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Everything posted by pan

  1. Whoops I forgot to change the map name, sorry :x OnInit: // Mvp ids setarray $MVP_id[0],id1,id2,id3; // Mvp maps NO GAT's! setarray $MVP_maps$[0],"map1","map2","map3"; // Respawn time (HOURS) setarray $MVP_tm[0],tm1,tm2,tm3; initnpctimer; // IT SHOULD FALL HERE! OnTimer3600: // After a hour for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($MVP_id); set .@i, .@i+1 ) { set .@time, $MVP_tm[.@i]*3600; // Conversion to seconds so we can use gettimetick if( ($MVP_last_respawn[.@i] + $MVP_tm[.@i]) > gettimetick(2) ) continue; // Time has yet to pass monster $MVP_maps$[.@i],0,0,"--ja--",$MVP_id[.@i],1; // Defines last respawn set $MVP_last_respawn[.@i], gettimetick(2); } setnpctimer 0; end;Don't forget to delete the other spawns of those MVPS, otherwise this will just spawn other mob. Also this "mvp timer" continues to tick even if your server is off.
  2. You could spawn mvps manually and create a global variable for each one of them containing the time of the last spawn...Something like: OnInit: // Mvp ids setarray $MVP_id[0],id1,id2,id3; // Mvp maps NO GAT's! setarray $MVP_maps$[0],"map1","map2","map3"; // Respawn time (HOURS) setarray $MVP_tm[0],tm1,tm2,tm3; initnpctimer; // IT SHOULD FALL HERE! OnTimer3600: // After a hour for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize($MVP_id); set .@i, .@i+1 ) { set .@time, $MVP_tm[.@i]*3600; // Conversion to seconds so we can use gettimetick if( ($MVP_last_respawn[.@i] + $MVP_tm[.@i]) > gettimetick(2) ) continue; // Time has yet to pass monster "map",0,0,"--ja--",$MVP_id[.@i],1; // Defines last respawn set $MVP_last_respawn[.@i], gettimetick(2); } setnpctimer 0; end;
  3. As I stated in my previous post there is no need to input each map that is going to use a mapflag when using zones, as there is a zone that includes all maps.All you need to do is alter the "main" zone that's called "All", it should be the first one in your map_zone_db.conf name: "All"If you need to know how just read Ind's entry: http://herc.ws/board/topic/302-introducing-hercules-map-zone-database/
  4. pan

    [Custom Link Mods]

    There was an error in this snippet, I don't even know how this passed lol Here is the fix: Open src/map/skill.c and find: // If linked, knights are able to use parrying with one handed swords (type 2) if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) && ( skill_id == LK_PARRYING && !sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,2) )) { clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); return 0; }Replace it with: // If linked, knights are able to use parrying with one handed swords (type 2) if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) && !( skill_id == LK_PARRYING && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && pc_check_weapontype(sd,1<<2) )) { clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); return 0; }Find (again): if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) && ( skill_id == LK_PARRYING && !sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,2) )) { clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); return 0; }Replace it with: if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) && !( skill_id == LK_PARRYING && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && pc_check_weapontype(sd,1<<2) )) { clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); return 0; }Now it should work properly c: I'll update my original post (http://herc.ws/board/topic/3829-soul-link-modification/?p=24936) and change this.Thank you for reporting. Any errors or misbehaves just post here ok?
  5. Mapflags are still being used in scripts through setmapflag and also in map_zone_db... I'm not sure whether there is any way to use zones via scripts. @Jezu It's not difficult to implement that, but there is no need to, just use map_zone_db.conf and add your mapflags to "All" http://herc.ws/board/topic/302-introducing-hercules-map-zone-database/
  6. pan

    Vote for points npc

    This script doesn't use any query, so it won't update any of your tables... It uses this variable to store points: // Custom points, if needed: "<variable>","<name to display>" setarray .Points$[0],"#CASHPOINTS","Cash Points";
  7. Yes pan. That line was the problem. I was able to fixed mine using SC_ALL? BTW, dunno what is the purpose of this line.. Yes pan. That line was the problem. I was able to fixed mine using SC_ALL? BTW, dunno what is the purpose of this line.. SC_ALL is used for checking purposes, it must always be the last status change. It serves this purpose because of the way that enums work in C.Here is my diff file with all modifications needed in the source: diff --git a/src/map/skill.c b/src/map/skill.cindex 0df90a5..c10f89c 100644--- a/src/map/skill.c+++ b/src/map/skill.c@@ -6628,7 +6628,8 @@ int skill_castend_nodamage_id(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, uin clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); if((dstsd && (dstsd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_SOUL_LINKER) || (tsc && tsc->data[SC_SOULLINK] && tsc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_ROGUE) //Rogue's spirit defends againt dispel.- || rnd()%100 >= 50+10*skill_lv )+ || rnd()%100 >= 50+10*skill_lv || (tsc && tsc->data[SC_IGNOREDISPELL])+ ) { if (sd) clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0);diff --git a/src/map/status.h b/src/map/status.hindex d3148b4..ed2f182 100644--- a/src/map/status.h+++ b/src/map/status.h@@ -699,7 +699,8 @@ typedef enum sc_type { SC_OKTOBERFEST, SC_STRANGELIGHTS, SC_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC,- ++ SC_IGNOREDISPELL, SC_MAX, //Automatically updated max, used in for's to check we are within bounds. } sc_type; // Official status change ids, used to display status icons on the client.Regards
  8. Did you add your SC to db/const.txt? Also there is no need to add: StatusChangeFlagTable[SC_IGNOREDISPELL] |= SC_NONE;Maybe that's the line that's causing this misbehavior. I added this status without it and everything seemed to work just fine.
  9. I made this and tested real quick, if there are any errors just post and I'll correct them. Here is the diff file, just apply this changes: http://pastebin.com/gNApHdHj (you can do this manually as well) Hope I helped. EDIT: Don't forget to add in your conf/groups.conf this permission to groups that aren't going to be counted in the pvp rank: disable_pvp_rank: true
  10. pan

    Vote for points npc

    You should post your script, without it it's very difficult to know for sure what's the problem. Also, are there any errors/warnings popping up in your console?
  11. pan

    Preserve Skill

    Open src/map/skill.c and find: case ST_PRESERVE: Remove itNow find: clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv, sc_start(bl,type,100,skill_lv,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv)));break;Add below: case ST_PRESERVE: if( sd ) { if( sd->sc.count && sd->sc.data[SC_PRESERVE] ) { status_change_end(bl, SC_PRESERVE, INVALID_TIMER); clif->skill_nodamage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, 1); } else { clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv, sc_start(bl,type,100,skill_lv,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv))); } } break;Regards.
  12. Just by doing a quick look there's something strange going on, why are you using a pointer? int *isnear = 0;It looks as in pc_isnear_sub you are just using this pointer to point things that are in stack, so when this function returns it will point to something that can't really be accessed and will probably raise a SEGFAULT.if (isnear > 0){This line is just checking if there's an address set to '*isnear', not if the dereferenced value is bigger than 0.Also you are incrementing the pointer here not the dereferenced value: *isnear++;So you should do something like:int pc_isnear_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list args){ int *isnear; struct map_session_data *sd; isnear = va_arg(args, int*); sd = (struct map_session_data *)bl; if( isnear == NULL || sd == NULL ) return 0; if (sd->sc.data[SC_TRICKDEAD] || sd->sc.data[SC_HIDING] || sd->sc.data[SC_CLOAKING] || pc_isinvisible(sd) || sd->vd.class_ == INVISIBLE_CLASS || pc_isdead(sd) ) { return 0; } (*isnear)++; return 1;}bool pc_isnear_mob( struct mob_data *md ){ int isnear; isnear = 0; map->foreachinrange((pc_isnear_sub), &md->bl, AREA_SIZE, BL_PC, &isnear); return (isnear > 0)?true:false;}Regards.
  13. Whoops, small mistake lolhttp://pastebin.com/QaGfva8H
  14. Thank you, I wasn't aware of that. I added new configurations:// Account idle players? 1 - true; 0 - falseset .idle,1;// Account players using autotrade? 1 - true; 0 - falseset .autotrade,1;// Account players that are in chats? 1 - true; 0 - falseset .chat, 1;Set to false if you want that those players don't receive any prize.http://pastebin.com/aJV6beP8
  15. pan

    Nositting mapflag

    Thank you! eAthena rev. 15234I think there is need to add some checks for flag in clif_sitting / clif_standing functions, right? There's no need to do that, all sitting requests pass trough ActionRequest_sub.Here is the new diff: http://pastebin.com/uMgV81Db Note that can_sit_anywhere is the minimum gm lvl to sit anywhere. Haven't tested this diff in-game, but there where no build errors.
  16. Just tested, indeed WARPNPC has this behavior.
  17. pan

    Nositting mapflag

    As it is now it isn't compatible, most places that were changed have things that are only available in Hercules, if you need it to be compatible with eAthena just provide a revision number and I'll 'convert' this diff to it.
  18. pan

    Nositting mapflag

    I coded it for you: http://pastebin.com/fSPpQgBb Just do the changes that are depicted in this diff file, save and rebuild your map-server. I've also added a new group setting: can_sit_anywhereJust add it to all groups that can bypass 'nositting' restrictions. Oh, and only player controlled sitting is blocked (e.g. using insert), i.e. if a skill makes a player sit, it'll still do that even with the mapflag enabled, ok? Regards.
  19. I see. Oh, and I think that after the header you should put an 'end;', if the script stays this way every time someone clicks the warp it will execute everything that's under OnInit's scope, that's unnecessary overhead. Thank you for your answer.
  20. Ops, sorry, my mistake. It would be possible to use a warp afterwards, having to replace every warp that goes to a map would be a pain, and also every warp npc would have to mimic that invisible line that all warps have that triggers them.
  21. Check if anyone is using LG_EXEEDBREAK, there's a known crash issue with this skill: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-7988-royal-guard-exceed-break-causes-map-server-crash/?gopid=21828#entry21828 If after this your map continues to crash post a coredump of your server. http://herc.ws/board/topic/3775-help-with-two-major-problems/?hl=coredump
  22. It's better to use the mapflag loadevent. Put this inside any script file: mapname mapflag loadeventPut this inside any npc:OnPCLoadMapEvent: set @id, ITEMID; set @quantity, QUANTITY; if( strcharinfo(3) == MAPNAME ) { if( countitem(@id) >= @quantity ) end; mes "[Warp master]"; mes "You don't have the required item to enter this map!"; mes "Get "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@id)+""+((@quantity > 1)?"s.":"."); close2; warp "prontera",150,150; } end;EDIT:Corrected script
  23. http://herc.ws/board/topic/152-obtaining-hercules/ http://herc.ws/wiki/Getting_Started http://herc.ws/board/topic/164-requested-links/ The databases are still located inside 'db' but there are two sub-folders pre-re and re, the first is only activated when you are running an 'old times' server and the latter is active by default. Hercules is quite up to date, but it's not a priority, if you want to be up to date you should use rAthena instead, but Hercules uses less resources to run.
  24. It's not wrong, it's exactly like in official servers... If you want to alter open db/re/statpoint.txt and change those values, if you want the same stapoint quantity as it was in pre-re, swap this file with the one that is in db/pre-re
  25. pan

    Max Damage Cap

    All damage that's done by any skill passes through skill_attack that's in skill.c, open this file and search for: damage = dmg.damage + dmg.damage2; if( (skill_id == AL_INCAGI || skill_id == AL_BLESSING || skill_id == CASH_BLESSING || skill_id == CASH_INCAGI || skill_id == MER_INCAGI || skill_id == MER_BLESSING) && tsd->sc.data[SC_PROPERTYUNDEAD] ) damage = 1;Just do any cap that you might need after this 'if'... Something like: if( skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST && damage > 9000 ) damage = 9000;
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