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  1. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in [solved]Erro ao compilar   
    tenta compilar os arquivos do link q te passei antes: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/archive/master.zip
    tenho quase certeza de q tem algo errado com os arquivos q vc possui (particularmente no arquivo src/plugins/HPMHooking.c)
  2. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in [solved]Erro ao compilar   
    troque "Release" por "Debug" e veja se resolve
  3. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in [solved]Erro ao compilar   
  4. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Ind in Hercules Ultimate Localization Design   
    Hercules Ultimate Localization Design
    Hello~! - What?!
    Servers are now able to run under any number of languages, without having any of the default files modified Designed by Haruna and Ind  
    Translating NPCs without editing them
    By launching map server with the --generate-translations param a .pot (.po template) file will be created with all of the servers translate-able strings (including all npc dialogue), this file can be edited in text mode or by utilising any .po editor (there are many out there; for a high range of OSes) A .po file does not need to be fully translated to be used, map server will know when loading the file, and will fallback to the hardcoded string in the npc files as necessary Users are able to change their language with the new @lang command, @lang controls what language users see in @commands (msg_txt stuff) as well as over npc dialogues map-server.conf has a new setting called default_language where server owners may specify which language should be used as a base When you have a new .po file you want map server to use, add it to db/translations.conf Easy to Maintain
    Since .po is a widely used format there are many tools that can help with merging for example Poedit, which easily consolidates a translated .po file with a newly generated .pot. For example when you have a translated .po and since it was created npc dialogs were added or modified all you have to do is launch map server to generate a new .pot, open your old .po in Poedit, go "Catalog -> Update from POT file" and it will insert the new translatable strings without touching your existing translations, it will also notify you of any "obsolete" strings that are in your .po file but that are no longer in use Script Command Macro
    Besides messages.conf, all the dialogue utilised by 'mes' and 'select' is included in the .pot automatically, this patch also introduces a mechanism for utilising strings outside of these commands, the script macro _() which can be employed just as if it were a script function, for example set .@status$,_("Available"); tells map server to export "Available" as a translate-able string when it is run with --generate-translations (when running map server normally the macro has no overhead during runtime) Special Thanks to
    Raizen and Roberto from Cronus, we would not have worked on this if it weren't for them Links~!
    Commit Editing Example
  5. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to ρixєℓ in [Solved]Neve caindo em prontera   
    Isso é a sua grf que está com arquivos para neve.. ou é a data.grf do bro ou é a sua própria grf, dê uma olhada na pasta texture da sua grf e atualize o Bro
  6. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Jezu in [Sad News] Philippine Ragnarok Online Closure   
    Good day to all of you guys!
    A sad news here in philippines that Ragnarok Online Philippine service will be close at March 31, 2015 - The death of pRO meet it's end.

    source: http://ragnarok.levelupgames.ph/main/philippine-ragnarok-online-moves-to-a-new-home/
  7. Upvote
    JulioCF got a reaction from Only4fun in Quest Tab (alt+u) null   
    clássico 2012 04 10
  8. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in [MVP Point falta o sql alguem?   
    sinto lhe dizer mas este npc não usa sql kkk xD
  9. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in erro de compilação e de start no server   
    permission denied? dê as permissões necessárias aos arquivos do emulador!
  10. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Jguy in HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!   
    The entire account module should function correctly now. The account interface is divided into 6 tabs. All the data is loaded on page load so if you need to switch back and forth between tabs, the data doesn't need to reload. Obviously you could F5 the page to reload the data. I'll go over what tabs are available and what you can do in each.
    Tab 1 - Basic Info
    Here you can view the basic details about an account. Stuff like the account name, birthdate, creation date, last login information, and a quick look at ban information

    Tab 2 - Account Blocks
    Here, a history of the blocks an account has had appear. It will be recommended that you do not give your GM's access to the @ban/@unban command in game, because that ban would not show up here as history. In this screen you can add a new block or delete any block that is still valid. You can either place a permanent ban, which changes the account state field to "5", or a temporary ban ending at a certain date/time. Some preset reasons are in there and a comments field to add your own comments. I will be adding a way for you to add your own reasons but for now, they're hard coded. Here's a screenshot:

    Tab 3 - Notes
    Here, you can leave notes about an account. Pretty simple. Notes will appear as newest -> oldest. No screenshot, the screen is pretty simple.
    Tab 4 - Register DB
    Here, you can (right now) view the entries for the account in the acc_reg_num_db and acc_reg_string_db (coming soon) tables. In the near future, there will be a way for you to edit, add or delete the entries in this screen.
    Tab 5 - History
    All of the changes to an account will be logged. If you change the email, gender, group or other, it will be logged to a separate table. On this screen, you can view what was changed, and it's old and new value, who did it and when. For obvious reasons, nothing will be editable here. Here's a screenshot:

    Tab 6 - Characters
    Here is pretty simple. List of the characters on the account. The CharID is a link to the character page where you can do the same page. That page just isn't laid out correctly nor does it work. There is a spot for "Options" on the table, here you will be able to reset the character position with one click or possibly kick the character from the server.
    Some future thoughts about this details page:
    I'll need to include a tab for the account storage. I also need to include a place where the admin can reset the pincode or password, which will send a new random password/pincode to the user. This will be coming in a near future update.
    I'd love to hear your thoughts or suggestions if I've missed something. Right now the branch is merged back into master but master is not usable because the sql updates have not been completed. This will be coming very very soon.
  11. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Jguy in HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!   
    Greetings all,
    Today, I am introducing a project I've been envisioning and working on for a couple of months that is finally in a usable and sharing state where multiple people could potentially contribute to the project.
    Introducing HAT!
    What is HAT?!
    HAT, or Hercules Admin Tool, is an administration tool for your RO server running the Hercules emulator. It is coded in PHP and Javascript and uses backends of CodeIgniter and Twitter Bootstrap to present information in a secure and meaningful way. Written by a server owner for a server owner. It is completely Open Source and hosted on Github, released under the Apache license.
    Another Control Panel? Too many! Stop making these damn things!
    Yes, another one. However, this one is different. A lot of Control Panels today are written as a CMS for your users as well as administration for your GM's. HAT is not designed to be accessed by your users, similar to the PHPMyAdmin tool. Your users will never know its there, therefore already enhancing security. However, contrary to PHPMyAdmin, you can more deeply control what your GM's have access to.
    Oooh, control? I'm a control freak, tell me more!
    HAT has a separate database of users for your GM's that have access to your panel. You're not relying on the login table of your server and their group level to provide access. Instead, a separate user database allows access, with a fully customisable set of permission settings on what those GM's can do and not do. 98 different permission sets are possible. So, you can have an in-game support GM with some limited powers in game, and they don't have to have access to your admin panel. Likewise, you can have a developer who only needs access to some server functions and your item/mob DB's without access to your server's accounts.
    What other features does it have?
    HAT gives you the ability to administrate just about everything on your Hercules server or its databases. It's a backend tool designed to be installed to the same server as your running Hercules server, giving you error tracking, server restarting and GM commands through a web interface without needing to login to SSH. With its fully responsive interface, its suitable for access via mobile, tablet or desktop without comprising access to information you need.
    So far, a somewhat complete list of the features already done:
    Account Management including: Changing account name, email, reset passwords/PINs, manage bans, account notes, account flags, manage account storage Character Management including: Change character name, stats, levels, jobs, items, flags Guild Management including: Change guild name, leader Server Management including: Viewing server console logs, start/stop/restart running Hercules server, reload item/mob db's, scripts and battleconf, viewing server performance data Admin Management including: Add/disable/delete GM's, assign/delete/change permission sets (groups)

    More features being added almost every week!
    How can I use it?
    Note that the panel is still in constant development and could be unstable. We would appreciate more testers and bug reports regarding the panel. While I try to write and test code that I know will work before pushing it to Github, sometimes I miss something or it doesn't work as expected in another environment. If you're willing to contribute by using and reporting bugs, you can find the panel to download here:
    I found a bug! How do I report it to you?!
    You can use the Github issue tracker to report bugs: https://github.com/jguy1987/HercAdminTool/issues
    I want XYZ feature! Can you make it?
    Maybe. Use the Gitbhub issue tracker to give me the suggestion and I'll see if I can/want to add it: https://github.com/jguy1987/HercAdminTool/issues
    You lied! My panel completely destroyed my server!
    Take backups. As mentioned above, you're using something that is constantly in development. If you encounter a bug, please report it. If you encounter an issue that leads to the destruction of data, this is a beta product, and I'm sorry, but I cannot and will not be held responsible.
    What are the system and server requirements for running the HAT?!
    The following system I run my testing on, let me know if you have similar results with a system with different packages or such:
    * Linux, specifically Ubuntu 14.04. Windows or BSD at this moment is completely untested. I plan on hopefully testing this weekend.
    * apache2, version 3.4.7
    * php5, version 5.5.9
    * php5-mcrypt needs to be installed and enabled. You can do such by adding to your php.ini: `extension=mcrypt.so`.
    * php5-mysql extension. MySQL can be installed on a different machine if you so desire but you must have the php5 extension installed on the machine
    * apache needs to be configured to include the mod_rewrite extension. In addition, your per directory settings for apache configuration must allow "follow symlinks" and "AllowOverride all".
    * You can optimize Apache to use a bit less memory so that your Hercules server can expand if you do not anticipate many people using your panel by taking the following steps:
    - Install apache2-mpm-prefork.
    - Reduce the amount of clients your apache can serve and reduce the amount of servers it starts up in httpd.conf/apache2.conf.
    Github: https://github.com/jguy1987/HercAdminTool
    IRC: irc.rizon.net @ #hercadmintool - if you want to talk to me about it or submit features or poke me to do more work.
    Demo available at: http://hatdemo.jemstuff.com
    The demo can be access with username/password: admin/admin. You can do most things in the demo so feel free to play around. I know there's not much data there to experiment with, but feel free to play.
  12. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in Help por favor é urgente   
    algumas informações necessárias para detectar o problema:
    - qual emulador está usando e qual foi a última vez que atualizou ele?
    - qual a data do seu hexed?
    - fez alguma alteração recente que possa ter causado isso?
    - já tentou usar outro hexed?
    - aparece algum erro no console?
  13. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to luis.seifert in Download Grf   
  14. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Kong in What do you think about the new Prontera?   
    Hi, I saw a big update on iRO wiki with regards to Prontera map and there's huge improvement. What can you say?
    Here's the link: http://forums.irowiki.org/showpost.php?p=1408901&postcount=1562

  15. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in January Digest 2015   
    January Digest 2015
    The following digest covers the month of January 1st - January 31st 2015.
    Team Changes

    Development Highlights
    [*]Minor channel system refactoring (Commit) [*]Moved the Hercules Channel System to its own file/interface (Commit) [*]Channel refactoring: join, search, map_join, quit/leave/delete, guild_* [*]Added: 'channelmes'
    [*]Conversion Tool: quest_db.txt -> quest_db.conf (Commit) [*]Connection history redesign (Commit)
    [*]Drops ~250kb in memory usage from each server, speeds up lookup/insertion and the cleanup timer will iterate thru the list rather than that ~65k array loop
    [*]Extending of files to support plugins: skill.c, battle.c [*]Add npcdb_checkid (Commit) [*]Removal of certain commands: alias save, alias enablearena/disablearena, cmdothernpc, isday()

    Scripting Highlights
    [*]Added new Eclage quests/NPCs/instances (Commit) [*]Update lvl4_weapon_quest (Commit)

    Database Highlights
    [*]Added new Eclage skills used in items (Commit) [*]Official drops info (Commit) [*]2010 Headgears (Commit)

    January Statistics
    [*]During the period there were 99 Commits. [*]Of these 99 commits, 9 included bug-fixes. [*]20 Commits from Pull Requests [*]In this month, there were 69,047 Additions and 56,100 Deletions.

  16. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Arkwright in [Vídeo Aula] Introdução a edição de mapas (BrowEdit)   
    Um vídeo mostrando um pouco como é a interface e algumas funções do BrowEdit.
    Este video foi feito com intuição de ajudar aos novatos no programa. No vídeo eu mostro um local de download que não é necessário usar ele. Abaixo está o link oficial do BrowEdit.
    Download BrowEdit: Download
    Estarei fazendo um passo à passo em texto também.
  17. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to luis.seifert in [Ajuda]Duvida em relação a HackShields (ex: Harmony)   
    Negativo, no site do harmony tem a lista de hexeds compativeis. 
  18. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to luis.seifert in item custom - sprite erro   
    Pergunta: usa iteminfo.lub?
    iteminfo.lub [30720] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "", unidentifiedResourceName  = "", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { }, identifiedDisplayName = "Anjo da Morte", identifiedResourceName = "anjo_da_morte", identifiedDescriptionName = { }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 },   
    accname.lub[ACCESSORY_IDs.anjo_da_morte] = "_anjo_da_morte",   
    accessoryid.lubanjo_da_morte = 1720,   
    item_db2(30720, 'Anjo_da_Morte', 'Anjo da Morte', 5, 100, 10, 100, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 4294967295, 7, 2, 512, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, 1720, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),   
    só lembrando que devias ter postado em alguma sessão de gráficos ou client-side, não tem nada com database a sua dúvida
  19. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Dastgir in Restock System   
    File Name: Restock System
    File Submitter: Dastgir
    File Submitted: 10 Jan 2015
    File Category: Plugins
    It is a restock system(which I apparently made 5-6 months ago) [Also its a Plugin - Yay]
    So I am just releasing it, as I feel its been useful for many servers.
    Though there can be some optimizations on script-side(will be applied later on).
    You need to enable plugin as well as script provided in the download.
    2 commands:
    @restock - Enables/Disables Restock System
    @restock2 - To Add/Remove item
    Usage:@restock2 <itemid> <quantity> <type1> <type2>Type 1:1 = Storage2 = GStorageType 2:1 = Add2 = Remove3 = Help4 = List5 = Empty The List@restock2 x y z 3 For Help@restock2 x y z 4 For Current Restocking List@restock2 x y z 5 For Removing All Items From Restockx,y,z Can be any number, e.g: @restock2 0 0 0 3 will give you help option,@restock2 x y z 5 will Empty your list
    It Support Restocking of All Kinds of Item.
    Click here to download this file
  20. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to luis.seifert in [Resolvido] Problema com comando recovery   
    Obrigado pela ajuda pixel, 
    mas acabei resolvendo meu problema de uma outra forma, como era pra battleground eu usei o seguinte e funcionou:
    recovery BG, 3, $@red; recovery BG, 3, $@blue;  Agradeço a ajuda. 
  21. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in Depurar pico de processamento Map server   
    tenho 99% de certeza de que seu problema é por causa de scripts mal feitos rodando continuamente e causando o alto consumo de recursos do VPS
  22. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to ρixєℓ in Quest Tab (alt+u) null   
    Verifique se tem essa linha:
    2208,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"Bathroom Ghost"
    Se não estiver adicione.
    Agora na sua pasta data:
    Verifique se tem:
    Se não estiver adicione.
    Informações sobre a quest:
    Isso deve resolver o problema
    Luis, os emuladores atuais mesmo que você remova a renovação muitas coisas da renovação não são desabilitadas, então te aconselho a buscar um emulador antigo que seja apenas pre-ré, vai ser bem melhor para você.
  23. Upvote
    JulioCF got a reaction from ρixєℓ in Quest Tab (alt+u) null   
    Não leve muito em conta as descrições, uma das falhas crônicas do bRO desde sua criação é as descrições de modo geral.
    Procure por data-bases internacionais. Como RateMyServer por ex.
    Evite respostas prontas, agradecemos muito toda e qualquer ajuda dada, porém gostamos de fazer as pessoas pensarem.
    Mais uma vez, obrigado e parabéns.
  24. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in December Digest 2014   
    December Digest 2014
    The following digest covers the month of December 1st - December 31st 2014.
    Team Changes
    [*]GmOcean has been awarded a Community Contributor title for continuous contribution throughout Hercules.

    Development Highlights
    [*]Official offensive skill formulas of KG/OB (Commit) [*]Added RE Version of size_fix.txt (Commit) [*]Speeding up calc aspd process in renewal (Commit) [*]Save Sex in DB (Commit) [*]Channel Configs to Plugin Support (Commit) [*]item_data,mob_db,mob_data structs to plugin (Commit) [*]Updated KG/OB Spirit Charms to official behavior (Commit) [*]Song Aegis Behavior Update (Commit) [*]Now songs auto-refreshes every 3 seconds [*]Musical Lesson bonus rounded down for BA_ASSASSINCROSS
    [*]Move check is item usable or not to separate method (Commit)
    [*]New method: itemdb_is_item_usable [*]Can be used as: itemdb->is_item_usable(item)
    [*]Additional Script Commands & Functions:
    [*]Change per character gender function (Commit) [*]setnpcdistance N (Commit) [*]getnpcclass (Commit) [*]getnpcdir and setnpcdir functions (Commit) [*]Extend script command getareausers (Commit) [*]Add function what call OnUntouch event (Commit) [*]Add function what called if player leave npc area (Commit)
    [*]Renewal Updates (Commit):
    [*]Homunculus Official Statuses [*]Updated RE @mobinfo to show proper status data [*]Some official behaviors
    [*]Removal of certain commands: jump_zero, petheal, checkquest, setriding/checkriding, setmadogear/checkmadogear, setdragon/checkdragon

    Scripting Highlights
    [*]Fixed an issue in the Doha's Secret Orders Quest (Commit)

    Database Highlights
    [*]Splitting of mob sql database into mob_db and mob_db_re (Commit)

    December Statistics
    [*]During the period there were 71 Commits. [*]Of these 71 commits, 10 included bug-fixes. [*]17 Commits from Pull Requests [*]In this month, there were 3,328 Additions and 2,861 Deletions.

      Happy New Years!
  25. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to iCORE in Greatings!   
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