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Posts posted by hemagx


    ah I have a question (I'll continue working on it regardless)


    = If set as true you'll get an announcement with the character name if

    s/he gets a successful drop of the item from the box.


    set it as false and nothing will happen.

    Who is this displayed to? Self? Party? Everyone in the same map?

    everyone in the server

  2. They both contain GM on it.


    Simply if your account gm group is less than 12 you can't put the follow words in your char name







    and little note it's officail thing :/

    so if you make char named GM Hemagx

    server will not make it but not if your name is SofyGMO ( player can make it no problem ) but if Sofy GM ( not allwoed )


  3. i hope if we can a not allowed "words" in char name so we can do like





    //Not allowed bla blahno_allowed_words: GM,DM,CM,Ind,xD  

    and other setting for bybass level !


    //Not allowed bla blah// if gm group >= 12 GM can bybass the filter no_allowed_wordslvl: 12


    about commands :

    i hope if we can make


    it will reload all conf files in conf folder expect battle conf

    @reloadchar - @reloadlogin

    just restart char or login server

  4. You could also just modify this:



    // Minimum account group id required to connect to server.// Will not function if group_id_to_connect config is enabled.// -1: disabled// 0 or more: group idmin_group_id_to_connect: -1

    in conf/login-server.conf


    It basically sets your server into a maintenance mode in which only you or your other GM's can login, while all other users, who should normally only be group 0, cannot login.

    it's good :P but i still like the command


    +1 for the idea

  5. For purpose :

    it's officail thing :P

    you will use a lot of areas was not available :P

    jTynne want it

    and , i think there's no problem ! or hard thing to make GM bybass it

    anyway npc warp command can ignore it >>

    and there's a lot of things we can do after enable ignore walk area  ~.~ all ideas gone when someone ask me :blink:

  6. well, in Aegis GM can ignore walk area when use warp command ( /mm mapname )

    so my suggestion is make new option like if GM Group id is more than 2 can ignore walk area when warping so GM can warp to

    eg. @warp prontera 10 10 if his group is more than 2


    and thx :D

    sorry for bad english

  7. well i changed max item amount to 300k in mmo.h



    //Max amount of a single stacked item#define MAX_AMOUNT 300000 


    but when i use @item 512 300000

    it's set amount to 0 in the database and if i changed it to any number more than 30k+ give me this error

    in char server


    [SQL]: DB error - data of field 'amount' was truncated. 


    anyone can help me ? and thanks :)

  8. Hi to all...I'm malufett... :D



    you did bad thing by change your comment :/ ifrit wil come to you and kill you


    Hello Yommy & Beret & Judas & Hemagx & Michieru & M45T3R & Virtue & Vali & Zopokx & pr3p & malufett i'm Hemagx

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