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Everything posted by Kenpachi

  1. Finally hooking. There are many things which are much more important than an additional scripting language, guys...
  2. Despite the color thingy and the new commands we already are able to create account bound items. So I really don't see a benefit here (expect the colors). https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/db/re/item_trade.txt
  3. Either both use IP of server1 or server1 uses and server2 the IP of server1. So if your configurations is using the WAN-IP, both server config should match completely, otherwise The server should know this automatically since your config points to the correct server. BTW; did you allow external connections for the MySQL server on server1? (Otherwise this wont work.)
  4. Please check your global SQL settings. They should match on both servers (not the IP of course ). ../conf/inter_athena.conf
  5. Try using clif_broadcast2 with target = AREA. This should do what you want to achieve.
  6. Well, since it's an official behaviour and implementing it just means to comment out 6 lines of code I'd say yes.
  7. This syntax is completely different from our syntax... and since you can use LIMIT in MySQL it is simple to loop through more than 128 entries. If we would create something like this we had to build a new variable typ which is exclusive because it would ignore the 128 entries limit. In my opinion this is too much effort for such little benefit.
  8. I suggest to add a VIPuntil column to be more flexible. If it's DBNULL you are not a VIP, otherwise you are VIP until that date is reached.
  9. Well, every server which makes use of donations would use it... and you don't really need a web part. The server owner simply could set the flag in the database permanently or maybe a duration. +1
  10. Global flags? Nice idea! /no1
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