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Everything posted by Vincent

  1. Hello, i try to switch from rA to Hercules. At the sql upgrade 2013-10-31--07-49.sql i get this error: FehlerSQL-Befehl:#1383205740ALTER TABLE `inventory` ADD COLUMN `bound` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `favorite` ;MySQL meldet: Dokumentation#1060 - Duplicate column name 'bound'
  2. Hello, i plan to change to hercules. I had writte a lot of custom scripts for my server. So how compatible is hercules for the rAthena scripts?
  3. Hello, first of all i allreadys read the Guide at the wiki but had some questions. My Item from item_db2: 29001,WoE_Beanie,WoE Beanie,5,20,,700,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,0,160,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,10; },{},{} This is a dupliacate of the normal Beanie with the same ViewID. ItemInfo.lua -> What did i have to writte at the classNum? 160? Because this is the ViewID? [29001] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "WoE Beanie", unidentifiedResourceName = "Ä«ÇÁ¶óÀÌ¿ë±Ç", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown item requiring Appraisal. Can be identified by using a Magnifier.", }, identifiedDisplayName = "WoE Beanie", identifiedResourceName = "¹Ì½º¸±È­", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Same specs as Poo Poo hat. Cannot be Refined. Wearable by all classes.", }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 1 }, Was that all because the sprite is the same like the normal Beanie?
  4. What is the more stable Client? Or what is better supported? 2013-06-05 or 2013-08-07?
  5. The thing is: I wanna create a encrypt packet Tool. So Bots cant be used. Best way for this is directly to merge it with the client,. But when there are no source i have to find a other way...
  6. Where are all the RagExe come from? And how did the coder change something at the exe?
  7. Hello, is there any way to get the source code for 2010-4-10 Client?
  8. Why this theme dont work with the xantaras flux cp von rAThena?
  9. Hello, how can i change some skills to the old way? Kyrie Eleison -> Block also Magic Damge Clymore Trap -> The damage are mutiplicate with the amount of mobs Thanks for you help
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