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Everything posted by snowflake1963

  1. Hello @ All I am not sure where this is suppose to be posted but, how do i increase the damage of all skills? my players are complaining about their dmg is to low and should be higher. they compare our server which is 50 50 25 to offical servers that are 1 1 1 and our dmg is way lower than theirs. mfg Snowflake
  2. Its disabled in plugins.conf. So where to disable that ? Maybe here ? # Plugins that will be built through 'make plugins' or 'make all'PLUGINS = sample db2sql HPMHooking $(MYPLUGINS) like that ? # Plugins that will be built through 'make plugins' or 'make all'PLUGINS = $(MYPLUGINS) Mfg Snowflake
  3. Tried that but somehow my Linux gets stuck at compiling HPMHooking.c. I waited almost 2 hrs but nothing happend. Not even an error message. Mfg Snowflake
  4. Hi ^^ My trouble with Heal and Highness Heal is even with 1 int i get 9999 heal with normal heal at lvl 10 and lvl 5 highness heal does 31996 healing. how to reduce that?
  5. The command worked great on our test server (windows) but when we went to put Hercules to our root (linux) we get the message: file at_sleep.so can not be found. How to get this file? Thank you in advance
  6. I used the script as YOU posted it in #9: ( I allow myself to quote it again ) <?php define('__ROOT__', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); // Loading CORE filesrequire_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Controller.php');require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Cache.php');require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Client.php');require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.DB.php'); // Initialize the client (load GRF, load DB, etc.)Client::init(); // What do you want to display ?// Full Character ?// So include the render neededrequire_once( __ROOT__ . 'render/class.CharacterRender.php' ); // Set up the headerheader('Content-type:image/png'); // Since you use class.CharacterRender, use it :$chargen = new CharacterRender(); // Set your datas here$chargen->action = CharacterRender::ACTION_READYFIGHT; // You can see constants in$chargen->direction = CharacterRender::DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST; // render/class.RORender.php$chargen->body_animation = 0;$chargen->doridori = 0;$chargen->sex = "M";$chargen->class = 4002;$chargen->clothes_color = 0;$chargen->hair = 5;$chargen->hair_color = 12;$chargen->head_top = 0;$chargen->head_mid = 0;$chargen->head_bottom = 0;$chargen->weapon = 0;$chargen->shield = 0;$chargen->robe = 0;$chargen->option = 0; // Generate the image and display it$img = $chargen->render();imagepng($img); ?> AND since i am a php-n00b/newbie i hoped this script will work without further edition. mfg Snowflake
  7. Script and Error in the picture do not match ! Sorry
  8. you type @sleep and then your character lays down ( looks like Novice Skill Trickdead ) and sleeps ( zZzZzZ ~ over your head ). Type @sleep again to wake up. While you sleep you can not be attacked. Usefull to go pee or poo in real life while your charcter is on a field or in a dungeon with agressive mobs. mfg Snowflake
  9. Our drops on custom items is 10% chance and when you only get 1 - 3 out of 100 kills equals to less than 10% chance. We are suppose to be getting 10 - 15 out of 100 kills.
  10. Hello All ^^ I seem to be having a problem with item_chain.conf. We are changing over from rAthena to Hercules, all custom items worked on rAthena. I have a lot of custom items that is using the command " bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,n; " in their script. I dont seem to be getting any drops at all. I have added the item groups to item_chain.conf in the same manner as the other groups in that file. I even tried a normal ro headgear that has the same script and nothing drops. Is there a way to fix the chance? I did try changing the numbers to higher and still nothing. here is an example: the script: bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,ITMCHAIN_DYESTUFFS; the item_chain.conf: ITMCHAIN_DYESTUFFS: { Scarlet_Dyestuffs: 100 Lemon_Dyestuffs: 100 Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs: 100 Darkgreen_Dyestuffs: 100 Orange_Dyestuffs: 100 Violet_Dyestuffs: 100 White_Dyestuffs: 100 Black_Dyestuffs: 100 Pink_Dyestuffs: 100 Can someone please help with this problem
  11. Hello All ^^ I seem to be having a problem with item_chain.conf. We are changing over from rAthena to Hercules, all custom items worked on rAthena. i have a lot of custom items that is using the command " bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,n; " in their script. i dont seem to be getting any drops at all. i have added the item groups to item_chain.conf in the same manner as the other groups in that file, i even tried a normal ro headgear that has the same script and nothing drops. is the a way to fix the chance? i did try changing the numbers to higher and still nothing. here is an example: the script: bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,ITMCHAIN_DYESTUFFS; the item_chain.conf: ITMCHAIN_DYESTUFFS: { Scarlet_Dyestuffs: 100 Lemon_Dyestuffs: 100 Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs: 100 Darkgreen_Dyestuffs: 100 Orange_Dyestuffs: 100 Violet_Dyestuffs: 100 White_Dyestuffs: 100 Black_Dyestuffs: 100 Pink_Dyestuffs: 100 Please help with this problem
  12. Works fine, thank you very much Annie mfg Snowflake
  13. Followed your hint and used GIT update. Compile was fine. 0 errors. BUT now i have millions of errors pointing to the mob_db. I think the server forgot how to read mob_db2, cause all errors say non-existing mob with my custom mobid's. Really need HELP with that mfg Snowflake The Mob error is gone, it was a setting in mob.h. Sorry was extrem confused in that moment. Will test @sleep now mfg Snowflake
  14. My Hercules is 2 weeks old. I downloaded it with GIT. mfg Snowflake
  15. Followed your hint and the guide. Sadly my compiler give a fatal error now: c:transfersnowhercules serversnow3 - hercules trunksrcpluginsat_sleep.c(10): fatal error C1083: Datei (Include) kann nicht geöffnet werden: "../common/HPMDataCheck.h": No such file or directory mfg Snowflake
  16. I am a bit confused now Where shall I put what mfg Snowflake
  17. Thank you for your help I put in the code and i still have 3 errors when recompiling: c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'sc_start'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): error C2440: 'Funktion': 'block_list *' kann nicht in 'sc_type' konvertiert werdenc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 2 This points to line 8403 which is: sc_start(NULL,&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, 100, 1, 1000); Can you please explain? mfg Snowflake
  18. I did what you suggested and the compiler gave the following errors: atcommand.cc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(3646): warning C4013: 'intif_broadcast' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8392): error C2065: 'agit_flag': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichnerc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8394): warning C4013: 'clif_displaymessage' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8397): warning C4013: 'gettick' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8399): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'msg_txt'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8399): warning C4047: 'Funktion': Anzahl der Dereferenzierungen bei 'int' und 'map_session_data *' unterschiedlichc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8399): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 1c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'sc_start'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): error C2440: 'Funktion': 'block_list *' kann nicht in 'sc_type' konvertiert werdenc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 2c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8406): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'msg_txt'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8406): warning C4047: 'Funktion': Anzahl der Dereferenzierungen bei 'int' und 'map_session_data *' unterschiedlichc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8406): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 1c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8409): warning C4013: 'clif_emotion' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8412): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'msg_txt'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8412): warning C4047: 'Funktion': Anzahl der Dereferenzierungen bei 'int' und 'map_session_data *' unterschiedlichc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8412): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 1c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8415): warning C4013: 'clif_changeoption' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8418): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'msg_txt'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8418): warning C4047: 'Funktion': Anzahl der Dereferenzierungen bei 'int' und 'map_session_data *' unterschiedlichc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8418): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 1 atcommand.cc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(3646): warning C4013: 'intif_broadcast' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8392): error C2065: 'agit_flag': nichtdeklarierter Bezeichnerc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8394): warning C4013: 'clif_displaymessage' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8397): warning C4013: 'gettick' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8399): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'msg_txt'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8399): warning C4047: 'Funktion': Anzahl der Dereferenzierungen bei 'int' und 'map_session_data *' unterschiedlichc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8399): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 1c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'sc_start'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): error C2440: 'Funktion': 'block_list *' kann nicht in 'sc_type' konvertiert werdenc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8403): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 2c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8406): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'msg_txt'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8406): warning C4047: 'Funktion': Anzahl der Dereferenzierungen bei 'int' und 'map_session_data *' unterschiedlichc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8406): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 1c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8409): warning C4013: 'clif_emotion' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8412): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'msg_txt'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8412): warning C4047: 'Funktion': Anzahl der Dereferenzierungen bei 'int' und 'map_session_data *' unterschiedlichc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8412): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 1c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8415): warning C4013: 'clif_changeoption' undefiniert; Annahme: extern mit Rückgabetyp intc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8418): warning C4002: Zu viele übergebene Parameter für das Makro 'msg_txt'c:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8418): warning C4047: 'Funktion': Anzahl der Dereferenzierungen bei 'int' und 'map_session_data *' unterschiedlichc:usersuserdesktopro server trunkssnow3 - hercules trunksrcmapatcommand.c(8418): warning C4024: 'Funktionszeiger': Unterschiedliche Typen für formalen und übergebenen Parameter 1
  19. Hello All ^^ I have a script for @sleep that I used with rAthena and tried it here and failed I really like this command and would like to use it still. Here is my script: /* *=================================== * Sleep (@sleep) *----------------------------------- */ ACMD_FUNC(sleep){ if (agit_flag) // skill not useable in WOE [A17kaliva] { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Cannot use this command during WOE."); return -1; } if(!battle_config.prevent_logout || DIFF_TICK(gettick(), sd->canlog_tick) > 10) { if(sd->sc.opt1 != 0 && sd->sc.opt1 != OPT1_SLEEP){ clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,807)); return -1; } if(sd->sc.opt1 != OPT1_SLEEP){ sc_start(NULL,&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, 100, 1, 1000); sd->sc.opt1 = OPT1_SLEEP; //sc_start(NULL,&sd->bl, SC_COMA,100,1,skill_get_time2(185,1)); clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,805)); // sleeping } else { sd->sc.opt1 = 0; clif_emotion(&sd->bl,45); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, -1); //sc_start(NULL,&sd->bl, SC_COMA,100,1,skill_get_time2(185,1)); clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,806)); // awake } clif_changeoption(&sd->bl); return 0; } clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(sd,807)); return -1; } Can anyone PLEASE help me to make this work?
  20. Without using the core files and controllers, you have to do this (good to build a char simulator as ratemyserver has) : <?php define('__ROOT__', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); // Loading CORE files require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Controller.php'); require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Cache.php'); require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.Client.php'); require_once( __ROOT__ . 'core/class.DB.php'); // Initialize the client (load GRF, load DB, etc.) Client::init(); // What do you want to display ? // Full Character ? // So include the render needed require_once( __ROOT__ . 'render/class.CharacterRender.php' ); // Set up the header header('Content-type:image/png'); // Since you use class.CharacterRender, use it : $chargen = new CharacterRender(); // Set your datas here $chargen->action = CharacterRender::ACTION_READYFIGHT; // You can see constants in $chargen->direction = CharacterRender::DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST; // render/class.RORender.php $chargen->body_animation = 0; $chargen->doridori = 0; $chargen->sex = "M"; $chargen->class = 4002; $chargen->clothes_color = 0; $chargen->hair = 5; $chargen->hair_color = 12; $chargen->head_top = 0; $chargen->head_mid = 0; $chargen->head_bottom = 0; $chargen->weapon = 0; $chargen->shield = 0; $chargen->robe = 0; $chargen->option = 0; // Generate the image and display it $img = $chargen->render(); imagepng($img); ?> I tested that script, its not working. At first there was an error about missing class.debub.php, which was easy to fix.^^ now all i get is an empty white square on my screen. Any ideas how to fix that ?
  21. What if we don't want to use kafra points in the cash shop, and want to use Loyalty, Event, Vote Points or Donate points? How can we change it?
  22. Hello Haru , I changed my mob_db2 as you told ( EMPERIUM => EMPERIUM_ ) and added || strcasecmp(p, "Monster") == 0 to script.c Both Errors are gone now. Thank you very very very much !!!!! Best Regards Snowflake
  23. Thats the ideal way to do it. But you cant control the crash of the server that makes all ur mobs re respawn on sever restart. Specially MvPs. True ^^ i can't control a crash. In that case it is usefull to have a time controlled re-spawn in case the mvp was killed already. So it would be nice when the server logs it and respawns MvPs only in case their respawn time is up.
  24. I know i am a "bit" late with my opinion ^^ but I use a local test server for scripting and other things. In that server i can do @reloadscript as much as i want / need and no player is online to kill any monster. New scripts are uploaded when they work 100% fine and i do @reloads for very important bugfixes ONLY. All other stuff has to wait for the next monthly maintenance. Regards Snowflake
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