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Everything posted by snowflake1963

  1. Do you mean like where we made custom itemcustgroups when using rAthena? if so how do we get them to work? CANCEL found the problems and figured out what to do somehow LOL
  2. Hello, i am getting warning that i don't understand can someone please explain? thank you for your advice
  3. Same Errors see my post http://herc.ws/board/topic/4208-ghost-errors/ i even tried using a totally new trunk and it moved the "Monster" error to npc/re/warps/fields/bi_fild.txt and as we all know there are NO monsters in warp txt files. Also it is reading auto-traders being online even tho the server was SHUT DOWN over night = completely offline with my computer turned off.
  4. Here is another screen shot of the same errors the DOES NOT EXIST IN ANY OF OUR SCRIPTS, we have checked all scripts numerous times. plus now the map server says there is 3 autotraders online after being shut down for over night, they are my chars and i have logged on all 3 accts and exited to windows and shut down the server and restarted it and they still appear. WHY? Please HELP !!!
  5. I have exact same issues and using the theme that comes with the fluxcp. also i have done everything you have said to in the thread and STILL have errors. CANCEL I fixed it. Took out the rA sql files and put Hercules sql files and now only problem is Item database says no items found.
  6. I have the same problems, I have made a complete new fluxcp folder, used a clean sql db that has no cp tables. AND STILL have the same errors. The errors are in both Mob database and Item databse. What should I do?
  7. I just tried the Triad patcher link and I got problems loading page. I think maybe it is a broken link.
  8. I wanted to add an @command the server does not know, how can this be done? I have the command working on rAthena but i am trying to switch to Hercules.
  9. Hello Anakid: You are wrong and did not read my request properly ! We checked this script uncountable times. 1) The word "monster" or "Monster" is in that script, but in lowercase letters. 2) The word "Emperium" does not appear in that script. 3) When we take this script out of the init.conf ( using comment // ), the message gives that script before which does NOT contain one of those two "Codewords". To us it seems the server saved error-messages somewhere and gives them now at the end of all loaded NPC scripts instead clearing this unknown, hidden error-storage. The server works fine, but it's annoying and confusing to see that messages. Regards Snowflake
  10. When I start my server it has 2 ghost errors that are not in the script it is saying it is in. We had errors with these words while setting up the server but we have fixed all errors.
  11. Thanks for your help i found a typo in my work
  12. I did that and that date isn't in the list at all. I did this and still same as the screenshot .
  13. I am not sure where to post this but here it goes i am using 2012-04-10RagexeRE_Client.exe and Hercules Win32 for Ragexe 20130618 v3 @r12062 did everything i know i am suppose to do but when I start the client it accepts my log in and then when it gets to the point of going to char select it fails to connect to server. what can be wrong? Please and Thank you for your help
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