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Tio Akima

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Everything posted by Tio Akima

  1. Hi ... I've finished a series of maps recently, inspired by a horror story theme. The main map is a modern city, freely inspired by Raccon City (RE) with classic places such as the famous Mansion of RE1 and also the raccon city police station. A map made for RO, but the idea was to remove all the medieval elements, to maintain a modern aesthetic, to approach our present world. The second map is MANSION (freely inspired) This map has 4 floors (two extremely large 2 floors (150x150), 1 small floor and basement. The maps are well detailed and with the possibility to compose a series of quest's and events. There are many possibilities. It can be used as an instance, as main city, map for events (such as zombie invazion, undead, savior, vips events, hunter), quests, etc. just be creative. Tell me your opinion, maybe you can help me improve. Thank you. ps: The police department is not ready yet.***** (Some images to better illustrate) THE CITY Now some images of the Mansion with 4 floors I like it when the maps are well filled, with no empty spaces, and with many details, something that suggests that there is life there, with dirt and trash on the floor, etc ... 01F and 02F 03F and basement
  2. Oh I see. Thanks for the explanation Annie It's really sad. It would be a very interesting mechanic. interesting o/ um very interesting I will follow your tips and try to make a letter with this passive effect LOL
  3. Hello guys, I'm trying to make a card that adds ATK when the player is low on life (low hp) Is there any such letter with this theme for me to follow as an example? Do you think this is possible?
  4. because I wanted to? Different community different people different knowledge The communities are NOT the same!
  5. hi guys How can I prevent the player from using two (or more) equal cards in the same item? I've tried isequippedcnt, but it does not work. Maybe it is better (easier) to put this condition in source. Has anyone tried something like this, and can you point the way?
  6. Guys I'm trying to use the skills without restriction WE_FEMALE WE_MALE I removed the marriage restrictions And I changed the skill to use with friends. I edited on skill_db I removed SkillInfo: { Wedding: true } and changed to: SkillType: { Friend: true } but it still does not work Are there any other restrictions?
  7. Hi guys I'm creating a system to store points for each Char. (These points I will use in the future in the damage equation) I'm having trouble making this variable store the points by char. I believe my logic is wrong Or I must be forgetting some detail. I added with sd member int training_point; in pc.c (in pc_reg_received): sd->training_point = pc_readglobalreg(sd,script->add_variable("TRAINING_POINT")); E também else if( !strcmp(regname,"TRAINING_POINT") && sd->training_point != val ) { val = cap_value(val, 0, battle_config->training_point); sd->training_point = val; } following the example of die_count I also added a config in player.conf // Number of training points that the player can accumulate // Default: 200 | Max: 500 training_point: 200 and add in battle.c (h) { "training_point", &battle_config.training_point, 200, 0, 255, }, Then I created a command called @Training to be able to add points per command And in the end, when I add the points, it shows how many points you have Then, when doing a quest, I would use the command to add pro player points. But apparently the logic is all wrong. the structure is apparently not right. Each player must have their points, and using the command I should add or subtract points. What am I doing wrong?
  8. Anyone know how to set height of @clouds?
  9. I have a question about modeling Custom model. Can an object of a custom model have more than one mapped texture? I mean, can I apply Multi/Sub-Object to an object? When I convert from 3ds to rsm, the Brow does not accept the Multi/Sub-Object, so there are several bugs in the texture. I can only convert without bugs, when an object has a unique texture .. Unique texture per object. I believe there is a loss of configuration during the conversion of the 3DS to RSW model.. I do not know .. Or perhaps Brow himself does not accept this mapping, Some settings appear to be advanced for the Brow, such as the 3dmax particle system. I wish I could use Multi / Sub-Object to make more complex models.
  10. Bonjour! I finished another map of the Gaia Series, totally customized, and with that touch of fantasy. The Enchanted Village! The idea of this map is to be the main city of the Gaia project, an idealized instance created by TioAkima, where there will be PVP, dungeons, fiefdoms, items, NPCs, Mobs, VIP Room, etc ... All this theme. (Below are some prints and video of the Map) One more touch of fantasy of TioAkima ... VIDEO SHOWING THE MAP MORE DETAIL LOOK THE MOVIE! Leets'rooock For those who have not seen yet, the PVP with the same theme, Look the video! LOOK THE MOVIE! GO! Leets'plaaaaaaaay guys This is GAIA PVP End! Thanks
  11. Maps in Arena format "The Sacred Blood" (O sangue Sacro) Hii Guys, New maps in arena format, no obstacle in the arena, focused strictly on pvp (beating vs beating) ... This is the right map for you to decide who is the grandmaster in the best x1 style. Sacred or Blood? "Choose your side, release your essence, and come to the fight!"
  12. Hii Guys! plus a map made with the GAIA theme! I've already done a pvp on this subject, and I'm thinking of making a GAIA map pack! With lots of green, lots of nature, lots of earth, lots of LIFE, lots of fantasy of course. Below are the images of VIP ROOM [GAIA] Print in game part of the project
  13. Hii Guys... I finished another map for RO, the idea is to be a pvp thematic map, but it can be used for many other things, it goes from the creativity of the person, it can be map for events, gvg, dungeon, quest room, vip room, adm room , gold room, etc ... etc ... etc ... The theme is gaia, mother earth. then the map is all green with plenty of foliage, trees, grass, dirt floor, water around, etc. usually pvp maps are dark, indoors. So the idea was a more open, clearer environment with more sunshine ... LET'S GIVE A FANTASY TOUCH IN THE SCENE OF THE BATTLES. att, Tio Akima VIDEO
  14. Version 1.0.0


    ARENA Four Fight! (4fight) - PVP MAP 3 colors available (GREEN, BLUE AND RED) (It's been some time since I started to make this map, but I did not have time to finish it ... It's a basic room, I intend to complement it in other versions in the future!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -It is a custom room with 4 arena for PVP, but can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, events, etc ... Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. - AUTHOR RIGHTS - Credits must be given. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- att, Tio Akima Contato/contact Dicord - @TioAkima#0636 DeviantArt- http://tioakima.deviantart.com/
  15. View File Arena 4fight - by Tio Akima ARENA Four Fight! (4fight) - PVP MAP 3 colors available (GREEN, BLUE AND RED) (It's been some time since I started to make this map, but I did not have time to finish it ... It's a basic room, I intend to complement it in other versions in the future!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -It is a custom room with 4 arena for PVP, but can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, events, etc ... Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. - AUTHOR RIGHTS - Credits must be given. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- att, Tio Akima Contato/contact Dicord - @TioAkima#0636 DeviantArt- http://tioakima.deviantart.com/ Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 07/26/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  16. Hey @Dastgir and @4144 I think I found the source and solution of this error can you try to reproduce the error there? You need to diff a hexed with the "-Enable Custom Player Skill [Experimental] Adding this option at the time of diff when attempting to use any skill in area, the error should happen. I configured the emulator several times from the beginning I did another Patch from the beginning too, and the error continued I diff several clients and finally I was almost formatting my pc ... haha ha but I think I discovered and solved And thanks for the help messages.
  17. yes, virgin emulator hahahaha So I dismissed the possibility of being the emulator. The date is updated following the date of the asheraf ... So I thought it could be the hexed or some dll ... Or even the sprite of the mouse cursor .. I'm trying all the alternatives until I find hahaha.
  18. So ... this is very strange ... I've tried with skills that you need to select a target (either a place or an enemy) (skills of the magician, archer, monkey, etc ...) All classes actually hahahaha I'm thinking it's some outdated dll ... I replace the emulator and the lua files ... and the error continues. so I thought about the dll but I do not know... A friend said it could be bug in socket.h but I do not know either The emulator has no errors in the console .. It is difficult to find the solution of a phantom error .. If the console printed an error, it would be easier to solve, knowing the origin of it ... but, by answering the question, are all skills (you need to select a target, be it a place or an enemy) from all classes. it's a very strange mistake hahahaha
  19. it's very strange, because I already made sure that there are no more errors in the moon files to be corrected .. But the client keeps closing when clicking on any skill of use in area. For a moment I thought it was some mouse cursor update ... But neither is it ... All 2018 clients are generating this error here ... I thought of debugging for VS (opening the map server in VS) but it does not debug because theoretically "there is no error" ... I have no more options to try to fix this error. but thank you for the message.
  20. Hi guys I noticed that by clicking on any area skill my client simply closes, without error. No error, no error in emulator or date. my client is 2018 06 21 Replaces with a 2015 customer and the error disappears. I am not using diffando the new client with skp pack obfuscation. Does anyone know what may be closing the client this way? It happens every time I click on any skill area ... (he does not even expect me to select the area ... it closes as soon as I click to use it) self skill works normal. (I believe that it is problem with the client, since I am using current emulator and date without editing)
  21. Hi guys I'm really bad with scripts So I made the logic of an npc and I'm looking for help to finish. If anyone knows. It is a npc that checks if the player has some fruit. Then, through a Menu, shows the fruits that the player has. Then, the player selects the fruit he wants to change. There are 3 levels of food. (There are a lot of things wrong there, because like I said, it's just logic.) //Legenda: // // == fruits ID: // // apple:40010 // banana:40011 // abobora:40012 // // == fruit candy ID: // // apple candy:40020 // banana candy:40021 // pumpkin candy:40022 // // = fruit food ID // // apple food:40030 // banana food:40031 // pumpkin food:40032 //I intend to add several fruits switch ( select ("Level 1","Level 2","Level 3","Cancelar.") ) { case 1: setarray @fruits[0],40010,40011,40012; for(@i=0, @i < @fruits[0], @i++ ){ //to go through the array if(countitem(@fruits[@i]) //add the fruit ID's that the player has in some variable? //need to store the fruits found in a new array? } callsub MakeFood; break; case 2: setarray @fruits[0],40020,40021,40022; for(@i=0, @i < @fruits[0], @i++ ){ //to go through the array if(countitem(@fruits[@i]) //add the fruit ID's that the player has in some variable? //need to store the fruits found in a new array? } callsub MakeFood; break; case 3: setarray @fruits[0],40030,40031,40032; for(@i=0, @i < @fruits[0], @i++ ){ //to go through the array if(countitem(@fruits[@i]) //add the fruit ID's that the player has in some variable? //need to store the fruits found in a new array? } callsub MakeFood; break; } MakeFood: if (fruits in inventary <= 1){ //found no fruit (or more than 1.) mes .NpcName$; mes "Oh... sorry..."; mes "When you have two or more fruits equals"; mes "come back here."; close; } mes .NpcName$; mes "These are your fruits.; mes "Which would you like to do"; menu("@item_name+ @quantity, @item_name+ @quantity, @item_name+ @quantitye"); //menu with the fruits found in the player //will you need a FOR to make this menu? mes "You chose the " + @item_name + ", we can continue?"; if(select("Yes, we can!:No...better not...") == 2){ mes .NpcName$; mes "Ok, bye."; close; } if(checkweight is 90%){ //check if the luggage is overweight mes .NpcName$; mes "You're carrying a lot of weight.."; mes "sorry."; close; } del item: @item_id_old,2; //delete two fruits old set item: @item_id_new; //new food delivery return;
  22. Summoner's Rift in Ragnarok Online (map created by Tio Akima) Hi Guys, I'm passing to expose my new map (recently completed) to RO! This is a map inspired by summoner's rift (map of the game of League of Legends). The design follows the same pattern, but with the poetic freedom (or poetic limitation ?!) available within RO! I will post some pictures here of the map and a video to be able to see better. It is! Att, Tio Akima. ScreenShots: more: Green Base: Red Base: Video:
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