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Everything posted by Garr

  1. Try this: function script soullink { switch ( BaseJob ) { case 18: .@spirit = 445; break; case 20: case 15: .@spirit = 447; break; case 19: .@spirit = 455; break; case 4047: .@spirit = 448; break; case 17: .@spirit = 456; break; case 16: .@spirit = 449; break; case 12: .@spirit = 457; break; case 14: .@spirit = 450; break; case 10: .@spirit = 458; break; case 23: .@spirit = 451; break; case 11: .@spirit = 460; break; case 7: .@spirit = 452; break; case 4049: .@spirit = 461; break; case 8: .@spirit = 454; break; case 9: .@spirit = 453; break; } sc_start4 SC_SOULLINK, -1, 5, .@spirit,0,0; skilleffect .@spirit, 5; // Start Soul Link Effect. end;} (I don't know why there was .@j there instead of SC_SOULLINK or 185, but since it's not initialized anywhere it started status #0, which is SC_STONE) Otherwise it should work, I used something like this once and it was providing full link benefits.
  2. Change this part to wanted time to start: OnClock0016:OnClock0310:OnClock0625:OnClock0918:OnClock1228:OnClock1540:OnClock1829:OnClock2042:// Edit this to what ever you want. note : OnClock0000 is 12 midnight and OnClock1200 is 12 NoonOnClock2250: OnMinute25: For example, every 3 hours starting at midnight would be: OnClock0000:OnClock0300:OnClock0600:OnClock0900:OnClock1200:OnClock1500:OnClock1800:OnClock2100: Format is OnClockhhmm:, where hh stands for wanted hour (24-hour format), and mm stands for minutes, like 3.20pm would be OnClock1520:
  3. Find in db/(pre-)re/item_db.conf: { Id: 607 AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry" Name: "Yggdrasil Berry" Type: 0 Buy: 5000 Weight: 300 Upper: 63 BuyingStore: true Delay: 5000 Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">}, and delete "Delay: 5000" line.
  4. Strange, that's only one of 2 places where killmonsterall is applied, other being renting the room. Are you sure you ran @reloadscript or restarted server after making the change to the script and saving it?
  5. Garr

    problems Event

    I didn't really understood what you wanted, but here goes: setcell "eden_dun03",86,220,86,216,cell_walkable,0;announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: E as Barricadas Apareceram vão destrui-las !!!",8; goto OndsBarri; }end;//BarricadasOndsBarri:set $mobs,5;monster "eden_dun03",87,220,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";monster "eden_dun03",87,219,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";monster "eden_dun03",87,218,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";monster "eden_dun03",87,217,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";monster "eden_dun03",87,216,"Barricadas da DG",1905,1,"DS3::OndsBdead";end;OndsBdead:set $mobs,$mobs-1;if($mobs == 0){ announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: As Barridacas foram Destruidas!!",8; }if($mobs == 0){ announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: E os Baús Apareceram vão destrui-los !!!",8; goto Ondsbox; }end;//BausOndsbox:set $mobs,8;areamonster "eden_dun03",32,200,50,195,"Baú Perdido",2855,4,"DS3::Ondsboxdead";areamonster "eden_dun03",60,190,20,200,"Baú Perdido",2855,4,"DS3::Ondsboxdead";setcell "eden_dun03",86,220,86,216,cell_walkable,1;end;Ondsboxdead:set $mobs,$mobs-1;if($mobs == 0){ announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: A última Caixa do Tesouro foi destruída!",8;announce "[ Dungeo Guild ]: Obrigado a todos que participaram.",8;disablenpc "[DG]Entrada Dungeo Guild";disablenpc "Entrada Dungeo";disablenpc "darkmall1";sleep2 7000;mapwarp "eden_dun03","prontera",150,150; You missed an end; after OndsBdead: label, so after first kill it went straight to Ondsbox: label. Also, in your Ondsbox: label amount of monsters does not correspond with $mobs variable, so I made each areamonster spawn 4 monsters. You can change it back to 1 and set $mobs to 2 instead, depending on what you want.
  6. Are you sure you configured the script properly? // If the room has left over monsters while nobody in the room and the room not give up yet, shall we kill monsters in empty room ? set .killmonster, 1; // Default is yes Change 1 to 0.
  7. I'm assuming you're using basic reset NPC from the Hercules, and it uses sc_end SC_ALL? If so: Have you tried editing sc_config.txt in /db/? Statuses connected to job/base exp icrease are SC_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP and SC_CASH_PLUSEXP, the needed flag you can adjust yourself reading the explanation at the start of file.
  8. To be honest, I learned most of the things just from reading documentation /swt Easiest way to find out is open /doc/script_commands.txt and find the command there. That's the best method, or you can use this site, but It's not up-to-date with Hercules commands and works better if you're looking for some particular basic command. callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,20,600; All the following numbers are arguments, which are used within function itself to determine the outcome, they are fetched from within function via getarg(N) command. Their indexes start from 0 and go on forward, like getarg(0) will return 5, and getarg(3) will return 20. According to function itself, here's what arguments are used for: First argument: index - 0, value - 5, determines what kind of message Kafra will display before calling menu; Second argument: index - 1, value - 0, determines what menu Kafra will call out; Third argument: index - 2, value - 1, passed on to F_KafInfo function, determines Information provided when menu option "Check Other Information" is selected; Fourth argument: index - 3, value - 20, passed on to F_KafStor function, determines cost of opening storage; Fifth argument: index - 4, value - 600, passed on to F_KafCart function, determines cost of renting a cart. When you want to find out what each number means for each function call, open said function script and check out where getarg(N) is called.
  9. Find functions_kafras.txt in /npc/kafras/, find this part of code under function F_Kafra: switch(getarg(1)){ // Save and Storage only case 1: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Cancel"; break; // Storage only case 2: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Cancel"; break; // No Teleport (Common) case 3: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // Case 4 is Einbroch no tele message. // No save, or teleport. (Common) case 5: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // Storage and Check Other Information only. case 6: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // Save, Storage, and Pushcart only (Kafra Warehouse) case 7: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Cancel"; break; // Save, Storage, Other Check information. (Turbo track) case 8: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // No Save (Rune Knight) case 9: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Rent a Pushcart","Use Teleport Service","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; // Storage, Save, and Pushcart (Dewata, reorder of case 7) case 10: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Use Storage","Save","Rent a Pushcart","Cancel"; break; // Default message (obsolete) default: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Use Teleport Service","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; } Add in an option for desired Kafras, basic change would be to add "Use Guild Storage" after "Use Storage" under default: It'll end up like this: // Default message (obsolete)default: setarray @K_Menu0$[0],"Save","Use Storage","Use Guild Storage","Use Teleport Service","Rent a Pushcart","Check Other Information","Cancel"; break; You can add in that for every kafra kind you need, for which Kafra calls which kind check function call from kafra script itself: callfunc "F_Kafra",5,0,1,20,600; 2nd number shows which case will be called (if there's no such number, default is called, so in this examle "default" case is called).
  10. I'd think it's rather part of /conf/battle/player.conf
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