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Posts posted by Garr

  1. Find in db/(pre-)re/item_db.conf:

    {	Id: 607	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry"	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry"	Type: 0	Buy: 5000	Weight: 300	Upper: 63	BuyingStore: true	Delay: 5000	Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">},

    and delete "Delay: 5000" line.

  2. I didn't really understood what you wanted, but here goes:


    setcell "eden_dun03",86,220,86,216,cell_walkable,0;announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: E as Barricadas Apareceram vão destrui-las !!!",8; goto OndsBarri; }end;//BarricadasOndsBarri:set $mobs,5;monster "eden_dun03",87,220,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";monster "eden_dun03",87,219,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";monster "eden_dun03",87,218,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";monster "eden_dun03",87,217,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";monster "eden_dun03",87,216,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";end;OndsBdead:set $mobs,$mobs-1;if($mobs == 0){ announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: As Barridacas foram Destruidas!!",8; }if($mobs == 0){ announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: E os Baús Apareceram vão destrui-los !!!",8; goto Ondsbox; }end;//BausOndsbox:set $mobs,8;areamonster "eden_dun03",32,200,50,195,"Baú Perdido",2855,4,"DS3::Ondsboxdead";areamonster "eden_dun03",60,190,20,200,"Baú Perdido",2855,4,"DS3::Ondsboxdead";setcell "eden_dun03",86,220,86,216,cell_walkable,1;end;Ondsboxdead:set $mobs,$mobs-1;if($mobs == 0){ announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: A última Caixa do Tesouro foi destruída!",8;announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: Obrigado a todos que participaram.",8;disablenpc "[DG]Entrada Dungeo Guild";disablenpc "Entrada Dungeo";disablenpc "darkmall1";sleep2 7000;mapwarp "eden_dun03","prontera",150,150;

    You missed an end; after OndsBdead: label, so after first kill it went straight to Ondsbox: label.


    Also, in your Ondsbox: label amount of monsters does not correspond with $mobs variable, so I made each areamonster spawn 4 monsters. You can change it back to 1 and set $mobs to 2 instead, depending on what you want.

  3. Are you sure you configured the script properly?

            // If the room has left over monsters while nobody in the room and the room not give up yet, shall we kill monsters in empty room ?        set .killmonster, 1; // Default is yes

    Change 1 to 0.

  4. I'm assuming you're using basic reset NPC from the Hercules, and it uses sc_end SC_ALL? If so:


    Have you tried editing sc_config.txt in /db/?


    Statuses connected to job/base exp icrease are SC_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP and SC_CASH_PLUSEXP, the needed flag you can adjust yourself reading the explanation at the start of file.

  5. To be honest, I learned most of the things just from reading documentation /swt


    Easiest way to find out is open /doc/script_commands.txt and find the command there. That's the best method, or you can use this site, but It's not up-to-date with Hercules commands and works better if you're looking for some particular basic command.

    callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,20,600;

    All the following numbers are arguments, which are used within function itself to determine the outcome, they are fetched from within function via getarg(N) command. Their indexes start from 0 and go on forward, like getarg(0) will return 5, and getarg(3) will return 20.


    According to function itself, here's what arguments are used for:

    First argument: index - 0, value - 5, determines what kind of message Kafra will display before calling menu;

    Second argument: index - 1, value - 0, determines what menu Kafra will call out;

    Third argument: index - 2, value - 1, passed on to F_KafInfo function, determines Information provided when menu option "Check Other Information" is selected;

    Fourth argument: index - 3, value - 20, passed on to F_KafStor function, determines cost of opening storage;

    Fifth argument: index - 4, value - 600, passed on to F_KafCart function, determines cost of renting a cart.


    When you want to find out what each number means for each function call, open said function script and check out where getarg(N) is called.

  6. Find functions_kafras.txt in /npc/kafras/, find this part of code under function F_Kafra:

    switch(getarg(1)){				// Save and Storage only				case 1:	setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Cancel"; break;				// Storage only				case 2:	setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Cancel"; break;				// No Teleport (Common)				case 3: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break;				// Case 4 is Einbroch no tele message.				// No save, or teleport. (Common)				case 5:	setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break;				// Storage and Check Other Information only.				case 6:	setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break;				// Save, Storage, and Pushcart only (Kafra Warehouse)				case 7:	setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Cancel"; break;				// Save, Storage, Other Check information. (Turbo track)				case 8: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break;				// No Save (Rune Knight)				case 9: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Use Teleport Service","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break;				// Storage, Save, and Pushcart (Dewata, reorder of case 7)				case 10: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Save","Rent a Pushcart","Cancel"; break;				// Default message (obsolete)				default: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Use Teleport Service","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break;			}

    Add in an option for desired Kafras, basic change would be to add "Use Guild Storage" after "Use Storage" under default:


    It'll end up like this:

    // Default message (obsolete)default: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Use Guild Storage","Use Teleport Service","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break;


    You can add in that for every kafra kind you need, for which Kafra calls which kind check function call from kafra script itself:


    callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,20,600;

    2nd number shows which case will be called (if there's no such number, default is called, so in this examle "default" case is called).

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