster tables49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended)19 Enable Title Bar Menu76 Enforce Official Login Background24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)102 Fix Tetra Vortex204 Increase Attack Display28 Increase Headgear ViewID32 Increase Zoom Out Max86 Only First Login Background35 Read Data Folder First36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)37 Read questid2display.txt (Recommended)38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)40 Restore Login Window (Recommended)50 Skip License Screen44 Translate Client (Recommended)63 Use Official Cloth Palettes48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)47 Use Ragnarok Icon

    Well i tested running the client with all the recommended diffs + Use ragnarok icon & Skip License Screen . So perhaps one of the others are crashing. Ill check the others listed.

  9. Updated Patch keys and Extend boxes patches.

    Looks like the new client only uses two unique keys (The first one is reused as the second one :rolleyes: - actually second and third are same but we are using reverse order in hercules from what i see  :lol: ) .



    HKLM to HKCU is also broken, just to mention

    I didnt see any errors while selecting the patch. did you update NEMO to latest? 

  10. Hi guys i have fixed the bugs in Disable HShield and Restore Login Window (i believe).


    Anyways the client had some extra baggage inside (looks like Gravity is giving garbage bytes for christmas). I have cleaned it up and uploaded the new

    client => https://www.mediafire.com/?cc4vfdrdd4r15hb


    This should fix most of the other patches. Im looking into the remaining.


    Please update NEMO to the latest revision (i hope you are using the subversion link).

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