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Posts posted by Garr

  1. Iirc for instances you can't use such long map names, limit is like 6 or 7 characters, I don't quite remember.


    Client is crashing because your instance map name gets cut off, and is sent to client like "1@eleme" or something. Try to make map name shorter (4~5 characters after "@", 4 just to be sure) or use map name emulation (you'd still need to change map name client-side, but that'll be easy since you already set resnametable entries.)

  2. There's no "must" as far as I know. It's preferable, yes, but not more than that. If there's more than 1 login event they just all queue up and start one after another. It's ~same with onpcdeath and onpclogout events.


    Do you get any errors in the console when you try to login?

  3. about idnum2itemresnametable, it depends on your client version

    2011 upto present support iteminfo.lua or iteminfo.lub


    Well, actually, clients till 2012-04-10 (including) are reading idnum files. After that date they use iteminfo.lua

  4. Hmm. But that will also need additional calls to this if status will get changed. Because iirc by default party info changes when player either logs off/on or changes map. Also, may change character name limit to 17 to avoid name cutting (most nicknames are under 12~15 characters anyway).

  5. *warp "<map name>",<x>,<y>;This command will take the invoking character to the specified map, and if wanted, specified coordinates too, but these can be random.	warp "place",50,55;This would take them to X 50 Y 55 on the map called "place". If your X and Y coordinates land on an unwalkable map square, it will send the warped character to a random place. Same will happen if they are both zero:	warp "place",0,0;Notice that while warping people to coordinates 0,0 will normally get them into a random place, it's not certain to always be so. Darned if I know where this is actually coded, it might be that this happens because square 0,0 is unwalkable on all official maps. Beware if you're using custom maps.There are also three special 'map names' you can use:"Random" will warp the player randomly on the current map."Save" and "SavePoint" will warp the player back to their save point.

    Especially 2 last lines.

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