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About exibitz

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  1. can someone share the latest fixed comaptible for latest revision
  2. change the permission of your patch folder
  3. Almost all 2nd job trans except to Lord Knight And Paladin attack you you will get this error but if im using GM Sprite im not reciving this error help please !
  4. I assume you have dropped your client on "istarted", which is the wrong way to use it (process parent must be rocred). Please configure "istarted" as client in rocred.ini and login through rocred. Provide the "Command Line" then, thank you. The login-server console is interesting, that both username and password are empty. Hi sir thanks for the help i already fixed my problem i think 2012-04-10 client is not working with rocred i change my client to 2013 client and it works fine now
  5. HERE SOME INFORMATION ABOUT MY PROBLEM IM USING 2012-04-10aRagexeRE_J.exe - I Started Info. Putting Username And Password UNREGISTERED ID WHEN I START HERE ARE THE LOGIN SERVER CONSOLE HERE MY MYSQL LOGIN TABLE ; ------------------------------------------------------------------; RO Credentials (ROCred); (c) 2012-2015 Ai4rei/AN;; ------------------------------------------------------------------; Lines starting with ; are comments and can be removed before; embedding the config into rocred.; Numbers are always considered decimal (base 10) unless stated; otherwise.; When a color value is required, it can be in one of the following; CSS-like formats:; #rgb hexadecimal (short); #rrggbb hexadecimal (long); rgb(r,g, decimal or hexadecimal; rgb(r%,g%,b%) percentage[ROCred]; Whether or not user name is remembered.; Values:; 0: No; 1: YesCheckSave=0; Remembered user name.; Client to start when clicking login or replay.ExeName=pinas-ro.exe; Argument to pass to the client.ExeType=1rag1; Whether or not password should be MD5 hashed.; Values:; 0: Plaintext; 1: MD5 hashHashMD5=0; Whether second instances are allowed or not.; Values:; 0: No; 1: Yes; Note: This setting is not meant as measure to prevent double; clienting.SecondInstance=0; Whether or not the checkbox for remembering user name is; available.; Values:; 0: Available; 1: UnavailablePolicyNoCheckSave=0; Whether or not the button for starting replay is available.; Values:; 0: Available; 1: UnavailablePolicyNoReplay=0; Whether or not the notification icon is displayed when in; background waiting for the client to complete.; Values:; 0: Display; 1: HidePolicyNoTrayIcon=0; Whether or not password is kept during a session when in; background waiting for the client to complete.; Values:; 0: Kept; 1: Not keptPolicyNoSessionPassword=0; Font size of the dialog in points.; Note: Sample skin is designed for size 26.FontSize=9; Provides miscellaneous client information to the server as part of; the password/hash data. The password/hash is provided as "key".; Bitmask:; &1: Hardware address of the network adapter (mac).; Internet-bound adapters are searched first, otherwise; the first available is picked. If the MAC address cannot; be retrieved, "000000000000" is passed.; Note: The user receives an agreement prompt the first time they; provide the data to the server.; Note: The server must be modified to support the data format.; Example: mac=112233445566&key=mypwd123; Note: Password is always the last key-value pair and is not; urlencoded.MiscInfo=0 WHAT IS THE PROBLEM SIR ? I TRIED TO EDIT THE .INI BUT NOTHING HAPPEN
  6. Bro how did you fixed that i have the same problem when i tried to login my existing account it say unregistered id
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