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Posts posted by Garr

  1. Find this in atcommand.c under atcommand_exec:

    if( !pc_get_group_level(sd) ) {if( x >= 1 || y >= 1 ) { /* we have command */info = atcommand->get_info_byname(atcommand->check_alias(command + 1));if( !info || info->char_groups[pcg->get_idx(sd->group)] == 0 ) /* if we can't use or doesn't exist: don't even display the command failed message */return false;} elsereturn false;/* display as normal message */}

    Relace with:

    if( !pc_get_group_level(sd) ) {				if( x >= 1 || y >= 1 ) { /* we have command */					info = atcommand->get_info_byname(atcommand->check_alias(command + 1));					if( !info || info->char_groups[pcg->get_idx(sd->group)] == 0 ) /* if we can't use or doesn't exist: don't even display the command failed message */					//Our desired plug to stop showing misstyped @commands from GMs above level 5						if ( pc_get_group_level(sd) > 5 ) {							sprintf(output, msg_txt(153), command);							clif->message(fd, output);							return true;						}						return false;				} else					return false;/* display as normal message */			}

  2. That's odd, I thought it counts null string as a null and shouldn't pull this off. Find:

    	if (flag && nm->nmask ) {		memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), nm->nmask, NAME_LENGTH);	} else {		memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->name, NAME_LENGTH);	}

    And replace with

        if (flag && nm->nmask != "0") {        memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), nm->nmask, NAME_LENGTH);    } else {        memcpy(WBUFP(buf,6), ((TBL_NPC*)bl)->name, NAME_LENGTH);    }


    EDIT: Updated upaste link in opening post.

  3. Hmm, try adding this

    #define pcdb_checkid_sub(class_) ( 	( (class_) <  JOB_MAX_BASIC ) ||	( (class_) >= JOB_NOVICE_HIGH    && (class_) <= JOB_DARK_COLLECTOR ) ||	( (class_) >= JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT    && (class_) <= JOB_MECHANIC_T2    ) ||	( (class_) >= JOB_BABY_RUNE      && (class_) <= JOB_BABY_MECHANIC2 ) ||	( (class_) >= JOB_SUPER_NOVICE_E && (class_) <= JOB_SUPER_BABY_E   ) ||	( (class_) >= JOB_KAGEROU        && (class_) <= JOB_OBORO          ) ||	( (class_) >= JOB_REBELLION      && (class_) <  JOB_MAX            ) )#define pcdb_checkid(class_) pcdb_checkid_sub((unsigned int)(class_))

    inside. What version are you using to compile?

  4. I see that you copied it into some kind of bigger plugin for scripting, maybe you missed the enum part? Make sure it's there:

    enum compare_method {	CM_NONE = 0x00,	CM_LESS = 0x01,	CM_EQU = 0x02,	CM_MORE = 0x04,	CM_BETWEEN = 0x10,	CM_EXCLUDE = 0x20,	CM_MAX = 0x37,} c_m;

    Otherwise I'm somewhat at a loss why it'd throw that at you.

  5. File Name: npcmask
    File Submitter: Garr
    File Submitted: 10 Oct 2014
    File Category: Plugins


    Masks NPCs on player's client based on his/her variables. Will need to leave NPC sight range/@refresh for it to trigger (if you change variable while NPC is still in sight nothing will change, but @refresh/leaving screen and entering again will trigger mask).


    npcmask <new sprite>,<int variable name>,<compare method>,<value1>,{<value 2>,{<new size>,{<new name>,{<npc name>}}}}npcunmask {<npc name>}


    Applies and removes NPC masking, accordingly.

    <new sprite> - sprite NPC will show if conditions are met

    <int variable name> - variable name to check, only integer character variables.

    <compare method> - compare method, based on following masks (v - variable, a- value1, b - value2)
    0x01 - Less, uses value1 (v < a)
    0x02 - Equal, uses value1 (v == a)
    0x04 - More, uses value1 (v > a)
    0x10 - "BETWEEN" - Between value1 and value2, including values 1 and 2 (a <= v <= b )
    0x20 - "EXCLUDE" - Excluding between value1 and value2, values 1 and 2 are excluded also. (v < a OR v > b )
    Example: 0x03 - same as less or equal, makes a check (v <= a)
    "BETWEEN" and "EXCLUDE" methods overwrite anything else, "EXCLUDE" will take precedence over all other methods.

    <value1> - value1 to compare too, used in all compare methods.

    <value2> - value2, used in "BETWEEN" and "EXCLUDE" modes. Optional parameter, if it won't be provided
    while using "BETWEEN" or "EXCLUDE" methods, those methods will be skipped.

    <new size> - size masking, defaults to medium size.

    <new name> - name masking, if not provided will use NPC's original name.

    <npc name> - NPC name to use masking on. If not provided, will be used on NPC script is running from.


    This plugin appeared from the idea of hiding NPCs from some players, while it still being visible to others. It's just added in functionality.


    You can download the file here.




    You can copy it from here.

  6. Because you setup one kind of array in NPC variables, but use a scope array, which you didn't set.

    setarray .Scheds[0],0,16,50,0,0,0;

    You see, array is set as .Scheds;

     announce "inicio Dia "+.@Scheds[0]+" hora " +.@Scheds[1]+" min " +.@Scheds[2],bc_all|bc_woe;

    But here you use .@Scheds;

    You can either set .@Scheds in the setarray, or use .Scheds in the announce to fix that.


    setarray .@Scheds[0],0,16,50,0,0,0;     announce "inicio Dia "+.@Scheds[0]+" hora " +.@Scheds[1]+" min " +.@Scheds[2],bc_all|bc_woe;


    setarray .Scheds[0],0,16,50,0,0,0;     announce "inicio Dia "+.Scheds[0]+" hora " +.Scheds[1]+" min " +.Scheds[2],bc_all|bc_woe;

  7. Oh, I know that one. For some weird reason it only accepts int number now. You can fix it yourself if you like.


    atcommand.c, line 1040:

    if(!message || !*message || (sscanf(message, "%u %199[^n]", &color, atcmd_output) < 2)) {

     Replace that %u for %x, and recompile.

  8. You're using it a bit wrong, I think?


    This is a bit different tecnique. You're adding this masks like they are in decimal, but that "0x" shows that they are in hexadecimal mode, so count goes like:

    0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xA 0xB 0xC 0xD 0xE 0xF 0x10 0x11 ... and so on

    So if you add up 0x800 and 0x200 you'll get 0xA00, and not 0x1000.


    If i got everything right your mask should look like this:

      0x00000100+ 0x00000200+ 0x00000800+ 0x00008000+ 0x00010000+ 0x01000000Total: 0x01018B00

  9. Inside db/(pre-)re/map_zone_db.conf in zones, when you input disabled items or skills, you can use 2 ways: use db name of item (ex. "Apple") or id of item (ex. "ID501"). If you'll use just

    501: true

    it will provide that error.


    Also, when announcing map zones be careful not to write comments right after map zone name, as it counts in towards name.

  10. Either add this to groups.conf

    {	id: 99	name: "Admin"	level: 99	permissions: {		can_trade: true		can_trade_bound: true		can_party: true		all_skill: true		skill_unconditional: true		use_check: true		use_changemaptype: true		all_commands: true		hchsys_admin: true	}}


    Or check out your groups.conf for ID of Admin group, and edit your admin account's login SQL table, `group_id` column, with that ID you found.

    Or edit your groups.conf for Admin group to have ID of 99. Either of this will work.

  11. Try this one, I think it'll work right:


    /* =============================================================/* Slot Machine - Triple Slot Machine/* =============================================================/* Version: v0.2a/* v0.1 - Original Script Created./* v0.2 - Added Option for Triple Slot Machine with animations./* v0.2a - Added option for item price instead of zeny.Untested./* =============================================================/* Description/* =============================================================/* This script will allow users to spend zeny for a chance to/* win a prize from the slot machine. Currently there are 2/* versions. First is a Single Slot Machine, where only 1 slot/* is rolled. Second is the Triple Slot machine, where 3 slots/* are rolled. For either version, SUCCESS must be the only/* thing displayed in order to win./* =============================================================/* Created By: GmOcean/* ===========================================================*/prontera,152,176,4	script	SlotMachine	563,{switch( .mode ){	case 0: // Single Slot machine mode.		mes "Do you want to play a game?","It costs: " + ( .price[2]?(.price[1] + " " + getitemname(.price[0])).price[0] + " zeny") ) + " to play.";		if( select("YES:NO") == 2 || (Zeny < .price[0] && !.price[2]) || ( countitem( .price[0] ) < .price[1]  && .price[2]) ){ close; }		while( @menu == 1 ){		if( !.price[2] ){ Zeny -= .price[0]; } else { delitem .price[0],.price[1]; }		.@a = rand(1,100);		if( .@a < atoi(.1animate$[0]) ){ .@a = 1; } else { .@a = 2; }		.@b = 1;		while( .@b < atoi(.1animate$[.@a]) ) {			cutin .1animate$[3] + .@b,4; sleep2 ( ( atoi(.1animate$[4]) * 1000 ) / atoi(.1animate$[.@a]) ); .@b++;			}		if( .@a == 1 ){ 			cutin .1animate$[3] + atoi(.1animate$[.@a]),4;			dispbottom "Failed";			} 		else {			cutin .1animate$[3] + atoi(.1animate$[.@a]),4;			getitem .1prize[0], .1prize[1];			}		if( select("Another Round:I'm done") == 2 || Zeny < .price[0] && !.price[2] || ( countitem( .price[0] ) < .price[1] ) && .price[2] ){ cutin "",255; close; }		}	end;	case 1: // Triple Slot machine mode.		mes "Do you want to play a game?","It costs: "+ .price[1] +" "+ (.price[2]?""+getitemname(.price[0])+"":"zeny") +" to play.";		if( select("YES:NO") == 2 || (Zeny < .price[0] && !.price[2]) || (countitem( .price[0] ) < .price[1] && .price[2]) ){ close; }		while( @menu == 1 ){			if( !.price[2] ){ Zeny -= .price[0]; } else { delitem .price[0],.price[1]; }			// Slot 1 = 100% Chance for success. (Because I didn't make a fail animation for it.			.@2 = rand(1,100); //Rolls dice for Slot 2			.@3 = rand(1,100); //Rolls dice for Slot 3				if( .@2 <= atoi(.3animate$[0]) && .@3 <= atoi(.3animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 8; }				else if( .@2 <= atoi(.3animate$[0]) && .@3 > atoi(.3animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 6; }				else if( .@2 > atoi(.3animate$[0]) && .@3 <= atoi(.3animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 4; }				else { .@a = 2; }			.@b = 1;			while( .@b < atoi(.3animate$[.@a+1]) ) {				cutin .3animate$[.@a] + .@b,4; sleep2 ( ( atoi(.3animate$[10]) * 1000 ) / atoi(.3animate$[.@a+1]) ); .@b++;				}			cutin .3animate$[.@a] + atoi(.3animate$[.@a+1]),4;				if( .@a == 2 ){ getitem .3prize[0], .3prize[1]; }				else { dispbottom "Failed"; }			if( select("Another Round:I'm done") == 2 || Zeny < .price[1] ){ cutin "",255; close; }			}		end;	}OnInit://[ 0 = Single Slot Machine Mode ]_[ 1 = Triple Slot Machine Mode ].mode = 1;//[0] = Fail Rate//[1] = Fail (Do not change)//[2] = Success (Do not change)//[3] = File Name (Do not change)//[4] = Animation Time (Do not change, for best results )setarray .1animate$[0],"30","29","33","slot_","3";//[0] = Fail Rate "Slot 2"//[1] = Fail Rate "Slot 3"//[2] = SSS (Do not change)//[3] = SSS_Count (Do not change)//[4] = SSF (Do not change)//[5] = SSF_Count (Do not change)//[6] = SFS (Do not change)//[7] = SFS_Count (Do not change)//[8] = SFF (Do not change)//[9] = SFF_Count (Do not change)//[10] = Animation Time (Do not change, for best results )setarray .3animate$[0],"30","30","SSS_","41","SSF_","37","SFS_","41","SFF_","45","3";setarray .1prize[0],501,10;setarray .3prize[0],501,30;// [ 0 = SSM Zeny / Item Req ]  |  [ 1 = TSM Zeny / Item Amt ]  |  [  2 = Enable/Disable Item Requirements ( 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable ).// e.g of zeny mode:  setarray .price[0], 100, 300, 0;  <--- SSM costs 100z, TSM costs 300z to play.// e.g of item mode:  setarray .price[0], 501, 10, 1; <---- SSM & TSM costs 10 RedPotions to play.setarray .price[0],7539,3,1;end;}


    @GmOcean When you use "?" first option after that will go if the condition suceeds, 2nd on failure. Yours were the other way around, and that confused, as it said it should take 3 Poring coins, but was set to take 3 zeny. Also fixed logic for SSM (should've been .price[0] instead of .price[1]).

  12. This indeed seems like a lighting issue. And many things don't appear ingame like they do in browedit. For example, try making gradual light decrease in browedit, and check how it looks like in browedit and how it looks ingame.


    P.S. Also, just some warning. If you didn't do so intentiaonally, the floor tiles seems way messed up. I think you should clean them up.

  13. Are you sure? I'd think those clifs are used only to send rightful info to client and nothing else, calculations are always done somewhere else? I just searched files for clif->party_hp/clif->hpmeter_single/clif->hpmeter_sub, and what I found didn't come from any calculations, rather informing clients of change in HP, or resending information(first party joining, changing map, and so on).


    ETA: Also, why would battle.c rely on packet info sending if it has access right to session data for calculations?

  14. I think you didn't do sprite assigning right. In jobname.lub you need to add name of sprite, in your case it'll be min_roca_n01.

    [jobtbl.JT_MIN_ROCA_N01] = "min_roca_n01"

    In npcidentity you need to assign same JT_ number, in this case 15000.

    JT_MIN_ROCA_N01 = 15000,

    Then in const.txt you need to assign 15000 to the constant you'll be naming NPC with in scripts, like:

    ROCA_NIVEL_01 15000

    And then inside script you need to use the constant you set in const.txt:

    prt_fild08,224,128,4 duplicate(rocasuelta) Roca Suelta#01 ROCA_NIVEL_01


    Or you can skip the constant setting and just use:

    prt_fild08,224,128,4 duplicate(rocasuelta) Roca Suelta#01 15000

  15. I think that's because in each of the cases you check player's whose HP/SP changed for the variable, when you're supposed to check it for whoever you're sending info to. I assume @showsp switches "displaypartysp" variable 1/0?


    ETA: Just a suggestion, wouldn't it be way easier to just alter sd's hp to sp if that variable is present during clif_party_hp/clif_hpmeter_single/clif_hpmeter_sub?

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