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Everything posted by ZelosAvalon

  1. 2018-02-13aRagexeRE i got and error when compile: some1 know how to fix it ?
  2. But the variable LANG, where should I declare it? this is already declared when i create an account and choose my country ?
  3. muito bom obrigado por compartilhar!!] Seguinte tem alguma forma de colocar para o jogador escolher sua linguagem e de acordo com isso ler o itemInfo de sua região ? por exemplo eu coloco no clientinfo varios servers porem em vez de colocar o nome eu coloco a linguage tipo: No iRO é: Thor Chaos No nosso seria: English Portuguese Spañol etc.. dai de acordo que o jogador escolhe o seu jogo lerá o itemInfo.lub (bRO, kRO iRO) de acordo com a linguagem dele, seria uma possibilidade de colocar em servidores com dual language! e seria muito bom! eu gostaria de aprender como por um servidor com + de um idioma sem ter que ficar traduzindo, tipo o @lang, ele muda a linguagem geral, queria um que os jogadores pudessem escolher sua linguagem e dar load na que eles escolherem, seria TOP! se alguem souber e quiser compartilhar o conhecimento, e se alguem quiser participar de uma equipe de tradução, estou traduzindo o arquivo.po 100% par português porém ele é gigantesco e sozinho ta osso! Fica o convite! Acho que é isso que vc quer... http://herc.ws/board/topic/6376-dual-language/ hmm ty i'll take a look.
  4. It depends on the type of server you want! pre-renewal - I recommend Hercules "We have the plugins to help and make your life easier!" renewal - I recommend rAthena "Is much more up to date" Now you have two types of community: Hercules Vs rAthena I prefer Hercules, they are much more active and helpful. rAthena's leave you in the vacuum for months.... (Nobody answers you in the forum) However most active members use both forums, so you can find people working on both of them like me xP I recommend you create two servers offline with hercules and another with rathena and test them, and see which best serves you!
  5. Nice work, we can work together sharing our work! I'm back now and I'll be more active, i'm working with rathena too, so as soon as I finish my scripts I'll share it to you! I'm currently working on: Dorams maps/npcs/monster spawn Verus maps/npcs/monster spawn Horror Toy Factory Rebellion Job Quest Achievement System RoDex
  6. maybe its time to update status from github ? for example: Eclage was commented in Dec 17, 2013 wtf guys ? what happened ? It's time to get organized again! lets make it updated! and add more episodes to comment ! I want to try to help (I'm playing and copying several iRO scripts), but that way I don't know what was already done and what wasn't! best regards ZelosAvalon.
  7. muito bom obrigado por compartilhar!!] Seguinte tem alguma forma de colocar para o jogador escolher sua linguagem e de acordo com isso ler o itemInfo de sua região ? por exemplo eu coloco no clientinfo varios servers porem em vez de colocar o nome eu coloco a linguage tipo: No iRO é: Thor Chaos No nosso seria: English Portuguese Spañol etc.. dai de acordo que o jogador escolhe o seu jogo lerá o itemInfo.lub (bRO, kRO iRO) de acordo com a linguagem dele, seria uma possibilidade de colocar em servidores com dual language! e seria muito bom! eu gostaria de aprender como por um servidor com + de um idioma sem ter que ficar traduzindo, tipo o @lang, ele muda a linguagem geral, queria um que os jogadores pudessem escolher sua linguagem e dar load na que eles escolherem, seria TOP! se alguem souber e quiser compartilhar o conhecimento, e se alguem quiser participar de uma equipe de tradução, estou traduzindo o arquivo.po 100% par português porém ele é gigantesco e sozinho ta osso! Fica o convite!
  8. I'm working to put the map Verus and Lasagna functional like (iRO), with all the NPCs and monsters, at the moment I'm more focused on the maps of the Dorams, somebody has some script of the maps of verus (NPCs and monsters spawn) and want to share? As soon as I finish the maps: Lasagna, lasa_fild01 / 02 I'll share with you guys! i'm working hard every days to put it working, I have the ID of the initial Dorams quests, but they don't work, because they don't exist in the emulator! So I'm taking too long! I hope to release this as soon as possible, I already have practice all the dialogues of lasagna NPCs in scripts, but still have to make the quests work! best regards ZelosAvalon.
  9. np ty anyway, i'll try to found and make this mob_db by myself if i get it i share with you!
  10. tyvm do you have mob_db info? the eggring and others monsters from lasa have // before the name and have no status in my mob_db could you share it if you have ?
  11. Someone have the files of doram maps, monsterr (mob_db) and NPCs from this maps ? lasa_fild01 Mobs: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/map/lasa_fild01 NPCs: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/map/lasa_fild01#npcs lasa_fild02 Mobs: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/map/lasa_fild02 NPCs: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/map/lasa_fild02#npcs
  12. View File Ragnarok Online Daily Reward [PSD Only] illust's for a system of daily rewards, created by me, based on the official theme of ragnarok online. It works with the script [rathena]: Daily_Reward_System PS: If you like it, and give me reputation, it's important to me and encourages me to continue with my work! best regards, ZelosAvalon Submitter ZelosAvalon Submitted 10/21/16 Category Other Graphics  
  13. can you guys try to download it and send me a feedback, let me know if link working now please! https://www.midgard-community.com/forums/files/file/341-ragnarok-online-daily-reward/
  14. Version 1.0


    illust's for a system of daily rewards, created by me, based on the official theme of ragnarok online. It works with the script [rathena]: Daily_Reward_System PS: If you like it, and give me reputation, it's important to me and encourages me to continue with my work! best regards, ZelosAvalon
  15. is easy to use, the locked reference to the days you haven't received the reward, and the unlock is the day that you are, and will receive. PS: i just have a problem with the script, maybe you can take a look and help me to merge it to Hercules, this script is for rathena
  16. I need to know what isn't working, the download? and note i only share the psd for illust's i'm still working on script, cuz this script is for rathena Where's the PSD? PSD here: https://www.midgard-community.com/forums/files/file/341-ragnarok-online-daily-reward/ Sorry, there is a problem We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2D161/2 Contact Us Kindly please, post an attachement here instead posting at the Midgard-Community? i send an mail to Midgard-Community for check this error PSD link: https://mega.nz/#!ixoBHLCA!Yzt2rKv8OZPQBIHB6s_8ytEzh9waYz9l2xzjKEgX1EM
  17. I need to know what isn't working, the download? and note i only share the psd for illust's i'm still working on script, cuz this script is for rathena Where's the PSD? PSD here: https://www.midgard-community.com/forums/files/file/341-ragnarok-online-daily-reward/
  18. I need to know what isn't working, the download? and note i only share the psd for illust's i'm still working on script, cuz this script is for rathena
  19. Sorry, there is a problemWe could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2D161/2 hmm ? the error occurred when you try to open the link or download? Here's working normally!
  20. Released: midgard-community PS: when I get a code that works with hercules i'll share here along with the code, for now I'm working on it, just the illust's were released @Mysterious @rokimoki @Eternity @True Zeal
  21. OW, yes i'll share it on MC, I already divulged some of my items there! and more will come soon!
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