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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. January and February Digest 2016

    The following digest covers the month of January 1st - January 31st 2016 & February 1st - February 29th 2016.


    January Digest
    Team Changes

    • No new changes.


    Development Highlights


    Database Highlights


    Scripting Highlights


    January Statistics

    • During the period there were 142 Commits.
    • Of these 142 commits, 6 included bug-fixes.
    • 17 Commits from Pull Requests.


    February Digest
    Team Changes

    • No new changes


    Development Highlights


    Database Highlights


    Scripting Highlights


    February Statistics

    • During the period there were 65 Commits.
    • Of these 65 commits, 2 included bug-fixes.
    • 11 Commits from Pull Requests.

  2. December Digest 2015

    The following digest covers the month of December 1st - December 31st 2015.


    December Digest
    Team Changes

    • hemagx has joined our team as a Core Developer.



    Development Highlights



    Database Highlights



    December Statistics

    • During the period there were 228 Commits.
    • Of these 228 commits, 10 included bug-fixes.
    • 27 Commits from Pull Requests.

  3. In ToS you HAVE TO follow this script where from Lv.1~20 you will be at Region X, at Lv.30~60 Region Y and there's no other alternatives. While in RO you can easily explore the whole world while you level.

    He makes a point. ToS has a linear motion... you're going in one direction and you can't steer off into any direction you choose. Yes, the way they made the graphics and MvP entrances, etc. are exciting... but if they didn't follow a linear path... I think it'd be a better game.

  4. I'll keep it here unless otherwise stated by Rytech. I know its a simple script but maybe to those who are new to 3CeAM and don't know the scripting, it -could- be beneficial. 

  5. Well, Hercules uploader doesn't like me (i tried several times in different browsers to send it in a .zip but it failed saying it's too large on both kinds of uploadesr) , but there's the rAthena's link here.

    It seems to act a bit weird for some reason.. not sure why at this point. Thanks for the release! I'll be uploading it on MC too ;3

  6. I've been checking in status.c how to make the start aspd higher.

    When a new novice is made, you start of with (i believe) 153 ASPD and after equipping a weapon this reduces more.


    I want to make that start value higher. Like 165 or something when you login with a newly made novice. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks! :)

    I think you might want to look into the job_db.conf file.
    	Inherit: ("Other_Job_Name")   // Base job from which this job will inherit its max weight, base ASPD set and HP/SP table.
    	InheritHP: ("Other_Job_Name") // Base job from which this job will inherit its HP table (if different).
    	InheritSP: ("Other_Job_Name") // Base job from which this job will inherit its SP table (if different).
    	Weight: Max Weight               (int, defaults to 20000, units in Weight/10)
    	BaseASPD: {                   // Base ASPD for specific weapon type (optional)
    		Fist: 0~2000             (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Dagger: 0~2000           (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Sword: 0~2000            (int, defaults to 2000)
    		TwoHandSword: 0~2000     (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Spear: 0~2000            (int, defaults to 2000)
    		TwoHandSpear: 0~2000     (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Axe: 0~2000              (int, defaults to 2000)
    		TwoHandAxe: 0~2000       (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Mace: 0~2000             (int, defaults to 2000)
    		TwoHandMace: 0~2000      (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Rod: 0~2000              (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Bow: 0~2000              (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Knuckle: 0~2000          (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Instrumen: 0~2000        (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Whip: 0~2000             (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Book: 0~2000             (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Katar: 0~2000            (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Revolver: 0~2000         (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Rifle: 0~2000            (int, defaults to 2000)
    		GatlingGun: 0~2000       (int, defaults to 2000)
    		Shotgun: 0~2000          (int, defaults to 2000)
    		GrenadeLauncher: 0~2000  (int, defaults to 2000)
    		FuumaShuriken: 0~2000    (int, defaults to 2000)
    		TwoHandRod: 0~2000       (int, defaults to 2000)
    	HPTable:[1, .... 150]            (int array) // Reference table for base HP per level
    	SPTable:[1, .... 150]            (int array) // Reference table for base SP per level
    You can see the first one for Base ASPD is for fist. If you scroll down a bit, you can see for the job Novice, fist is set at 500. Adjust accordingly.

  7. Our forums are back up and running smoothly! http://www.board.midgard-community.com Since our various moves, the forums became sort of finicky with our current service... I then had to get a new service... and here it is back up and running!


    The forums are back up with all the customs people have uploaded into the forums. I personally would like the forums to become the next RUNE or even TSR. Hopefully it happens with people's support!

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