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Everything posted by ZelosAvalon

  1. How to fix this skill.c error? and if anyone knows about translation using .po file, why in the NPC "Tripulante" the word NÓS is appearing as nós? i use language pt-br with @lang but my translation dont work in words with accents like ( ´ ` ^ ~ ¨ )
  2. The .po file creation is automated, you have to translate it manually. you have some .po file to share so I translate into my language? http://depositfiles.org/files/7q2wae2f6 links broken! can u share a .po file for me please? I shared my .pot files: http://herc.ws/board/files/file/220-npc-dialogues-for-translate/ I hope to help!
  3. how do I create a "file.po" to Portuguese Brazil, I know it's automatic, but I don't know what to do, can someone explain to me step by step, where to use the commands to create the .po files? when i understand how to create a .po file, i'll make some video tutorial for help ppl who don't know what to do, like me now!
  4. ZelosAvalon

    @lang PTBR

    eu vi esse tutorial só não entendi o que fazer, tem como me explicar ? eu lembro que eu tinha que colocar o —-generate-translations em algum lugar e depois iniciar o servidor para poder criar o arquivo pt-br.poo , mas eu não lembro onde =/ Ninguem tem um arquivo .po pra compartilhar ai não, não sei como criar um arquivo com essa extensão, já procurei tutoriais pra todo lado e não achei, eu sei que usamos um código em um arquivo .bat pra criar, mas não lembro como, da ultima vez um cara que estava trabalhando comigo no projeto de ragnarok me ajudou!
  5. ZelosAvalon

    @lang PTBR

    alguém sabe como criar o arquivo.po em pt-br ? não achei nenhum tutorial sobre isso não entendi muito bem como funciona! se alguem souber o que devo fazer me da uma ajudinha ai!
  6. is your kRO updated? (are you using kRO?) yes latest updated now i can login but Champion Mobs still without auras! i use this client for try to get auras for this mobs
  7. when i login in server client close!
  8. ZelosAvalon

    NPC Event

    I would an NPC like Disguise Event: however instead of answering the question the npc will ask for players to bring a number of items for him. The NPC that will get items to give the reward will appear randomly in a city, always in a different place! any1 can help me with this script ? or someone has some like to share?
  9. how can i make an PvP ranking where pvp points will just count if the char lvl is 99 or greater ? and pvp point count just in pvp maps and woe, duel doesn't count!
  10. I updated my emulator and received this error [Error]: --- failed assertion -------------------------------------------- [Error]: skill.c:179: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_castnodex' [Error]: --- end failed assertion ---------------------------------------- [Error]: --- failed assertion -------------------------------------------- [Error]: skill.c:179: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_castnodex' [Error]: --- end failed assertion ---------------------------------------- [Error]: --- failed assertion -------------------------------------------- [Error]: skill.c:179: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_castnodex' [Error]: --- end failed assertion ---------------------------------------- [Error]: --- failed assertion -------------------------------------------- [Error]: skill.c:179: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_castnodex' [Error]: --- end failed assertion ---------------------------------------- any1 can help me to fix it?
  11. how can i make an Event Monster Of The Week with the following info: - MOTW will give more EXP - MOTW drop will be increased - MOTW will be an chance to drop an Event Item and how can i make an restriction for @go for example: @go 22 - mid camp when the player types <@go 22> it will not be teleported to map, and a message will appear to him saying that he doesn't have permission to do it!
  12. how to edit or remove Foul Language detected? i got an error on quest Friendship
  13. i have this invasion event ;http://pastebin.com/zHwDb0ew I'd like to put it to start automatically, 6 in 6 hours, with the schedules of standards: 00:00/06:00/12:00/18:00
  14. http://pastebin.com/uryNy3MA you are using space instead of tab here: guild_vs2<TAB>mapflag<TAB>pvp_noguild I used tab and no space!
  15. http://pastebin.com/uryNy3MA
  16. http://pastebin.com/1YNXbNn6
  17. [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/custom/rebirthro/pvp_warper.txt', line '24'. Stopping... * w1=guild_vs2 * w2=mapflag pvp_noguild
  18. how can i make an pvp where players of the same guild can fight against other, unless they are in the same party!
  19. i have this event helper npc, but ranking show just "none" can anyone help me with this ranking ? prontera,146,156,6 script Event Helper 805,{ mes "[Event Helper]"; mes "Hello ^3355FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000"; mes "I'm the Event Helper."; mes "Here you can check your points, exchanging them and see their position in the top event players"; next; Main: mes "[Event Helper]"; mes "What would you like to check?"; next; switch(select("^22AA22Event Points^000000:Ledder:^3355FFPrizes^000000:Exit")) { case 1: mes "[Event Helper]"; mes "You already earned ^3355FF"+ #T_Event_point +"^000000 Event Points"; mes "You have ^3355FF"+ #Event_point +"^000000 Event Points to use"; next; goto Main; case 2: mes "[Hunting Missions]"; mes "The Top Event are:"; query_sql("SELECT char_id AS id, (SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id = id),`value` FROM `char_reg_num_db` WHERE `key` = '#T_Event_point' ORDER BY `value` DESC LIMIT 5",.@id,.@name$,.@val); for(set .@i,0; .@i<5; set .@i,.@i+1) mes " [Rank "+(.@i+1)+"] "+((.@name$[.@i] == "")?"^777777none":"^0055FF"+.@name$[.@i]+"^000000 : ^FF0000"+.@val[.@i]+" pt.")+"^000000"; close; case 3: mes "[Event Helper]"; mes "You have ^3355FF"+ #Event_point +"^000000 Event Points for exchange"; mes "Exchange rate:"; mes "^3355FF20^000000 Event Point = ^3355FF1^000000 Bronze Event Coin"; next; switch(select("Convert Event Points:Back")) { case 1: {if(#Event_point < 20) goto noEP; } { if(#Event_point >= 20) .@remainDiv = #Event_point%20; .@remaindiv01 = #Event_point - .@remainDiv; set #Event_point, #Event_point - .@remaindiv01; mes " [Event Manager]"; mes "Thank you for choosing ^777777RagnaRebirth^000000 that luck be with you in future events, and you can win many Coins."; .@remaindiv01 = .@remaindiv01/20; getitem 8052,.@remaindiv01; close; } case 2: goto Main; } }noEP: { mes "[Event Manager]"; mes "You don't have enough Event Points."; close; }}
  20. Dr. Jonesy in Prontera (152, 285) will trade 150 Witch Starsands for 1 Treasure Box. http://irowiki.org/wiki/Castle_Treasure_Drops
  21. [Fatal Error]: map_setipport : received info that this map-server SHOULD have map 'alb_ship', but it is not loaded. every time when i restart my server i got this error!
  22. any new about the oboro quest?
  23. how can I change the Time Zone from my server?
  24. it is possible to make a script where a monk or sura use asura in the event of monster damage will be equal to zero, or asura can't be used in the event map?
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