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Posts posted by Tsuuu


    I looked for the whole community and I couldn't find where I can change the flag for the use of an item, for example, when your inventory reaches a maximum of 100 items, the consumable can no longer be used, I would like to change this modification, when the inventory is full of items the next items falls to the ground when using the consumable.




    The topic that came closest was this one:


  2. Good night everyone, could someone help me with the ranking of taekwon !? When I use the command (/taekwon) in the game, a list of special characters appears.

    I would like to know which file is showing this ranking, I searched here on the forum and I didn't find anything about it, just this topic informing where to change the command call, it probably isn't there that I should change it, I just want to fix the in-game chat rank...




    I imagine it is somewhere in the data / system folder or something, does anyone have any light on this?




    @Dastgir First of all I apologize for the issue marking you, the topic I mentioned above was you who answered, suddenly you know something about it, could you help me by giving me some direction please?

  3. Search function: 


    Add below:

    .@GID = getcharid(CHAR_ID_GUILD);
    .@nick$ = strcharinfo(PC_NAME);

    After that just look for the part that advertises and exchange for:

    // Respawn the Emperium, and display new owners.
    sleep 500; // Slow down script execution slightly.
    if( agitcheck() )
    	donpcevent "Agit#"+strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_HIDDEN)+"::OnStartArena";
    sleep 7000;
    //Edit announce bellow
    announce "O Castelo [" + getcastlename(strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_HIDDEN)) + "] foi conquistado por [" + .@nick$ + "] da gloriosa guild [" + getguildname(.@GID) + "].",bc_all|bc_woe; 

    works well for me like this...

  4. 19 minutes ago, Ridley said:

    Approving this. Good Luck.

    Ridley, thank you very much, I am a big fan of yours, I wish you all the blessings of the world under your life.

    You don’t need to not up on the topic, I just wanted to let you know that in anonymity you have people who admire your work

  5. Could someone tell me how much I would have to pay for editing an existing map.

    Basically it consists of taking a castle map (Kriemhild) and joining its parts, that is, removing the portals and creating a kind of passage in the place, the idea is to make the map one, like the ones in the woe 2.0...

    I would appreciate it if someone offered to do it, especially if it was someone from my country, since my currency doesn't have much value.   (1 Dólar = 5.2 R$)

  6. 21 hours ago, PunkBuster said:

    Is it possible to create an item that calls up a script?

    What I want to do is an item that stays permanently on player's inventories. When it is used, it calls up a script that give information about the current users on the map.

    It would look something like this:

    first create a script and put its function there, example:

    function	script	scripttest	{
    	getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0;	
    	dispbottom "Quantidade de jogadores no mapa atual: "+getmapusers(@map$);

    then just go to the item script and use callfunc, in this example I used '2201':

    	Id: 2201
    	AegisName: "Sunglasses"
    	Name: "Sunglasses"
    	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
    	Buy: 5000
    	Weight: 100
    	Loc: "EQP_HEAD_MID"
    	Refine: false
    	ViewSprite: 12
    	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,500; callfunc "scripttest"; ">

    You can also make this number update every time the number of players changes on this map, it all depends on what you want.

  7. 7 hours ago, FleXx said:

    Hi Herc,

    I have a House System on my Server. I added a Kafra there with a savepoint.


    What im searching for is:

    When i release the House everyone should get a new savepoint.

    I got some help from someone with query sqL:

    query_sql("UPDATE `char` SET `save_map`='prontera', `save_x`='156', `save_y`='191' WHERE `char_id`='"+getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR, getd("$house" + getarg(0) + "_user$"))+"'");


    But this does not work. And even if it will work its only for the owner of the house who release the House.

    Could anyone help me out?


    Thank you



    I thought of some ways to do this, however I want to understand your script to try to do it functionally for you, first note:

    *getcharid(<type>{, "<character name>"})
    This function will return a unique ID number of the invoking character,
    or, if a character name is specified, of that player.
    Type is the kind of associated ID number required:
    (0) CHAR_ID_CHAR - Character ID number.
    (1) CHAR_ID_PARTY - Party ID number.
    (2) CHAR_ID_GUILD - Guild ID number.
    (3) CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT - Account ID number.
    (4) CHAR_ID_BG - Battle ground ID
    (5) CHAR_ID_CLAN - Clan ID number.

    WHERE `char_id`='"+getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR, getd("$house" + getarg(0) + "_user$"))+"'");

    At this point in his SQL query he uses the getcharid command, his sql uses 3 variables that I don't know the values:  $house, getarg(0) and _user$ in a second parameter of the getcharid call that may not even be necessary, just by char id you can do everything.

    About working only for the character who releases the house, a repeating structure can be done by passing the IDs of the characters you wish to have access to, in the case of your script the sql command only runs once, using a search condition that passes the Scripting Character ID, you need to somehow get the character IDs you want and create a "for/while" for sql.

  8. 59 minutes ago, Naruto said:

    The problem is your probably looking up MC_LOUD exclusivly


    all skills that have statuses attached to them have new entries


    in this case


    Look in status.c


    MC_LOUD and the associated status 

        status->set_sc( MC_LOUD              , SC_SHOUT        , SI_SHOUT           , SCB_STR );

    look for sc_shout

    if(sc->data[SC_SHOUT]) str += 4;

    		str += 4;


    Dude, you're a myth, how could I not have realized this, thank you so much for your help.

    Topic Solved !

  9. Incredible as it may seem I did not find where to change this option to change the passive bonus of this skill, even though I searched in various places, can anyone give me a light!?

    currently the Crazy Uproar skill gives me a 4 attack bonus, I would like to change this value, I looked at her function in source and found nothing less complicated for my understanding.

  10. 11 hours ago, Virtue said:

    can you give a sample usage?


    Or, if @AnnieRuru can set an example script that'd be super helpful. I think it'd help most of the users interested in maximizing this feature.

    lol, he's already delivered almost everything.

    sorry my answer, I'm kind of out of time if I wouldn't write the script for you, maybe another day!

  11. Hi, I'm pretty junior in programming, but I can still do some things through if and else (jejeje), I made this custom script to rank my WoE, the script is 100% functional, I would like to know how to optimize it Because I think too many checks can weigh my script and overload my server since a WoE can be very busy, can someone more experienced tell me a way to optimize this script? An example will already serve as a template for other scripts of mine.

    	if(agitcheck() || agitcheck2())
    		getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0;
    		if(@map$ == "prtg_cas01" || @map$ == "arug_cas03")  //Edite aqui os mapas dos castelos ativos na woe
    			matounawoe += 1;
    			woematancacons += 1;
    			dispbottom "[WoE] Você Matou: "+matounawoe+".";
    			dispbottom "[WoE] Você Morreu: "+morreunawoe+".";
    			dispbottom "[WoE] Matança Consecutiva: "+woematancacons+".";
    			if(woematancacons == 10)
    				mapannounce(strcharinfo(3), "[WoE] O jogador "+strcharinfo(0)+" matou 10 sem morrer e está em matança consecutiva.", bc_map, 0xFFCE00);
    			if(woematancacons == 20)
    				announce "[WoE] O jogador "+strcharinfo(0)+" matou 20 sem morrer, alguém precisa pará-lo.",bc_all, 0xFFCE00;
    			query_sql "SELECT `char_name`,`matou`,`morreu`,`matou_sem_morrer`,`mt_sem_mr_perma` FROM `woe_rank` WHERE `char_id` = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `char_name` = '"+strcharinfo(0)+"'",@nome$,@PvPPoints,@morreu,@matou_sem_m,@mt_sem_mr_perma;
    			if(@nome$ == ""){
    				query_sql "INSERT INTO `woe_rank` (`char_id`, `char_name`, `matou`, `pontos`, `matou_sem_morrer`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1,1,1)";
    			} else { 
    				if(woematancacons > @matou_sem_m)
    					mtsemmrperma = woematancacons;
    					query_sql "UPDATE `woe_rank` SET `matou_sem_morrer` = "+woematancacons+" WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0)+" AND `char_name` = '"+strcharinfo(0)+"'";
    				if(mtsemmrperma > @mt_sem_mr_perma)
    					query_sql "UPDATE `woe_rank` SET `mt_sem_mr_perma` = "+mtsemmrperma+" WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0)+" ";
    				query_sql "UPDATE `woe_rank` SET `matou` = "+matounawoe+", `pontos` = "+matounawoe+"-"+morreunawoe+" WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0)+" AND `char_name` = '"+strcharinfo(0)+"'";

    Thank you in advance...

  12. Loc: Equipment's placement. A value needs to be specified if the item is an
         equipment piece. Values are (bitmask arrays are supported):
    	Lower Headgear:       EQP_HEAD_LOW             (2^00 = 0x000001)
    	Weapon:               EQP_HAND_R or EQP_WEAPON (2^01 = 0x000002)
    	Garment:              EQP_GARMENT              (2^02 = 0x000004)
    	Accessory 1:          EQP_ACC_L                (2^03 = 0x000008)
    	Armor:                EQP_ARMOR                (2^04 = 0x000010)
    	Shield:               EQP_HAND_L or EQP_SHIELD (2^05 = 0x000020)
    	(Both Hands):         EQP_ARMS                 (EQP_HAND_L | EQP_HAND_R = 0x000022)
    	Footgear:             EQP_SHOES                (2^06 = 0x000040)
    	Accessory 2:          EQP_ACC_R                (2^07 = 0x000080)
    	(Both Accessories):   EQP_ACC                  (EQP_ACC_R | EQP_ACC_L = 0x000088)
    	Upper Headgear:       EQP_HEAD_TOP             (2^08 = 0x000100)
    	Middle Headgear:      EQP_HEAD_MID             (2^09 = 0x000200)
    	(T+M+B Headgear):     EQP_HELM                 (EQP_HEAD_LOW | EQP_HEAD_MID | EQP_HEAD_TOP = 0x000301)
    	Costume Top Headgear: EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP     (2^10 = 0x000400)
    	Costume Mid Headgear: EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID     (2^11 = 0x000800)
    	Costume Low Headgear: EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW     (2^12 = 0x001000)
    	Costume Garment/Robe: EQP_COSTUME_GARMENT      (2^13 = 0x002000)
    	Ammunition:           EQP_AMMO                 (2^15 = 0x008000)
    	Shadow Armor:         EQP_SHADOW_ARMOR         (2^16 = 0x010000)
    	Shadow Weapon:        EQP_SHADOW_WEAPON        (2^17 = 0x020000)
    	Shadow Shield:        EQP_SHADOW_SHIELD        (2^18 = 0x040000)
    	(Shadow 2H Weapon):   EQP_SHADOW_ARMS          (EQP_SHADOW_WEAPON | EQP_SHADOW_SHIELD = 0x060000)
    	Shadow Shoes:         EQP_SHADOW_SHOES         (2^19 = 0x080000)
    	Shadow Accessory 2:   EQP_SHADOW_ACC_R         (2^20 = 0x100000)
    	Shadow Accessory 1:   EQP_SHADOW_ACC_L         (2^21 = 0x200000)
    	(Shadow Accessories): EQP_SHADOW_ACC           (EQP_SHADOW_ACC_R | EQP_SHADOW_ACC_L = 0x300000)

    Não sei se entendi muito bem, mas se foi o que eu entendi tá aí, eu particularmente uso 'EQP_HEAD_TOP e afins' para definir a posição de algum equipamento.




    Sobre o visual não aparecer no personagem, existe alguns pontos que podem ser averiguados, alguns pontos que considero:

    arquivo itemInfo_Sak (no meu caso) pasta system:



    arquivo 'accname.lub' pasta 'data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo' :



    arquivo 'accessoryid.lub' pasta 'data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo' :

    lembrando que neste arquivo fica o número da ViewSprite que tem no 'item_db2.conf'



    Obs: Os spoiler me bugando coloquei tudo fora.

  13. 4 hours ago, 4144 said:

    I mean configure switch --enable-debug. And for not very old server it should be enabled by default.

    My God dear, as this is possible, I had never compiled the server in debug, I did now and it really does not give more errors, as I am noob, thank you one more time 4144.

    Ps: Sorry for the delay to reply.

  14. I believe this is an emulator error, if I am wrong, sorry....

    when deleting a message received, it still stays on the tab as 'deleted message', the link disappears after closing the rodex, but before closing the link is still there and clicking on it after deleting the message gives a crash in emulator...

    Does anybody know how to solve this?
    Error images: 



  15. First of all I would like to say that I have been doing some research on this and I have not found anything...

    I would like to know that in Hercules there is some kind of function that helps me to identify how much damage has been done and received, another that also tells me how much cure I had and etc, basically I would like to do my WoE ranking 'similar' with eAmod, I just need a little light to start my work....

    If someone can at least tell me where I can study this I thank you very much...



    sorry to tag you on the topic, could you give me a light of where to study this?

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