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Everything posted by Alayne

  1. Hi peoples, just wanted to notice that If you're willing to test those contents, I'm currently releasing a server that will allow you to do so (through specific functions). Here's for more infos: Ragnarok Underground Online
  2. those variables means "start an event at 5, start an event at 6. If 0, then doesn't start, if 1 then start"
  3. both will be available, so you'd be able to test on your favorite one. You'll just have to edit the clientinfo according to the server you want to connect to.
  4. Hello people, so you know it, I'm currently building a test server, which will be running freely with some kind of auto gestion. It'll contains all my scripts, plus those I find cool, and can therefor be played freely, to test or simply to play. Gonna release the address / forum / client soon (Won't do a website, as I don't know how to, but still)
  5. Yep you need to add them to your mapcache through the resnametable reference add. For the worldboss, probably missed one, gonna check that. Edit: Allright, should be okay now, but I can't test it now, sorry, I'm at work.
  6. @MikZ resnametable have been added. Gonna look for the worldboss issue. Edit: Allright, fixed and pushed. You can get the last version from my github, tell me if you find other issues
  7. Hey nice...According to the doc: For example: announce("This announcement will be shown to everyone in green.", bc_all, 0x00FF00); Will display a global announce in green. The color format is in RGB (0xRRGGBB). So basically, it shouldn't break at all...It's been a while since I last run my hercules so it might a bit outdated, but as announce have sometime to be triggered without players, I don't see how it's possible that a player should absolutely be linked... Did you changed something on the script? Cause it's not supposed to be a string as last argument, but announce "[ System ] World Boss appeared in " + .@chosenMap$ + " !",bc_map,0xFF0000;
  8. Sorry thought it was allready in the release. Gonna add it tonight, as I don't have it with me right now.
  9. Okay so two things. The MapFlag isn't mandatory, you can simply unload it. Just apply there the mapflags you wanna use. Gonna fix the incorrect maps in it. For the maze's maps, they're added through resnametable. Did you updated your mapcache with the given file? Edit: you can retrieve the last version of YggdrasilMapFlag.txt on my github
  10. Just released a bunch of new scripts. Allthought, those scripts were initially developped and tested, but may still contains issue. Feel free to report / fix them directly on github! Release contains: System/Crafting - Allow players to register to a guild, which can craft some specific items (pastry, magic scrolls, tailoring...) System/DungeonHall - Advanced Guild Housing. Allow guilds to buy a town and use them as base. They'll then have to manage food stocks (which will change the food available in restaurant, bar...), dungeon (one per town) and it's content (by catching mobs and poping it on the dungeon), access to fields... System/Fisherman - Fishing system System/Miner - Mining system System/Mercenary - Allow players to register as mercenaries, and then be hired by other players (through a contract) to fullfill a specific task System/Prime Hunter - Allow players to put a reward on someone's head, and Prime hunters (registered players) to hunt those target for the reward System/Steel Soul - Allow players to bind their soul to a given weapon, evolving through mob killing, and possibly able to gain bonuses (through random option) Feel free to report any issues, and i'll try to fix it as soon as possible
  11. @SirKalimus do you still need this? I have somewhere in my package
  12. @Tio Akima I don't know if you still need this, but if it requires a skill, it's a source edit, not a script. Otherwise, I can provide some item summoning items.
  13. Alayne

    Guild Buffer NPC

    That may be due to the application of an unsupported buff. I got this on rathena, perhaps it happens on herc too (need a source editor to confirm that though).
  14. Alayne


    Here you are. Can't test it right now, but this should do the job. Tell me if you have some issues. AutoMvp.txt AutoResPvp.txt
  15. How do you store the donation infos? For it to be usable on npcs, it needs to be at least stored somewhere in database. Is it?
  16. Update from 04/12/2017: Update instances from rathena output. Can still contains errors, especially here on Herc. If you have any issue, please report so I can fix them as quick as possible Added bunch of quest. Added Events Added Systems Added Instances side quests for items selling + enchant (ROC, LR)
  17. Don't worry peoples, I didn't forgot you. I'm just stabilizing the release with rathena boards back infos, and I'll update the herc version after that. On the mean time, you can get the quests and others things that are not instances ^^.
  18. @Questune09 Done for the map. @Lionheart the links are on instance and quest section, only ones provided by now, but it'll get more and more ^^
  19. < Alayne's Script Collection > After several asks, here's a link to my github Feel free to comment or add anything that might be usefull and that I won't think of I've decided to release my scripts here, it'll be easier to me so I can duplicate it on hercules and rathena rather than uploading twice. So sorry for multiple upload between there and download section Don't mind the name Nyliar in the git, that's me too ^^ < Instances > < Quests > < Event > < PvP Content > < Utilities > < Full Systems > < Dungeons > < Raid > < Battleground >
  20. The command bonus_script doesn't exists on herc, and afaik, there's no equivalent here.
  21. Its hard to say without having all the infos, but if you're added your script on the OnEquipScript, the bonus will apply only when you equip it, as intended. If that's on the Script section itself, dunno how it works though, but you can add a little npc script which will check the time (night / day) each time a monster is killed and the player has this weapon equipped for instance. So you'll be able to change it on need.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    This script contains a quest where an old adventurer will sing you a song, and where you'll have to ascomplish each step to become an adventurer yourself. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the reward variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward (on OnChooseItem). Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one
  23. View File Veteran Quest This script contains a quest where an old adventurer will sing you a song, and where you'll have to ascomplish each step to become an adventurer yourself. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the reward variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward (on OnChooseItem). Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one Submitter Alayne Submitted 11/22/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  24. View File Strange Surgeon This script contains a quest where you'll be asked to help a surgeon to find a new place to work. It can also handle a changesex for players. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward. Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one Submitter Alayne Submitted 11/22/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
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