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About icabit

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  1. icabit

    for improvement

    thx annie ill test these things and try to understand how it works im noob with queries using athena style after checking out the things you gave me i learned something new now i can finally check if the mac address of the newbee has already have a recruiter so a mac address can only be recruited once into [cbox]if ( query_sql( "select 1 from totaltime where mac = ( select last_mac from login where account_id = "+ getcharid(3) +" ) and account_id != "+ getcharid(3), .@dummy ) ) {[/cbox] thx a lot annie!
  2. icabit

    for improvement

    i basically have this script working but i want to improve it http://pastebin.com/gDrhMyU8 this script that i made is composed of 3 npc's in one freebies daily reward hourly reward and referral system line 325-337 checks if his recruiter has the same mac address i wanted to make additional query checks for harmony where you can check if the newbie is already recruited in his/her other account by checking if his current mac address is already registered in table 'mac' in totaltime table for freebies if newbee's mac address is already in the totaltime table then no freebies
  3. Here yo go! ,I dont test shadow equipment ....good luck! refine_bonus.patch thx it works perfectly i can't say thank you enough
  4. can anyone convert this to a hercules src mod? i need it badly http://rathena.org/board/topic/81176-refine-bonus/
  5. i saw this post on rathena http://rathena.org/b...-self-announce/ i wonder why no one every released one I was bored and i was thinking of making something so i remembered that eamod has this feature so i made one for us i don't know how eamod did it but i just do it via script i know theres like 123123 maps out there but it was easy to get them all to work once you know a little bit of programming LOL it will announce to yourself where you are currently this will announce the map listed on mapindex in data folder so it wont announce something like iz_dun01 it will announce it as undersea tunnel works on every map that is enabled by default in hercules but the script is quite simple and i suppose it will work with rathena and eathena too note: if you will encounter errors on your map server just simply look for it in the script and comment them or delete them. if you know how to enable those maps then do so. its yours to decide what you do note 2: i will only support major problems of the script note 3: you may modify it but don't remove the header check the attached picture for an example mapannounce.txt
  6. what to do? :( my client doesnt work and my old rathena doesnt work on herc anymore :(

  7. what to do? :( my client doesnt work

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