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sandbox last won the day on December 4 2024

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About sandbox

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  • Birthday 04/03/1992

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  1. great work, @jasonch! love how smooth this works!
  2. Sorry for that, I didn't notice my privacy settings in Discord. Anyways if anyone is still interested, feel free to message me here or add me on Discord. Thanks!
  3. Current looking for a source code developer for Hercules. Projects and requests will not be that big. Mostly modifications and some additional commands. Payment terms can be per task or on a monthly basis, or whatever we agree upon. Send me a message here or on Discord for faster communication - oklama#6969
  4. As i've said on its original topic, those are my scripting noobie days. Thanks for rewriting it!
  5. Yep, it's on rA http://rathena.org/board/topic/92897-quests-games-poring-catcher-event/
  6. That's weird.. Script looks fine and should be working since you're the scripting Goddess! You shall smite the person who caused this problem once you've seen him! xD
  7. Sounds like my script from rA? or not? haha. Comment/Remove these lines out warp "mellina",115,150; //Edit to where will you warp players that lostsleep2 500;if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0) goto Lnoone; Replace them with this.. sc_start SC_Freeze,3000,0,10000,0;sc_start SC_Stone,3000,0,10000,0;
  8. Kinda of OT post.. But damn, the scripting Goddess is asking questions!?
  9. Pwede kang mahuli once na gamitin mo ang client(ragexe) at ang files(grfs, bgms, SPRITES, etc) nila, at kapag dinugtungan mo ng Ragnarok Online ang pangalan ng server mo dahil copyrighted un. At dahil ang RO PH ay part rin ng Gravity. Pero 'gang sa ngayon, wala pa namang nabalitang kaso tungkol dyan kase mahaba rin ang pag proseso at hindi ganung kadali dahil konti palang ATA ang batas about sa ONLINE copyright issues(ex. cybercrime bill) dito sa pinas.. Yung emulators lang ang legit dahil aegis ang gamit ng gravity hindi athena.. Kung gusto mo maging 100% safe, gagawa ka dapat ng sarili mong files, sprites, maps, items. sakit sa ulo non! haha Pero wag kang mabahala, tulad ng sabi ko at nila, wala pang nahuhuli, hehe. Try mo rin search sa rA forums about sa legality..
  10. Mostly all attack/skills can be dodged except for magic/misc attacks.. More info here.. http://irowiki.org/wiki/Cicada_Skin_Shed
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